


Yusuffauzi · Action
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68 Chs

Thirteen Blood Stained Hall

Many people couldn't help exclaiming when they saw Fang Xiaoyu.

  Yu Zhenhai looked at Fang Xiaoyu's brow furrowed, but soon he sneered: "Fang Xiaoyu, it doesn't matter if you are here, even if you don't come, I will look for you. Now you are in the trap. I have worked hard."

  Fang Xiaoyu coldly turned to the dozens of Red Flower Congregations standing around and turned towards Yu Zhenhai, and said with a bit of disdain: "A group of dirty and nasty people, how can the Red Flower Society make you such a group of beasts inferior? Scum."

  "Give me all and kill Fang Xiaoyu for me."

  Dozens of congregations heard the words, look at me, I look at you, as one yelled, everyone rushed towards Fang Xiaoyu.

  If the most exciting scene in the original play, it was the scene where Fang Shiyu was restored to the Red Flower Society's bloody battle with hundreds of Red Flower Society congregations.

  The west wind whipped up the fallen leaves, a wave of murderous air.

  Now Fang Xiaoyu is in a strong suit, carrying several sharp long knives. It is an elegant natural number sword, but when it comes to the speed and convenience of killing, it is naturally Kaifeng long knife.

  With a shake of his hand, a piece of black cloth over his eyes, Fang Xiaoyu said indifferently: "Brothers, today I will kill, but I don't want to see the blood of my old brothers. It's too late to withdraw now, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

  "go to hell."

  Just as Fang Xiaoyu blindfolded, and the voice just fell, the congregation closest to Fang Xiaoyu thought it could take advantage, shouted, drew out a big knife and slashed towards Fang Xiaoyu.

  Fang Xiaoyu blindfolded his eyes and immediately felt that his eyes were dark, and under the high concentration of spirit, the wind and grass around him suddenly became clearer.

  The big knife came through the air, and Fang Xiaoyu, who was blindfolded for the first time to fight with someone, automatically showed the situation of his opponent swinging a knife in his mind. He moved with his heart, drew the knife and cut out, and he heard a chuckle. Fang Xiaoyu and the other party Staggered and moved forward slowly.

  The face of the man behind him was full of unbelievable color, and a piece of blood spurted out of his chest, his body softened and he couldn't catch his eyes.


  Several people rushed up screaming again, Fang Xiaoyu waved his long knife to block and chop, the sword was simple and sharp, and every knife cut brought out a touch of blood.

  Surrounded by several people, Fang Xiaoyu walked out unscathed, while the several people who besieged Fang Xiaoyu lost their breath.

  Yu Zhenhai yelled: "Are they all dead? What do you dare to do, kill him for me!"

  The people who reacted howled and rushed towards Fang Xiaoyu, their faces were extremely hideous, but it was a pity that no matter how hideous their faces were, they couldn't scare the blindfolded Fang Xiaoyu.

  A single stroke seemed so mysterious. Fang Xiaoyu felt as if he had entered a mysterious realm. Although his eyes were covered, the wind and grass around him were all in him.

  I didn't know how many long knives in his hand were changed. Fang Xiaoyu's long knives pierced into the abdomen of a congregation and pushed the other party back all the way. The long knives in his hands were pulled out, and blood flowed down the blade.

  There was a bloody breath in the huge hall. In addition to the people who fell to the ground by poisoning, fewer than ten people were able to stand there at this time.

  Those of Yu Zhenhai's subordinates only took a few moments and only less than ten people remained, and at least thirty or forty people fell under Fang Xiaoyu's sword.


  It seemed that he was frightened by Fang Xiaoyu. I don't know who shouted, and saw the few remaining people turning around like cats and mice and fleeing.

  Yu Zhenhai, who was sitting steadily, looked at Fang Xiaoyu with a sullen expression at this time, holding the armrest on the chair with his big hand, he heard a click, and the armrest was twisted by Yu Zhenhai.

  Taking off the gauze covering his face, he scanned the hall and looked at the corpses lying on the floor. Fang Xiaoyu sighed and stared at Yu Zhenhai finally.

  Yu Zhenhai slapped the table fiercely, jumped up, kicked out with a chain of legs, very sharp, Fang Xiaoyu kept blocking with both hands, I have to say that Yu Zhenhai's strength is really strong, even if Fang Xiaoyu is under Zhenhai's fierce attack. Can not help but back again and again.

  Both arms shook violently, Fang Xiaoyu stepped back for a few steps before stabilizing his figure, and looked at Yu Zhenhai coldly.

  Yu Zhenhai touched his bald head, smiled, and pounced again.

  This time Fang Xiaoyu was prepared, and the two of them fought fiercely.

  Fang Xiaoyu's punch was on Zhenhai's chest, and Yu Zhenhai also kicked Chinese Fang Xiaoyu's calf.

  There was a sharp pain in the leg, and Fang Xiaoyu staggered and almost fell to the ground. He really did not expect Yu Zhenhai to be so strong. I really don't know how Fang Shiyu defeated this incomparable Yu Zhenhai in the original drama. .

Yu Zhenhai was so shocked that in the huge Red Flower Club, Yu Zhenhai's strength is definitely one of the best, even Chen Jialuo may not be able to win it.

  Yu Zhenhai, who has always believed that his strength is unmatched, actually did not take Fang Xiaoyu to heart. However, it was just a fight, and Yu Zhenhai was shocked to find that Fang Xiaoyu's strength was even comparable to his.

  Especially after being kicked in the calf by him, even Lianjiazi would be kicked and broken in his spare time, but just looking at Fang Xiaoyu's reaction, it was obvious that the other party had to bear it.

  Thinking of Fang Xiaoyu's ancestry, Yu Zhenhai gritted his teeth and said, "Is King Kong not bad for the magic?"

  Fang Xiaoyu's numb calf finally recovered after a few breaths. He listened to Yu Zhenhai's words: "Yes, it is the magic power of King Kong that does not harm the body."

  Feeling the sharp pain on the calf, Fang Xiaoyu secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he practiced the magical power of King Kong incorruption. His horizontal kung fu was extremely powerful and his ability to resist attacks was amazing. Only then was he able to withstand a serious injury from Yu Zhenhai. If not, I'm afraid that the bones and tendons are broken.

  "Even if you are cast with copper and iron, I will tear you apart!"

  With a violent shout, Yu Zhenhai directed Fang Xiaoyu to another storm-like offensive. The tide of offensive swept through, and Fang Xiaoyu felt like a flat boat in the waves could capsize at any time.

  But in Zhenhai's eyes, Fang Xiaoyu seemed to be a reef in the stormy sea, letting the wind and waves beat, I stood still.

  Suddenly, Fang Xiaoyu saw the opportunity, and a hand knife hit Zhenhai's leg. That blow could be said to contain.... 100% of Fang Xiaoyu's strength, and he heard a click. Yu Zhenhai's leg bones were born by Fang Xiaoyu. It broke.

  With a grunt, Yu Zhenhai stumbled back a few steps, and finally stabilized his figure. He glanced at his painful left leg, Yu Zhenhai's eyes showed fear and hatred.

  Fang Xiaoyu still knows the truth when he is sick and kills him. Seeing that Yu Zhenhai had a leg abolished by him, and his strength was almost 70% on one pair of legs, Yu Zhenhai had a leg abolished, which meant that The strength was cut by five or six points.

  Next, although Yu Zhenhai's desperate counterattack was mentioned, Fang Xiaoyu's counterattack was very fierce. Yu Zhenhai, who was repeatedly recruited, was flushed with blood spurting out. As Fang Xiaoyu swept through with one blow, Yu Zhenhai was directly attacked by Fang Xiaoyu. Kicked out, hit the wall heavily, and squatted down against the wall. He just squatted down in the corner of the wall. The blood in his mouth was mixed with the broken parts of the internal organs, and his eyes were wide open. Twitching, gradually disappeared.

  Seeing Yu Zhenhai smoke, Fang Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, she felt sore all over her body. You must know that Yu Zhenhai's strength is not weaker than him. The reason why he was killed is completely because of his resistance. With strong fighting ability, it took advantage of Yu Zhenhai.

  If Yu Zhenhai had a weapon in his hand, it would break Fang Xiaoyu's defense, I am afraid that the result would be a different scene.

In any case, the **** was finally eliminated, and the medicine was found from Yu Zhenhai, and Fang Xiaoyu relieved everyone in the hall from the poison.

  Everyone was naturally extremely grateful to Fang Xiaoyu, but Fang Xiaoyu, who had finished socializing with everyone, entered a secluded room with Chen Jialuo.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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