


Yusuffauzi · Action
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68 Chs

Gathering the Nebula

Through Fang Xiaoyu's guidance, Zhao Ming and the two discovered the number and tightness of the sentries deployed by the Japanese army. In the end, both Zhao Ming couldn't help showing a frustrated look on their faces and said: "God slain, the defense is so tight. There is no way."

  Fang Xiaoyu also smiled bitterly. If there are too many people, you can try to make a shock. Even if the devils in the city are disturbed by this, as long as they can take away the remains of General Wang, it is worth it. The key point is that they add up to three people. One.

  After a long silence, Zhao Ming suddenly raised his head to look at Fang Xiaoyu and said: "Platoon leader Fang, the two of us are responsible for leading away a part of the devil who is stationed here. The rest is up to you!"

  Either Zhao Ming, who was responsible for taking away the Japanese army, or Fang Xiaoyu, who was responsible for rushing into the yard and taking away Wang Mingzhang's body, would bear great risks.

  It can be said that Zhao Ming and the others took their own lives to lure the Japanese away, and Fang Xiaoyu was also desperate.

  After taking a deep look at the two of them, Fang Xiaoyu nodded heavily and said: "Okay, even if I fight my life, I will definitely bring out the body of the teacher."

  Hearing Fang Xiaoyu's words, Zhao Ming and Zhao Ming had smiles on their faces. In Fang Xiaoyu's eyes, their smiles were so peaceful and holy.

  The two saluted Fang Xiaoyu and turned and disappeared into the night. Fang Xiaoyu watched the two disappear, and sighed slightly. They were afraid that they would die or not.

  Without thinking about anything else, Fang Xiaoyu hid his figure in the darkness. Not long after, gunshots rang out, and a devil soldier guarding the compound fell to the ground, and the devil around him were startled.

  Immediately there was a squad of devil soldiers with guns, and under the leadership of the small squad leader, they chased in the direction where the gunfire came.

  And Fang Xiaoyu seized this opportunity and sneaked into the compound by taking advantage of the chaos of the devils mobilizing the troops.

  Fang Xiaoyu, who was shocked in a cold sweat, finally entered the compound without any risk. Fang Xiaoyu concentrating on a secret investigation, found out several secret whistles in the courtyard.

  Fortunately, the Japanese army was tight on the outside and loose on the inside. More attention was paid to the outer guard. There were only three secret guards in the compound.

  After quietly touching off the three secret whistle, Fang Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief and went straight to the main hall.

  At the entrance of the main hall, I saw a devil soldier holding a gun sitting on the threshold and dropping his head continuously. It was obviously not lightly sleepy.

  A hand knife slashed on the devil's neck, and he heard a click. The devil soldier went to see the emperor in his sleep.

  At a glance, he saw the body of General Wang Mingzhang lying on a door panel in the main hall.

  A devil squad leader was leaning against Zhengxiang who was sleeping on an imperial teacher's chair that he did not know where it was scoured. It snored like thunder. No wonder Fang Xiaoyu didn't alarm the Japanese squad leader when he killed the soldier at the door.

  Stepping forward, Fang Xiaoyu held the captain's neck and twisted it fiercely. He heard a click and opened his eyes. The captain who was shocked and incredulous only remembered Fang Xiaoyu's face. It was completely breathless.

  At this time, there were no other people in the room except him. Standing next to General Wang Mingzhang's body, Fang Xiaoyu saluted him, and with two strokes he took the weapons from the Japanese captain and found them again. After finishing the rope, he worked hard and finally tied the body of General Wang Mingzhang on his back.

  If ordinary people carry a corpse on their backs, they will probably be out of breath. However, Fang Xiaoyu has no problem. He had traveled a dozen miles back to the city with hundreds of kilograms of arms.

  Carrying the body of General Wang Mingzhang on his back, Fang Xiaoyu left the compound on the original road, but fortunately no devils discovered the shocking changes in the yard, otherwise Fang Xiaoyu would definitely be able to stop him.

  After finally leaving the compound, Fang Xiaoyu felt relieved and looked at the remains of General Wang Mingzhang behind him and whispered, "Master, let's go together!"

  Fang Xiaoyu dived into the night after speaking.

  It is not difficult to leave Teng County. After all, the huge city of Teng County has long been bombarded by the Japanese army. The Japanese army can guard the city gate, but there are definitely not so many troops to block all the gaps.

  Besides, it was impossible for the Japanese army to spend their energy on this, so Fang Xiaoyu went out of the city smoothly.

  Looking at the starry sky and identifying the direction, Fang Xiaoyu determined the location of Taierzhuang and went straight to Taierzhuang.

  Taierzhuang is located at the junction of Sulu and Luzhou, in the south of Zaozhuang, on the north bank of the Grand Canal 30 kilometers northeast of Xuzhou, on the railway branch line from Lincheng (now Xuecheng District of Zaozhuang City) to Zhaodun, connecting Jinpu Road in the north and Longhai Line in the south It is adjacent to the South Four Lakes to the west. It is the gate to the southeast of the mountain and the gateway to Xuzhou. It is the last barrier to the south of Xuzhou. The world-famous Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal traverses the entire territory. The battleground for military strategists was the first battleground for the Japanese army to attack Xuzhou.

  Hurrying overnight, with Fang Xiaoyu's feet, even with Wang Mingzhang's body on his back, he rushed to Taierzhuang.

  Looking at Taierzhuang in the distance is like a fierce beast entrenched on the land of Sulu. It was called the world's first village by Emperor Qianlong. Even if it is now spread by war, it is still extraordinary.

  Although Taierzhuang is an ancient town, most of the buildings in it are made of bluestone, which is no worse than the city. It can be said that the buildings in it may not be razed to the ground under the idle bombardment.

  It is precisely because of this that Taierzhuang will become the focus of contention between China and Japan. The Japanese army wants to take down Taierzhuang, take Xuzhou directly, and win the battle of Xuzhou. Similarly, China also chose Taierzhuang to block the Japanese army and protect the situation in Xuzhou. The Japanese army suffered heavy losses.

  So far, the two sides combined hundreds of thousands of soldiers gathered within a hundred miles around Taierzhuang. The **** one can be described as gathering the stars, Li Zongren, Li Pinxian, Zhang Zizhong, Sun Lianzhong, Tang Enbo, Pang Bingxun, Sun Zhen, Chi Fengcheng and so on. The generals gathered together.

  On the Japanese side of the North China Front Army Temple Touichi, Toshizo Nishio of the Second Front Army, the two masters, the fifth division Shiro Kensei Shiro, the tenth division leader Isoya Rensuke, also flickered the stars.

  It was already March 19 when Fang Xiaoyu arrived at Taierzhuang. At this time, the Jigu Division took advantage of the momentum of the capture of Teng County and took advantage of Lincheng. Zaozhuang, like Teng County, fell on the 18th. So far, The Japanese Bingfeng pointed directly at Taierzhuang.

  Before getting close to Taierzhuang, Fang Xiaoyu was discovered by several sentries.

  Several soldiers shouted at Fang Xiaoyu with rifles: "Who?"

  Fang Xiaoyu carried the body of General Wang Mingzhang and ran all night, even if he was full of energy, he could not sustain it. The reason why he was able to hold on for such a long time was entirely dependent on his breath. Therefore, when he saw the soldiers of the **** side, Fang Xiaoyu felt relieved, and only had time to report his number, explaining that he was carrying the body of General Wang Mingzhang and then fainted.

  Several soldiers looked at Fang Xiaoyu's faint with stunned expressions, especially when they learned that Fang Xiaoyu was carrying the body of the 122nd Division 1st Division.