

A dark cloudless night, the silence was dominant amongst the houses. Appeared the sound of footsteps and wails of a child. Came running a robed woman holding a seemingly normal child, then came the men donned in armor.

Exhaustion crawled upon the child's protector, like a hand dragging her down. The looming sense of danger chilled her bones and gnawing at her rationality. The fear-stricken woman not knowing what to do took a turn down an alley, running hoping to get away from her pursuers, but her fear kept on growing. Something was wrong, dangerously so untell she saw it, the alley was a dead-end.

Not knowing what to do, the figure tried hiding the child. The men came from the open end of the alley, out of the group came a man with a marking on the armor to show that he is of higher standing than the others. He then spoke to the woman in a very calm and collected matter "Miss give the child back, he is dangerous and needs to be handled properly by our men." The woman heaving as she stated "No you will not take this boy, I know what you'll do with him. He is not a weapon, HE IS A CHILD!". The man amused by her words retorted "Oh, you know quite a bit about the boy, I wonder how it is that you know so much." The woman was about to speak but was interrupted by a deafening roar then a beam of flames came raining upon the men.

With shaky legs, the women started running out of the alleyway searching for a place to put the child. after 4-5 hours of searching, she found an orphanage to keep the child. Even with barely any attachment to the boy, she started weeping. After running for so long, trying to keep the child safe, and surviving the pillar of flames, she was sad to depart with him and to have there journey to come to end. she wiped away the tears, got up from the baby, and knocked on the door than she left in a hurry, she was not to be seen untell much later.


Nyla woke to the sound of four consecutive knocks on her door, coming to check on whos there. What she found was a young child covered in a cloth, finding nobody outside she brought the boy inside. Taking a look at she found out he was not a human baby or at least not a full one. Bone like horns protruding from the forehead to a semi curve, pointed ears, and small tear like marking under the eyes. Dark brown hair covering his colorless eyes, Nyla thought he could possibly be blind.

Nyla kept on searching for any other defining features of the boy, untell she came across a pendant, on the said pendant was the name Seth Forter. "Hmm, so your name is Seth. Curious, that's a very uncommon name nowadays." Stated the woman as she brought the child into the orphanage.

"Who is that?" asked a curious Setsu, "Family" Nyla replied.

Hey, I'm a new author, it would be cool if you could give me some feedback. I hope you enjoy my book

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