
Original Realm: I Can Gain Ultimate Intelligence by Leveling Up

Update Daily! 9 AM PST ---------------------- Sebastian, a seasoned gamer, entered the world of the widely-anticipated online game "Original Realm" as it commenced service amidst the watchful eyes of the world. Initially planning to be nothing more than a casual player earning some spare change, he unexpectedly bound himself to the Ultimate Intelligence System. [Bing! Host has successfully leveled up! You have earned one opportunity to pull from the intelligence banner.] [Bing! Host has pull a purple intel — 'The Specter of the Ancient Mage'.] [Host can access this intel at any time!] From that moment on, Sebastian harbored intelligence unbeknownst to other players and even the game development company itself. Leveraging this trove of secrets, he ceaselessly fortified himself, scaling to the pinnacle of various leaderboards with unparalleled ease... ---------------------- WSA 2023 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

Steamed_Soup_Dumpl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
214 Chs

Chapter32-The Ashen Set

Sebastian gazed at the Ashen Set among the epic-grade items, which only required a level 20 to equip, perfectly suited for his current state. 

Moreover, with the half-off discount, the price for a single piece of equipment was about 200 gold coins, which was still within Sebastian's budget.

After purchasing the equipment for himself, Sebastian used the remaining gold coins to acquire unique-grade items. 

He bought these items at half price, knowing that he could sell them later for a substantial profit. 

The only regret was that he wasn't wealthy enough to buy out the entire inventory.

"Distinguished guest, have you completed your purchases?" The Mysterious Merchant asked with a courteous smile.

Sebastian nodded in affirmation.

"Well then, until next time," the Mysterious Merchant remarked, then vanished before Sebastian's eyes.

Sebastian took a deep breath, realizing he'd nearly exhausted all his funds with that shopping spree. 

He glanced around at the poisonous mist that shrouded the surroundings and then at his almost full experience bar. 

His gaze settled on the swamp monsters.

"Since I'm here, I might as well make the most of it." Saying this, Sebastian summoned Breeze and advanced towards a monster.

[Toxic Mist Toad]

[Level: 15]

[HP: 2000]

[MP: 3000]

[Skills: Venom Spray, Soul Solidification, Leaping Strike...]


The moment Sebastian entered its territory, the vivid green toad suddenly leaped into the air. 

It rushed at him with astounding speed, opening its wide mouth to spew a stream of deep-green venom. 

Recognizing the danger, Sebastian swiftly retreated, signaling Breeze to launch an attack.

A howl pierced the air as Breeze cried out, opening its maw to unleash a sweeping frost, slowing down the venom's assault. 

Meanwhile, Sebastian behind began chanting his skill. 

The synergy between man and wolf, now honed to perfection, effortlessly took down the [Toxic Mist Toad] that soon collapsed, transforming into a luminescent orb of rewards. 

Sebastian continued his onslaught on other monsters.

Two hours later, after slaying a serpentine monster, a radiant white glow enveloped Sebastian.

He'd leveled up!

After relentless efforts, Sebastian had finally attained level 20.

Ding! "Upon reaching level 20, you've earned an opportunity to change class. Please proceed to the Class Change Hall to receive your class change quest."

A notification rang in Sebastian's ears the moment he reached the milestone. 

Within the game mechanics, every 20 levels achieved grants a player the chance to change class. 

This feature allows for specialization, providing enhanced abilities. 

For instance, a magus could specialize as a light magus, fire magus, or element magus, etc. 

After a successful class change, players are restricted to skills specific to their new class. 

However, these skills also receive significant augmentations. 

A typical light skill might cause 100% damage when cast by a regular magus. 

Yet, if cast by a light magus, it results in 120% damage. 

This amplification might seem minimal initially, but as levels progress, the damage output disparity grows considerably.

Previously, the highest-ranked player in the [Original Realm] was only level 18; no one had ever undertaken a class change. 

Now, Sebastian was poised to be the first.

Centering his thoughts, he decided that upon returning to Darkstone, he'd initiate the class change quest. 

But for now, his attention shifted to the recently acquired Ashen Set. 

He had purchased four pieces of the Ashen equipment: [Ashen Boots], [Ashen Robe], [Ashen Necklace], and [Ashen Pants]. 

Donning the complete Ashen Set would boost his HP by an additional 2000 points, spirit by 500 points, and MP by 2000 points. 

Without delay, Sebastian adorned himself with the new equipment.

Eagerly, he glanced at his personal panel.

[ID: ShepherdWind]

[Level: 20]

[Class: magus]

[HP: 7740]

[MP: 7628]

[Strength: 244]

[Agility: 444]

[Wisdom: 294]

[Endurance: 422]

[Spirit: 899]


Having donned the equipment, a transformative surge in Sebastian's attributes was evident. 

The epic-grade set had conferred a monumental boost. 

Gazing down at the ashen robe that graced him, he realized that his damage output was now leagues beyond what it was before. 

With that thought, his eyes landed on a monster that lay dormant in slumber.

As he approached, the patterned serpent sprang into action. 

Breeze promptly leapt forth to intercept, while Sebastian began his chant, "Great God of Flame, heed my call and bestow upon me..."

As Sebastian's incantation resonated, a blazing inferno materialized before him. 

Under his command, the flames surged forward.


The terrifying flames, akin to the maw of a ravenous beast, devoured the serpent in an instant.


An impressive damage of over five thousand instantly dispatched the venomous creature.

Sebastian sharply inhaled, awestruck by the immense power of his attack. 

He collected his rewards, departing the Toxic Fog Swamp in high spirits, and headed towards Darkstone.

Upon his return to the village, Sebastian's first stop was the village chief's dwelling.

"ShepherdWind, welcome! Do come in," greeted the village chief with warmth and enthusiasm as soon as they met.

Due to the skyrocketing favorability rating and his title, the village chief's demeanor towards Sebastian now far surpassed how he treated other players.

"Village chief, I've come to ask for your help in selling a batch of items," Sebastian said.

Previously, leveraging his favorability rating, Sebastian had engaged the village chief to vend a collection of unique-grade items. 

Naturally, he sought his services once again. 

With the village chief vouching, there were no worries, and there were no service charges incurred. 

Though Sebastian could trade directly with other players, that would be overly conspicuous. 

To avoid unnecessary complications, he still chose to turn to the village chief.

"ShepherdWind, what do you wish to sell?" The village chief didn't decline but a fleeting, unusual emotion crossed his aged face.

Ding! Due to your request, the favorability rating of the Darkstone village chief towards you has decreased by 3 points.

The notification startled Sebastian. 

He hadn't anticipated that this request would diminish the chief's favorability rating towards him. 

It seemed that taking advantage of the village chief wasn't as straightforward as he'd thought. 

However, with the rating already reduced, the sale must continue. 

As for the future, he'd need to tread more carefully.

"Village chief, everything's right here."

Sebastian promptly presented all the unneeded items, retaining only two Teleportation Scrolls and a Grade-A skill book.

"Very well, ShepherdWind. I'll do my best to sell these for you," the village chief replied, taking all the items into his custody.

With the chief's affirmation, Sebastian's face lit up with a smile. 

He spontaneously engaged in casual conversation, hoping to recover the lost favorability rating, but his efforts were to no avail.

Ten minutes later, he departed from the village chief's residence, making his way to the class change hall.

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