
Two angels at the Devil's bar


In the middle of the night in one of the greatest night clubs you could see everyone was having a blast. The music always high but not high enough that you don't hear what some is saying to you. The drinks are always flowing through he floor but somehow their isn't anybody dead drunk. And there is a blonde angel dancing around the floor.

Her charms are flowing around the club putting everybody on high rise. She doesn't really have a reason other that the fact that she can't get high any other way.

She was so enjoying herself when everything seemed to pause.

"You got to be kidding me." she groaned.

She knew what is going on. She turned around and their he was god's favorite sibling - Amenadiel.

"What is it now Nadie? And why are you in your old work clothes?" She asked confusingly at her brothers attire.

She hasn't seen him wear them since he lost his powers with his wings. He just got his wings back. So did the powers come back with them.

"Anastasia, Father dragged me to see him. It was strange. He seemed happy." Amenadiel said confused.

"Ah that old man is always happy. While humanity is suffering and dying, he always seems to still have that smile." She said walking to the bar to pour herself and her brother a drink.

She hopes that can finish the bottle before Luci gets here. He already band her from getting any free drink cause she always finishes a crate a day.

She offered him a drink but her refuse, so she shrugged before drinking his glass.

"But this time it was strange. I don't know how to describe it. It was just happiness." Amenadiel couldn't find the right words to tell her. Their father was never this happy. Even when their brothers and sisters were born.

Anastasia wondered what would be Luci take on this.

"That means that he is planning something." Think of the devil and he shall appear. Literally. "That sly old fox has something in his pocket."

Lucifer Morningstar came to the floor with his usual suit. He immediately grabbed the bottle from his sister hand ignoring the glare he received from her.

"Luci I don't th-"

"Let forger about that and carry on with the fact that you - sister still haven't found your creatures yet. What are they in again? Ah yes in a black pit called Malivore." Lucifer asked hoping to change the subject.

"Not for long. I allowed there to be creature to counter attack it's power making a loophole to free my creatures." She said calmly as she secretly took another bottle and drank straight from it. "But I need to wait about 17 years before she kills it."

Lucifer saw this and ignored it. He loved his sister sometimes but impossible to control sometimes. "Ah, don't say that Ana, you can stay with me while you wait. The parties here have always better when you're around."

"Speaking of supernatural creatures Anastasia, father seems to have sent me to give this to you." Amenadiel said as he gave her a scroll.

"I really don't like that name." She said as she toke it.

"Why?" Luci asked.

"Because all my other sibling get this biblical names while I am suck with a weird name." She answered.

"Well I kind of like it. And I do say it fits. I weird name for the angel that creates weird creatures." Luci said proudly, trying to reassure her. He was honest. She has heard it from him multiple times. He always says her name is unique.

"Mmhm"She replied as she opened the scroll. "Shit."

"What? What's wrong?" Both the brothers asked worryingly at the same time.

If it was a dangerous mission they are going to do it for her. Even though she is stronger than them. They won't let her get in any danger.

"No, dad wants me to cheat on the vampire community in New Orleans. It says that deaths are increasing to a new high over there and I need to make sure they don't get to out of hand. If not maintained, dad planned on just killing them off."

"That is new. You can just open a door and be there in a second. Do you need any assistance? The devil will alway be on your shoulder if I'm there." Lucifer asked jokingly but is 100 percent serious but the help.

"Nah, I feel like there is more to it than just high deaths. I also plan to drive there." She said rejecting Luci's help. Amenadiel nodding agreeingly.

"Okay, but don't crash it like last time. And no drinking while driving. I know you can't get drunk but human don't. The detective will be all over me about yo-, you know what her is a bottle for the road." Lucifer said handing over his car keys and a bottle of bourbon to her.

"See you weirdo later." She said as she fixed her hair and left the club.

"Maybe she will meet her soulmate this time." Luci said to Amenadiel as they heard her drive off and time and movement seemed to resume again.

"Probably." Amenadiel Finally speaks again. "Hopefully."