
Original Emperor

Follow the incredible journey of Max, a humble orphan from planet Earth who unexpectedly finds himself transported to The Whispering Wilds, a massive Wilderness within an unfamiliar planet. In this Dangerous Domain, Max is tasked with a responsibility he never asked for, forced to take care of a territory deep within lands able to take his life in the blink of an eye, while also having to take care of an ever-growing number of subjects with different mentalities, cultures, races, and beliefs, Lifting another heavy burden which is the life of his people alongside his. As Max progresses in his story, he experiences countless hardships, challenges, struggles, and catastrophes, So much for a job he never asked for, but cannot let go of due to his own ambitions, goals, and other reasons resulting from the consequences of his journey.

StellNem · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: There's No Equality, My Dear!

After Tiara finished her thing, she turned to ask Jeff about his planet.

"Well, I don't know much about this, But one thing I know is women stay at home and we Men go to work, and the ruling powers are also mostly men." he replied.

"I see, it was a Male-Dominated world for sure. Well, Mine was Male dominated, or more like Male Tyrannized, as Females were treated less than slaves. Only those fortunate enough to be protected by the Organizations we made were not treated as harshly. However, by the end of it, It became a Haven Dominated by Women and men. For the first 5 years, they became like cockroaches, hiding in the shadows and getting trampled by us when found." Tiara said in a very scary tone.

"What about you, Max?" She asked.

"Me? Well, Our planet was dominated by Families, Clans, and Organizations more than Men or Women. They controlled the world by feeding us crap we didn't need, and brainwashed us into not knowing what's important and what's not, to the point even the smart ones from us surrendered to that Society. However, the last thing I know, Men and Women worked as Equals..." Max said.

"Equality!? Pffffft, Hahahahahaha! That's a funny one, My Dear! Let me tell you something from experience, There's no such thing as Equality! There's only Fair Rule, if the Ones Leading are fit for that role if they're Just, Powerful, and Don't Play Favorite, then that's Equality, The Leading Role should go to men normally, they're more capable of such mentally draining jobs, We woman work with emotions, but if The Men are unable to do so and they get lost in their greed and desire, then It's our job as Women to take control!" Tiara said in anger.

"Equality between Men and Women? More like Slavery of the People, From what you've said they've already begun working on that plan, and if you think they already achieved what they wanted, then you're in the wrong, it's but the initial phase of a long long plan, They first start by feeding you lies and crap, then they help you in achieving your desires, after that they make you think everything is normal, then they put this fantasy in your mind that there's still good in the world, and after that, They start to slowly but surely kill your ability to think, your only strong point."

"That's what they've done and they've already achieved it, Those playing this role think they're winners? Oh, they're the masters of Billions of people, not knowing they're the first slaves to the trickery of life, this is the play of the Devil called Greed! Money? Beauty? Happiness? Wealth? What is that but Mortal possessions? You were born with nothing and will die with nothing, the only thing left after you die is a long-stretched story talking about how you were A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" Tiara shouted in the end.

"Miss Tiara!" Max suddenly intervened.

"It's Mama Tiara for you." she replied very calmly.

"Umm..." Max was shut down for the Nth time as he didn't know what to say anymore, everyone was silent and only Old Red looked at Tiara calmly.

"Alright, it's pretty late, I think it's about time everyone goes to sleep." Tiara clapped her hands and declared happily before she went to the Women's Quarters. Aria followed shortly after.

Max didn't stay for long as he went to his room too.

"At this point, I don't know who the lord is." Max sighed softly.

"It's just a game of knowledge and character." Old Red who was beside him replied.

"Now that I took on this responsibility... How should I move on from now on.." Max sat on his bed as he pondered.

"Well first, Food, I was so preoccupied I didn't even care, thankfully I have been fasting for years now or I wouldn't be able to keep my thoughts straight."

"Then, Shelter, Soon we will have a whole community of subjects, haha. Not so fun when you are the one responsible for them... There's only so much we can do in a day but with my Ability, we should really be able to make a whole village."

"Old Red, Do you know where we can find something we can eat? Like some fruits or something similar." Max looked at Old Red and asked.

"Oh and you can sit, don't remain standing like a log please." He added.

"Very well. And, yes, My Lord, there are animals we can hunt, and fruits we can fetch all around us, just a few meters away there are some Level 1 animals, and also some Low-Mortal Grade Resource Areas." Old Red replied.

"Low-Mortal Grade? What's this grading system again? Why is this stuff so complicated like, shouldn't it be easy like those RPG games, there are so many grading and Power systems I can't even count anymore." Max complained like the Novel Reader he was as he looked at Old Red.

Old Red looked at him and said: "Well, this isn't the RGP Game or what it was. This is reality, and a simple system or 2 cannot do justice to the various elements in this world Alone."

"As for the last Grading system, every Major Grade, which are the basic Talent Grades, counts for 100 Levels and every Minor Grade which are namely 4 and they are 'Low, Mid, High, And Peak' counts for 25 Levels. So a Low-Mortal Grade Ressource Area, is an area where Ressources of that same Grade can be found and they're most likely guarded by Monsters as weak as Level 1 and as Powerful as Level 25." He added.

"It's called an RPG Game, Old Red." Max replied.

"Understood, My Lord."

"Food, Shelter, What else should I have in mind? Order probably, if cases similar to Darek show up it might create conflict in the territory, we should show them their places. I guess that's it for now, I need to sleep otherwise my brain won't stop thinking even after I do that." Max said before he turned over to sleep.

"May you bask in Eternal Glory, My Lord." Old Red said calmly, before he also removed the top of his butler suit as well as his shoes and went to sleep.
