

Origin being were the ones born within the origin of chaos with consciousness strong as the innate consciousness. They have special powers strong enough to stand above the world and reach the chaos. Every origin being becomes the chaos god when they become the chaos being. They are strong enough that the moment they are born they cannot be attacked by the chaos beings or innate beings or void beings. The moment they are born, they wipe out the existence of beings and live instead of the identity of other beings. Any beings other than the innate beings or chaos being will be modified to let them remember him as the person with the identity. The difference is that while the innate beings have power that is enough to affect the chaos gods when they are born the origin beings can affect the authority of chaos. They are strong and each one is born as different individuals. Some are born as the world while others are born as the living beings or items. This story is the story of how the origin cell being came into being and how he lived his life. His first life was born as a human in an ordinary world and he was named Immanuel. He understood that he was an origin being and his self was different. His consciousness was different and he could not understand the world and its beings. He understood his existence and the all existences and non-existences and he understood the world of the chaos gods. Unlike innate beings the origin beings were not based on templates and each origin beings were unique. He tried to learn about the world and lived countless lives. He understood the world and made many friends. He learnt a lot of ideas and he lived through the life. He knew the truth of the world that nothing ever mattered as he was a god and he could live far above all beings and all worlds yet he chose as such as the gods never interacted with each other. He decided to live as a god among mortals as he had not reached the chaos stage. He liked his life and he will try to become a chaos god and become a god. VOL 2: RISE OF A MECHANICAL MADMAN| In the land where gods choose the priests and the gifts of innate beings are many the wars are many. The mechanical scientist finds that he was blessed and he is happy. He decides to rise to the top and become a god as he yearned to become one among the chaos gods.

Albert_Tom_George · Fantasy
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24 Chs




I saw many more animals but was getting bored. It was easy to run away and get close to the animals but after all they were nothing more than animals. I decided to return early. They suggested me many different plans such as skydiving and going to the beach. I could fly to the sky and I could go deep under the ocean. These items indeed did not help me have fun.


I was tired and was sitting inside the car. The guide was sad that he could not make me happy as I wanted to see the animals up close. The personal butler was also sad as she could not satisfy the demands of her employee. 


The guide finally decided to use the ace up his sleeve and said, "I have some unauthorised method of getting to get near the animals. I know the tribal men here and can get their help to let you come near the animals."


I did not like that idea as most likely the animals that should be met should be the wild animals like bison. They will most likely not let me see the tigers and lions. I should have come here alone and I could have flown here. I did not do so as I was not mostly interested in it and most likely I wanted to enjoy the manner the mortals of this world enjoyed. If it was to be done by me alone, then why should it be called enjoyment.


I said, "Forget it Paul. I wanted to see a tiger or something strong up close."


Paul said, "If we want, I can get the chance to see the lion and his family. They are viewable from close."


I said, "Try to get it and don't try too much. If you get it I can give you some bonus. Either way I will indeed pay you for the work."


Paul said, "I only need for what I work for sir."


I said, "That is indeed a sad thing."


Paul started calling some connections and after finally calling some people, he said to me that it was done. I greeted him with happiness and said to give him an extra five million. I had to see the tiger.


I got out as I was able to see the tiger far from here. The tigers were indeed good looking and I looked at them. I thought we had come to see the lions. I looked around and found that the lions were farther away and the guide must have stopped to show off the tiger. I looked at the tiger properly. It was indeed a stronger one and it was indeed a good one. I decided to see it up close. I was looking at it when a women came and stood beside me, "Who are you? I have not seen you among the Northern circle. Are you from the West."


I looked at her and said, "Does circle. I am involved in international sever market."


She said, "Which one."


I said, "Virtual cell."


She looked at me and asked, "Never heard someone brag about it. Just because you are rich does not mean that you can brag about a bigger company."


I looked at her properly. She had a silky blond hair and a lean figure. She wore a black shirt and pants and with a black sunglass around her eyes. I looked through the online net and found information about her and said, "Does the black rose like to target all the good looking men around her."


She said, "Are you shifting the topic? You should not be weak enough not to get the actual information right."


I put my photo in the main site of my company and said, "I have put my photo in the company website. You can verify it." 


She was shameless enough to verify it and she looked at me with some respect and with the same frivolous nature. She said, "It is indeed foolishness to show off your photo to the public." 


I said, "We each choose our sadness. I hate when other try to keep coming at me to verify myself. It is better in that manner. It is not like I am a famous actor or is a famous government official to be known to the common people. Only the ones involved in this field and the rich and the strong will know it. There is not much problem."


She said, "I have heard about your debauchery. About how you stay in the hotel for all the time and just eat and sleep without doing anything."


I said, "Most of the work is indeed done by me and the company is indeed controlled by me. I just find it useless to work hard on useless things when there are far more better alternatives. Do you expect a person like me to buy some fields and then let the food grow and use it to make food and then eat it or go directly to the hotel to eat food."


She said, "There are problems with your statements. The main problem is that you do not control it. You are one of the strongest people in this world as you control the internet field. The entertainment resources you released still cause a craze. But the fact remains that you do not control the things. Where does your power come from without any control?"


I said, "You are right. I do not have such power. The fact remains that all the online server resources handled by me is the best and the strongest. Even many universities are using my public super-computer resources. More than 52% of the internet resources of the world is under me. I just need to press a button and they will be stopped and all other resources can be destroyed. The super-fast internet connected is faster than the fastest military connections. This world is already under my control to a certain extent and I can indeed use it and let it develop into pollical power but why should I do so? I am a man with nuclear deterrent. I can just live life happily. Let those careerists take care about ruling the world."


She nodded and said, "Why are you not involved in the society and the parties?"


I said, "Why should I do so?"


She said, "You can know more people but yes, you are indeed strong enough to break the existing rule. So why are you here? If you were not the person you are I would have thought that you came to approach me. Unless you are indeed interested in me."


I looked at her and then continued viewing the tiger, "You interest me as a women but any women as beautiful as you would be equally attractable to me. I have seen many attractive women. I am here to see the tiger. Meeting you was an incidental act."


She said, "If you impress me, we can go on a date."


I said, "I do not even know your name and have no interest women of your circle."


She said, "What is the problem of women of the said my circle?"


I said, "You are rich, powerful, educated and self-sufficient. Unless someone more powerful try to bring you down, you can remain the same for a lifetime and so for the generations. Why should I try too hard to impress you and then date you and then have some fun with you. I can directly find some sexy and pretty women who are not so rich and have fun with them. I can find some women who are much interested in study and taken them under my banner to have some love life with an educated woman. I can try to get involved in the princesses of some underground king to get the feeling of being the king of a queen. There are many ways to have fun. Why should I work hard?"


She said in anger, "You should not have compared me to those kinds of women."


I said, "You should not have been audacious enough to speak as if you are thinking about me. What gave you the idea that I would be interested in you. Even if you try to date me, I will not be interested in women like you. You are nothing more than one of those pathetic inheritors. Most of them are indeed strong and powerful and so are you. But you are not charmful enough to attract me."


She said, "I have no interest in you and never had. But just for the sake of argument, if you are interested in different women you should also try to date some richer ones. Not all sluts may fulfil you physically."


I said, "When I say that I like the women what means is that I like the feeling of meeting them first, dating them, spending more time with and interaction based on different hobbies. This will also spreads to interaction with her friends and me interacting with others alongside her. Then comes the breakup and me trying to find other women. Sex is the same no matter who the women is. There might be different types, but the final fact is that it is nothing more than a pure method of action of a human body with some reaction. If I just wanted some women for physical acts, I would have got some wives and mistresses."


She said, "When I said physically, what I meant was that she will be able to understand you as she is also richer. I am not interested in you as you are not my type. I like the rodeo type men and you are not. But there might be different woman in my circle who may like you. When you enter a restaurant, you will not have to see your poor girlfriend trying to calculate the cost of food or looking at the un-understandable names. She will not be able to meet others among your friends and understand it. The problems extend to many more situations."


I said, "I am dating them not to marry them but to have some fun as I like dating. It is one of the relations in this society that I can accept and facing such problems as you said is also what I like. The reason I have no interest in women of your circle is because most will not be interested in dating me when they know that I am doing it for a fixed time."


She said, "Sure. Different people. Different ideas."