

Origin being were the ones born within the origin of chaos with consciousness strong as the innate consciousness. They have special powers strong enough to stand above the world and reach the chaos. Every origin being becomes the chaos god when they become the chaos being. They are strong enough that the moment they are born they cannot be attacked by the chaos beings or innate beings or void beings. The moment they are born, they wipe out the existence of beings and live instead of the identity of other beings. Any beings other than the innate beings or chaos being will be modified to let them remember him as the person with the identity. The difference is that while the innate beings have power that is enough to affect the chaos gods when they are born the origin beings can affect the authority of chaos. They are strong and each one is born as different individuals. Some are born as the world while others are born as the living beings or items. This story is the story of how the origin cell being came into being and how he lived his life. His first life was born as a human in an ordinary world and he was named Immanuel. He understood that he was an origin being and his self was different. His consciousness was different and he could not understand the world and its beings. He understood his existence and the all existences and non-existences and he understood the world of the chaos gods. Unlike innate beings the origin beings were not based on templates and each origin beings were unique. He tried to learn about the world and lived countless lives. He understood the world and made many friends. He learnt a lot of ideas and he lived through the life. He knew the truth of the world that nothing ever mattered as he was a god and he could live far above all beings and all worlds yet he chose as such as the gods never interacted with each other. He decided to live as a god among mortals as he had not reached the chaos stage. He liked his life and he will try to become a chaos god and become a god. VOL 2: RISE OF A MECHANICAL MADMAN| In the land where gods choose the priests and the gifts of innate beings are many the wars are many. The mechanical scientist finds that he was blessed and he is happy. He decides to rise to the top and become a god as he yearned to become one among the chaos gods.

Albert_Tom_George · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs




Raymond looked at the person in front of him. Roger had bought his son and daughter in law. Raymond kept eating the food as his body had become younger and he could eat the food. Roger looked at the young man. The martial arts families had tried to break through the limit of their bodies for a long period of time as they were dedicated to it. Their bodies were stronger due to selection through generation and their mind were taught to respect martial arts. Raymond did not understand this and looked at them vigilantly. 


Roger took the strong wine and drank it and asked, "What are the methods of exercising? I just want to understand the basic outline of how you are exercising."


Raymond looked at them and said, "I have never practised martial arts."


Roger looked at him and said, "That is a nice joke. We can feel your intent of martial arts from here. I have not even felt such intent from the god of martial arts Sora who had created more than 20 different genres of martial arts."


Raymond said, "I have no such thing but yes, creating a few martial arts is not hard for me."


Roger asked, "Have you returned to the basics where you have fused your very instinct with martial arts."


Raymond did not want to talk to them as he did not like such talks. What he wanted and was accustomed was to have a symposium with other academicians. He did not want to remember such talks. He still tried to calculate many ideas of his previous study but he did not care. Raymond finally talked as he understood that if talking can get a better house he should talk. "I have indeed reached at something similar in my practise. I have heard about some legends about some energy being created inside the body during practise. Is it true."


Raymond had not found such a thing as he had lived at the top of the world. The body was not tailored for such thing as manipulation of energy. His body would indeed remain strong enough to live for eternity but it was due to the blessing of origin being. The energy no matter what the limit had reached would not let the body have more life force unless the energy had such effect. The martial energy was such special enough to be absorbed by the body. The cells could indeed increase the limit of being alive but the problem remained that it would not increase the limit of division of cells and the neural cells needs a different kind of energy for manipulation. That is why the exercises of cultivation using energy for the body was much important as that would change the body fundamentally. 


Raymond looked at them after waking up from the daze. He found that although he was in a daze, the time had not passed much. Raymond looked at them and smiled to show some good will and then returned to his normal face as he remembered the betrayal. He did not know that the world had shifted in his favour. 


Roger laughed at the interesting question and said, "There is nothing like that. Martial artists are those who use their bodies to the limit to fight and control it to do what they want. There are martial artists who just does the work of a farmer and still is strong enough. We would indeed like something magical as in the folk tales as it would increase the limit of control and the ways of methods. But sadly there is nothing like that."


Raymond used energy to bring the pepper from the other side and added it into the soup he had ordered. He smiled and said, "Folk tales have some basics."


Roger said, "That is indeed true. This is my son Bob and this is my daughter lily."


Bob raised his wine glass while lily smiled at him. Raymond smiled at them. Bob said, "We would like to invite you as the warrior of our family."


Roger angrily slapped the table and bob flinched a little. He said as an explanation, "Our family is falling down due to the lack of warriors."


Roger said, "That is why I asked you to not marry her but to marry Rose as she was the better warrior. Her bloodline was much stronger."


Lily looked at Roger in anger and spoke, "My bloodline is stronger than yours. If it was not for your brother taking care of the business, you would not have got such time to practise."


Raymond looked at it. It was indeed fun to watch the drama. He could sense by the energy that they were not acting but he did not understand the reasons. He asked, "What do you mean by the warrior of your family."


Bob looked at Roger expecting him to speak but he kept drinking the food. Bob could only speak, "This city is different as all the families here are based on martial arts. All the disputes are solved using martial arts and all the business deals are made through martial arts. I am not strong enough to fight against other and my wife is also weak among the women and my children are also weak among the women. If it goes on our family will fall down and we may lose the family property."


Raymond had not heard such a thing. It was most likely due to the fact that it might have ceased to exist by the final time. Raymond looked at them and asked, "What about the government?"


Bob spoke with pride, "We have a long history and most of the officers are either from the family or are either out students."


Raymond said, "I have no such interest."


Bob said, "20 million per year."


Raymond though about how much he could make if he tried to stay aloof from the world. It was hard as he would have to prove his strength and make a reputation and then prove the validity of his items. He would also have to fight against those who wanted to be against him. Raymond asked, "How often will I have to fight."


Bob said, "7-8 times a year."


Raymond said, "Okay."


Bob was happy to see the strong join the family but they wanted him to prove it. Roger had seen the nonchalant look and the loose posture while Raymond punched but the words could not be believed. Raymond thought about the weakness of inheritance. He had found that all his children would have the same strength as he had for now for all future generations with limitless energy. The problem with it was that the younger children would be stronger and the descendants of the younger children would indeed be stronger. He was not against having children as he did have two children. They had died due to accident due to which he had succumbed to the clutches of research. He did not have to worry about his children and his descendants would replace the human species. But he was indeed worried about the future as his descendants in due time would indeed form a similar society where all are equally strong and the strength would depend on alliances like kingdom and gangs. He could only remain happy and let the children take care of themselves. He decided to be free for some time as his consciousness was still at the old age. He could feel his consciousness was getting younger and he did not know what he would decide in the future.


Lily understood the look of Bob and decided to take action. At most she will ask for forgiveness. Lily smiled and said, "How about you show off your power to us, sir?"


Raymond looked at her and smiled. Roger was ready to make a fuss to redirect the anger of Raymond if he was angry. What was the value of pride in front of the real benefits. Raymond smiled and took the steel bucket that held the wine and put all the ice and wine outside and crushed the steel into a small ball. The martial artists could indeed bend the steel bucket into a ball shape but to crush into a small ball was indeed that they could do even with the tools. They were silent and Lily said, "I am sorry for questioning you. How about I introduce you to some young women among the noble families."


Raymond said, "I have no problem with it. It is indeed necessary to understand who you are hiring and what his skills are. Forget about introducing me to some ladies."


Roger said, "It is not as simple as getting a job. The martial artists are the face of the family. You are strong enough to break through that rule. You can indeed do what you want. I am happy that you are the warrior of our family."


Raymond said, "I am not the warrior of your family. I am nothing more than a hired person who would do the fighting and participate in the competition when necessary."


Roger said, "That is not possible as help from outsiders are not possible in the main competition."


Raymond said, "Then it seems that I cannot join your family." He had come here to stay away from the world and he was not a fool to join a family. Any organization is nothing more than a machine that wipes out the will of the individual. Bob sighed and said, "How about five million for being our guest."


Raymond said, "Forget about it. You can invite me specifically if necessary. Just introduce me to a house to be rent for now."


Roger said, "You can live in our guest house."


Raymond said, "I prefer to be alone."


The four of them continued the dinner and their conversation with each having their own agendas.