
Origin Ascension

After awakening memories of his fragmented soul in his present incarnation, Isaac now Z'hel-Eko must dive into the muddy waters of the Spiritual realm and find out what happened a few million years ago... When Transcendents walked the Earth It's a leisure writing

Ekozini · Action
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5 Chs

Prologue - End of Days (3)

Thunderous booms filled the island, as volatile origin energy clashes together creating tsunamis in the calm spiritual sea around the island and exploding the atmosphere creating rift in the stable space of the atmosphere.

Dark clouds gather above the former mystical island which looks more like a scene from Armageddon as though to mourn this event of slaughter and massacre of this many transcendent .

The battle continued for 3 days and 3 nights , so that even the strong and battle hardened transcendent give into their weariness after exerting this much energy in this gruelling battle, expending their profound origin energy trying to fell a single transcendent only to feel despair and finally almost run mad, when all their efforts to in vain and they themselves perish instead.

Even when the transcendent sink into madness at the sight of the losing battle and throw themselves at him forgoing their safety Z'hel-Eko cut them down as he fought back withholding no energy, and saving no trump card, for his hate of every gathered transcendent here were higher than mountains and deeper than seas... But even the gods tire

On the 3rd night, there was no other living soul but 2 people on the mystical island that remained from all the slaughter and battle.

The commander M'hu-Labala who had reverted back unto his base form, but looked nothing like a mighty warrior, and more like a sick and dying man, with his right hand smashed to a bloody pulp from the shoulder down, and his two legs also crushed, he had a bloody hole on his chest where black blood poured out from, his Axe was shattered a few meters on the ground away from where he lay, and even that fierce glint in his eyes was replaced by insanity as he glared at Z'hel-Eko who had also reverted back to his base form kneeling on the blood soaked ground with his left hand missing and not even regenerating as a very light red blood, almost transparent leaked out of all his orifice, but he still retained that fierceness in his eyes, though dim as he held onto his cracked spear which was dull and rusted with his remaining right hand.

"Hahahahaa, cough...glurg.... Your body has already been struck by the god sealing curse, and you cough cough have already burnt through your cultivation foundation glurg...cough cough... The great god shall descend cough and your body shall be his vessel...cough cough... We win"

M'hu-Labala spoke with effort amidst coughing and vomiting black blood

"He will cough cough revive us"

Even as he spoke, the dark clouds that had gathered darkened as a hidden formation that had been placed before the battle activated and emitted a suction force on all the blood spilled by the dead transcendent , sucking their bloodline and coagulating to a blood red single rune that pulsed like a heavy heartbeat and released a kind of evil divine pressure, as it released a glaring red light like a small red sun.

M'hu-Labala laughed in madness even as his own blood floated upward toward the rune.

"We win!!!"

And shrieked as all the blood containing his bloodline power was extracted to the rune and was absorbed by that rune.

The rune solidified and from it  an eerily grating voice sounded out like the wailing of demons and devils

"You mortal should be proud that I the great god Raznik have decided to use your body as a vessel to descend upon this mortal plane... Now cease all struggle and YIELD!!!"

As it the being spoke out, the rune shot down toward Z'hel-Eko with the intention of entering his body.

But at that moment, the seemingly weak Z'hel-Eko stood up abruptly and ballooned to a height of 40 meters, 10 meters higher than his former transformation, and immediately shrank to 6 ft, also 1ft less than his formal base form.

His skin taking on a very dark obsidian color, now had sharp and shining golden rune reflected from within his body, all this takes time to describe, but took place in less time it takes sparks to fly.

He stood vigorously with his perfect titan transformation he roared with defiance and anger as he struck forward with all his might and his spear toward the incoming rune which collided with the spear in a maelstrom of energy as the atmosphere exploded.

The rune cracked and bounced back upward farther than a thousand kilometers, but Z'hel-Eko's spear shattered after that last service to its master, giving off a mournful cry before fading away as dust and leaving only a fragment in his hand.

Z'hel-Eko stood with sorrow in his eyes, even as he felt his cultivation base repairing itself and his bloodline regenerating because of his breakthrough in his transformation to a perfect titan transformation . He whispered with mirth in his eyes

"We are all weak as ants before the great gods... R'hul-Zikar, forgive me for not having the power to protect you. There is no more use living..."

He started forming seals rapidly with his hands, his chest releasing a golden brilliance like a star, as he muttered original incantations of the scriptures given by the origin creator in a strange language that shook the island, and seemed to solidify the entire space of the mystical island, stilling the raging spiritual waters.

All the while ignoring the blood rune above him which was dim and filled with cracks from which that eerie voice sounded out again, laced with madness in its voice

"Impossible, how does a mere mortal have this thick bloodline essence and even know the true tongue. I must not let him him finish, I must posses you"

As it shot down from the sky toward Z'hel-Eko. By this time, Z'hel-Eko had finished the last of the seals and palmed his head as he uttered one word that seemed to shake the very foundation of the spiritual world, and even the mortal plane connected with it
