
Chapter 1

Organo Plato

Adventure begins

(In school)


Mrs Layla:Welcome back to school children now we are going to the squares museum for a camping trip.

Allen:You mean Madison square?

(Bell rings)

Mrs Layla:oh well off to the bus you go

(They all rush into the bus)

Kate:(excited)This is going to be fun

Allen:More like this is going to be boring to be boring (bus stops)

(They all get out of the bus)


Mrs Layla:Don't go through the restricted area every trespassers don't come back

Allen:Fake!!!(Goes out into the restricted area ,slides down a small hill and suddenly a portal opens up in the sky with a pod crashing down to the ground and a crater occurs then Allen jumps into the crater)

Allen:What is this?it is like an alien pod (touches it and the alien pod opens up a device like an handless watch which attachés to his wrist ,Allen shouts)

Mrs Layla:Where's Allen ?Let me guess,he went to the restricted area

Kate:He just couldn't listen

Officer Jod:(comes with Allen)We found him at the trespass area you're lucky to find him alive!!! no one gets out of there.

Mrs Layla:That's it I'm calling your uncle you're in for a lot of trouble young man (calls uncle Joe and tells him about what happened

Allen:Oh c'mon

(Few minutes later,uncle Joe arrives)

Uncle Joe:You should have listened to your teacher.Who knows what trouble you could have got into

Kate:Uncle Joe is right,you could have gotten into

Allen :I am sorry guys

Uncle Joe:It's okay Allen,next up is the taco stand

Hi readers I just started writing pls read more episodes of Organo Plato by the Omnigroup