
Ordinary Person's Reincarnation in a Fantasy World

Reincarnation of an ordinary guy in a novel. Things should go according to what he knows, right?However , things start to take a huge turn after he discovers a big secret.

DaoistmukG3D · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 17- Reincarnator

Raddix looks at himself.

So I've decided to reincarnate to this body?

The Goddess truly is amazing granting me a body with stats.

Even though this is an extra's body.

Why was I lying down though?

And why does this body have no profession or anything at all except stats?

Whatever, trash body I change my mind.

I'll become the main character with Jake.

I will get power, money and women.

Radddix starts laughing or the reincarnated starts laughing.


The Goddess's POV:

"Oh, my mistake. I put him in the wrong body. I wonder what happened to the original one I put there though. Meh, none of my concern."

The Goddess shrugs and continues her work.

Looking down at mortals and smiling at them from the Heavens.


Back to the real Raddix's POV:

It's been a few years since I've arrived here in Purgatory.

10 years maybe?

Currently I am walking through the mountain ranges.

A lot of shit lives here being completely honest.

I've fought like 200 battles already.

And won all of them.

You could call me an SSS rank by now.

And right now I am walking to meet The Dragon Lord.

The Dead Dragon Lord that lives in Purgatory.

Through this 10 years, you can see that I have learnt a lot.

Time to share a bit of information.

the souls in Purgatory are the biggest barbarians I've ever seen.

Fighting with no reason at all since that's their only purpose.

To become strong enough to leave Purgatory.

The souls in purgatory revive after every 40 hours except for the ones I absorb.

I still am a Vampire for your information.

And why might I be meeting with the Dragon Lord you ask?

Well, it's because a corpse was discovered.

... A corpse of a Fallen God.

IF me and the Vampire Lord can trigger it.

We may be able to get out of here.

To go back to the land of the living

That's why we decided to call a temporary truce.

Infront of a huge hole in a mountain stays the Dragon Lord.

It's about time the both of us meet.

Taking a deep sigh, Raddix jumps down the hole and sees a woman in her 20s drinking tea.

Holding a tea party for another person which seems more plausible.

" I guess this is the first time we meet, Dragon Lord."

The woman looks at me and speaks

" Well yes indeed. Vampire Lord. This could be the first time we have officially met. Please take a seat. Oh and Call me Anastasia by the way."

" Thank you very much, Anastasia. Please call me Raddix"

" Very well, Raddix, the corpse of the God is the one we are in by the way.

" I see, so that's what the hole was for then I guess."

" Indeed, such a smart, brave young man you are."

" Whatever Anastasia, how do we get out of here?"

" Put your blood in the tea and I have already put mine and the God's in your tea. A disruption will occur if we place it in that magic circle over there and cause a portal to open allowing us to leave."

" That seems far too convenient, how can I trust you?"

Anastasia smiles and gives me a contract paper.

Where the fuck did you get this? Is what i wanted to say but I held myself back and after reading the terms and conditions I asked her,

" Isn't this a slave contract? Why become my slave Anastasia?"

" Just because it'll be fun Raddix."

I sigh and sign the contract.

After that I put my blood into the tea and throw it at the magic circle.

And just like she said, there indeed was a portal.

" Well, how do you think about it master?"

" The Dragon Lord is truly trustworthy it seems."

We both walk into the portal.