

The training started early. After Elina said that Rain needed to train he started it that day. Elina's training was hell. He let Rain spar with her until he was beat up to death then she will heal him with her ability. The ability to return Rain in his uninjured self. Rain was shocked at first but before he could collect himself Elina pounced on him. Punching, kicking, and throwing him. Elina was not scared to kill Rain. She knew that he could survive with his ability.

"This is hell!" Rain shouted resigning to his fate to be a punching bag. He promised that he would do his best not to be a punching bag.

The training went on for a month before Rain could finally return some punches. He passed the first part of the training. Getting used to Elina's normal combos, Rain felt ecstatic for the first time only to be punched on the face.

"Don't smile like a lunatic. If this was a battle of l8fe and death you'll be lying six feet under the ground."

"Yes, ma'am!" Rain shouted then used his ability to materialize a handgun. It was Earth's gun except it didn't weigh that much or Rain's physique really did improve. "Here I come!" Rain aimed at Elina, he pulled the trigger immediately but to his surprise Elina disappeared from his sight. If Rain used his ability, then Elina would also use her ability. The bullet just fired from the gun but before the bullet landed on a tree he was already upside down.

"Didn't I tell you to be vigilant? You have to remember that your enemy wouldn't stay still when you showed your ability." She picked up Rain from the ground and used her ability for the nth time.

It was only a month but their relationship improve from stranger to caring for each other. Elina wouldn't admit it, but she was happy that Rain was on her side. She might be strict but it was needed. Rain needed to learn every error that he could do when facing an ability user. Beast, monsters, and humans, these were the things he needed to be wary of. Human was greedy from the start. He needed to be wary of the humans. Beast were only protecting their selves so if you didn't disturb them then they wouldn't attack you. Unless, it was a beast that was influenced by a tower. Monsters, it was once a human or a beast. It was mutated by an unknown factor probably a tower and started to form a new life but instinct were the only intact. The instinct that most monsters have was to kill. Monster with intellect would become an Awakened. They possess an ability akin to humans.

"Rain tomorrow we will set forth to South Clevi Forest. We will meet Cynthia. She would teach you how to use a gun and a bow." Rain perked up at that moment. It means that he didn't have to suffer anymore with the hellish training. "But of course, I will also train you so less rest for you." Elina laughed when she saw Rain's pale face.

They set forth the following morning. They were initially living on Northern part of Clevi Forest. Elina let Rain navigate through the forest. She believed that this was also needed for Rain's growth. He needed to find his own path. Elina smiled then disappeared before Rain could react.

Rain was dumbfounded. He was just walking aimlessly but when we was about to ask Elina, she was nowhere to be seen. Confused on why he was abandoned, he continued on his chosen path. He was walking about an hour when he heard something.

Something was coming from behind him. He picked up a stone and transformed it into a spear. Earlier, Elina let him touch a lot of her items for hunting. He positioned bend himself positioning his self like he was going to throw the spear.

He could feel it. It was getting closer. He readied the spear then threw it when he felt it was the right time. The spear pierced the beast but the beast was too large to be hurt from that spear. He quickly reacted to the upcoming danger. He evaded that beast roar.

The forest shook, the leaves perished and his eardrums were numb. It was a roar of a beast that was too strong for him. But he never gave up. As long as he could survive until Elina found him then he will be victorious. But he never knew that right from the start Elina was watching him.

The beast was a bear. A brown bear beast with a height of at least 3 meters. It was just a mid size bear. He gulped.

"Come at me beast!" he roared and started to run. While running he picked up 2 stones and transformed it into 2 spears. As long as he could injure the bear it would stop somehow. The bear was just about to pounce on him when he evaded to the right and threw the spear.

"Roooooaaar!" the bear once again roared from his injuries that kept bleeding. They were on it for an hour now. But still the bear kept chasing him. He was exhausted. But it was life and death, he needed to push his self to the limit.

He stopped and faced the bear. The bear also stopped and took a stance like his was stalking his prey.

"It's now or never!" Rain was taking a gamble. He activated his 8th ability "Power Up!" he shouted while activating another ability "Elemental Fusion: Earth and Wind hear my call! Rockstorm!" he put his hand on the ground while the other on the air. He was just starting training so he was not sure how to really activate the spell so he was in an awkward state.

The wind pressure suddenly dropped a storm was forming on his palm. It was funny that he only needed to do was to call the Elements not posed awkwardly. He retrieved his hand on the ground and pointed his other hand on the bear.

The bear felt the danger so he pounced on Rain. Rain sensing that the bear was panicking he willed the element of wind and earth to shot out of his palm. The sandstorm that was forming on his palm shot through the bear pushing it away from him.

Rain couldn't hold it for long. He recently learned these two abilities he haven't tried it before. The bear was still holding on taking the sandstorm head on while Rain was just about to faint from exhaustion. He might have no limit of using an ability but with his running and evading all of the bear's attempt to kill him he was tired. The wind got weaker and weaker until it finally died down. Rain could see that the bear was still alive. He did what he could, his right arm went limp and his knees felt weak. But before he could collapse he saw the bear charging to him.

He was dead for sure...