
Orcs and Conquests

Warning! R-18!!!! Orcs take what they want right? Why would anyone desire to be born again into the ridiculously complicated society of humans when other options present themselves? This is the story of a person reborn into an Orc society where he learns the simple pleasure of conquest. Both in the bedroom and on the battlefield. Warning R-18 Themes.

NamelessPersona · Fantasy
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17 Chs

I Have a Name, Also My Parent's Have No Shame (R-18)

I look up into at the faces of my two parents. I realize that I am still unaccustomed to the appearance of Orcs but even to my untrained eyes it seems like both my parents are from excellent stock and quite attractive for Orcs. My father is muscular and overly tall with bulging muscles that screamed masculinity. He gave off a vibe of supreme warrior who could handle everything and anything the world threw at him. My mother however, was ridiculous. I had never even considered the possibility that my human brain would find orcs attractive but at that moment I realized that I had a limited view on the ideals of beauty and I was about to get a new education. My mother was also quite tall, lithe, and muscular. Her muscles were lean and taught however, compared to my father who looked like a meathead she gave off an athletic and graceful vibe. Her face like all orcs contained the small tusks that protruded from her mouth but they didn't seem like a defect as I stared at her more and more, rather they seemed to show off the pride of a species of warriors who lived and fought with their cards out on the table nothing held back. The more I looked at my parents the more I gradually shook off the shackles of my previous life and began to accept this new one where I was an orc.

"It looks like we have an especially astute and bright son. Look at the way he has been staring at us without crying Balraav" My mother uttered the first words I heard in this new life, her voice seemed especially sweet to me.

My father, who I surmised was named Balraav, started to poke my chubby little orc cheeks.

"As my firstborn he obviously should be both smart and strong, able to lead those around him to new heights." My father seemed to state quite proudly. However after he said this sentence my mother gave him a serious look and he quickly coughed in embarrassment.

"Of course he also inherited your supreme genes, my darling Kashna." He quickly followed up.

My mother Kashna snorted sarcastically in response. "For that slight, I am claiming the right of naming. From here on out and until he has earned his second name he will be Mar, son of Balraav and Kashna. My father nodded in approval.

"A good name. One befitting a strong Orc who will evolve into a force to reckoned with. He will make both of us quite proud and become a powerful member of the BloodMoon Tribe" This time Balraav remembered to include Kashna in his boasting.

"Now, how about you put him to bed. I have been waiting this entire time since you wouldn't let me fuck you while pregnant."

Wow dad, its been like five minutes since I was born and you are already discarding me to try and get in mom's pants. Real classy...

Kashna only shakes her head, "That can wait, my precious son is probably hungry."

She looks at me lovingly before slowly reaching down to the fur wrapping that is covering her twin peaks. With one deft movement she exposes one of the most beautiful things my eyes have ever laid eyes on. I wasn't sure if I was going to find orc bodies attractive but luckily that is so not an issue. My mother's perfectly round and exquisite green breast is hanging tantalizingly close to me and I am slowly raised up until I come in contact with it.

I waste no time to quickly open my mouth and suck on her tit. Soon warm and delicious milk enters my mouth as I am met with the heavenly experience of both being fed ambrosia from the gods and having the pleasure of sucking on a woman's breast.

Truly one of life's forgotten pleasures for most people.

As I immerse myself in the simple pleasure a voice suddenly rings in my head.

-Analyze system rebooting after rebirth in another world.-

-Reboot Successful-

The mechanical voice that I heard before I was reborn enters my mind at this moment. Analyze system huh, well thats generic.

Hello? do you have any special functions? I ask in my head to the voice.

-My functions include breaking down information on people and things into easily understood ranking systems that allow you to properly gauge the strength of things.-

- No other functions installed-

I almost cry at how generic and thoroughly underwhelming the reply is.

I mean don't get me wrong, it's incredibly useful and all but it's not exactly going to get me from zero to hero just like that.

Fine whatever, no such thing as a free lunch anyways.

Analyze my father and mother for me then. I silently command the system.

-Analyze complete. Information being sent to you now.-

A stream of words overlap my eyesight in this world.


Balraav Silverwolf - So named for his accomplishment of returning with an incredibly rare variant species of wolf on his first solo hunt for the tribe.

Race - Orc Brave (2nd Evolution)

Class - Warrior

Level - 51

Skills and Stats of other beings are unavailable


I roll my eyes at how limited this analyze system is proving to be.


Kashna Keeneye - So named for her powerful abilities of perception and eyesight that have proven useful in saving the BloodMoon Tribe many times.

Race - Great Orc (2nd Evolution)

Class - Ranger

Level - 82


At least now I know who wears the pants in this family, damn. Both mom and dad are in their second evolution but mom is far more as powerful. Her evolution path must be on a higher level than dads.

As I process this information the text slowly fades from view and I realize that in my thinking I have accidentally lost my hold on my food source. Kashna slowly lowers me from her breast and I notice that she is panting softly and seems to have a slightly flushed face.

"Ok, if you are full my precious son then it is time for you to lay down. For some reason you really put me in a certain mood..." She wrapped me in a swaddling blanket and layed me down in a prepared spot full of fur blankets.

"Alright you big dicked bastard, you weren't the only one who had to go without sex for those six months. You get over here and give me the fucking I need." My mom basically commands my dad with hungry eyes as she completely strips.

Her naked form enters my sight and I once again marvel at the sight. She has a very tall, imposing figure. Her muscular, green body is defined yet not overly big. She exudes a combination of womanly charm and pure muscular goddess. Her breasts and ass defy gravity and jiggle in the soft light of the brazier which provides the only light in our hut.

My mom is an absolute beauty.

Wait, Mom!!!??? Hello!? I was literally just born and I am still in the room. Have you no shame? You want to get it on while I'm literally right here watching?

Despite my thoughts nobody seems deterred in the slightest. At least my dad doesn't miss a beat as he strips of his war kilt and I am met with the sight of a veiny bulging cock that needed absolutely no encouragement to stand at complete attention.

Well... Orcs are bigger than humans... In every sense of the word...

His Rod was thick and exuded pure masculine energy as he rushed to his wife and pulled her up into his lap as he sat on their own mass of blankets.

"Finally, I have waited for too long" He barely gets that sentence out before they kiss passionately... hungrily trying to fight for dominance with their tongues.

Balraav wastes barely a moment before placing his hand on Kashna's pussy. He breaks the kiss and looks at ehr with an eyebrow raised. "You are already this wet?" He seems to be surprised and as my gaze goes downward I too and dumbfounded. My mom is not just wet, she is literally dripping love juice all over the place.

Once again she blushes in the light of the fire, "What can I say, the kid is just that good." She looks at me lovingly while still blushing.

If I wasn't wrapped in a blanket I would literally face palm right now. Orcs.... Absolutely no fucking shame.

Balraav seems to take this as a challenge as he quickly places his hands on her toned thighs and lifts up, his back and arms bulging with the movement. Kashna's entire body is lifted from his lap and he lines his raging hard on with her drenched mound.

In one big motion he practically drops her right onto his cock and he immediately fills her with his rod.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Kashna moans heavily, feeling the sudden and intense intrusion into her womanhood as pleasure rolls over her and lust drives her on. She quickly begins to grind her hips and clench her six pack abs as she tries to drain every last inch of pleasure from Balraav's meat stick.

Balraav wastes no time and continually repeats his first move by picking his wife up and slamming her down on his cock. They continue this vigorous battle for quite a while and I'm suddenly struck by the awe inspring sight in front of me.

Most humans on earth would not be capable of this kind of ridiculous sex. My dad is literally using only his arms to repeatedly lift and drop my mom onto his cock. His strength makes her nothing more than a glorified sex tool for his own pleasure. The raw physical advantage of Orcs is being seared into my brain from this scene.

But why the hell am I having complicated thoughts while there is literally the most intense porn I've ever seen happening right in front of me.?

Probably because my dick is too new to control my brain...

Anyway my parents continue this process until both are breathing heavily and approaching a peak of their sexual pleasure. Before they reach it however, my mom seems to lose control to a more primordial side of herself and she quickly asserts her strength by pushing me father back and mounting him in a cowgirl position. They both groan at this new change and Kashna wastes no time to start bucking and bouncing on Balraav's dick. AT this point they are both shimmering with sweat as the intense pounding of their bodies makes a ridiculous amount of noise. I watch as my mom accepts the entirety of my dads rod into her hungry pussy.

Eventually however, Balraav tenses all his muscles, Which is a lot of muscle, and stops as he releases his first load directly into Kashna's greedy vagina. They both moan intensely and my mom looks down at her husband with a challenging stare. "So soon?"

Balraav merely grunts. "You blue balled me for six months. What did you expect? Never fear though, tonight I'm gonna ride you until the sun comes up."

With that sentence he once again goes completely hard inside her.

"OOooo Ahhh ha ahh" Kashna's moans intensify as she is once again stretched by her husband's thick meat stick.

This time however, Balraav quickly takes the initiative to push Kashna under him into a missionary position. He thrusts into her with reackless abandon as his powerful frame smacks into her over and over again.

"pah pah pah pah." The sound of rough fucking and sexy moans repeat continuously into the night.

What a way to start a new life..... Welcome to a whole new world.....

Here is chapter 2! hope that scene is enough for everyone for now. I;m trying to find a happy medium where I don't degrade Balraav while still remembering that eventually Mar is gonna be a real fucking stud. That contrast will make all the difference I hope. Anyway that WOW novel on the origin story of Thrall is my main source of inspiration for what these orcs are like and so I hope no one is imagining pig men like in some Japanese anime and manga. I will always think of Orcs along more traditional western motifs like LOTR and such. I also like to think of them as intelligent and tribal. Let me know what you think!

NamelessPersonacreators' thoughts