

The desire to remain on that bed entwined with Velari was strong but I was reminded that a banquet was about to happen and I had the feeling that since the banquet was celebrating my arrival at the village it probably wouldn't start before I got there.

The post-coital bliss could only last a few moments and even Velari could sense that so she quickly slid off my body and off the bed as well.

"We should hurry." Velari said. "We don't want to keep them waiting."

Velari said this before grabbing the pieces of lingerie I had stripped off her and shooing me out of the room.

I got up and moved toward the door before I paused to wrap her up in another short kiss. Velari responded passionately to the kiss before placing a hand on my chest and gently pushing me out of the room.

I chuckle at her reaction and quickly don my garb once again. Soon I'm completely clothed again and I return to the front door of Velari's house to wait for her.

Soon she emerges from her room wearing a fresh summertime dress that gives her a beautiful innocent vibe despite just having intense sex with an orc.

At that moment I decide to use my analyze skill on her.


Velari Twilight - Elves use the traditional way of naming which includes a first and family name. Twilight is the name of one of the most valiant and ancient families of the Lakeborn elves.

Race - Elf (Unevolved)

Class - Magical Archer

Level - 11


I guess Velari has already seen enough action to level up several times.

"You look beautiful." I compliment Velari.

Velari blushed slightly "Thank you, we should get going though if we don't want to late."

"Then lets not waste any more time." I said before grabbing her hand in mine and began walking toward the center of the village.

Velari meekly grabbed my hand as well and followed.

My ego soared when I realized that Velari wasn't just acting on a moment of lust and she didn't mind showing her village the connection between us two.

"Velari, I know it seems like we are being hasty, I want to know you and I want you to share your struggles." I say as we walk.

She nodded and looked at me gratefully.

"I want to Mar, I've decided that I'm tired of being alone. Being with you has shown me that I cannot be happy the way I was. I will tell you everything when we have to chance," Velari said lovingly.

"Good" I reply simply as we make our way down the street.

I notice some elves heading in the same direction as us but the groups are sparse at this point and I figured that most of the village has already assembled at the banquet.

However I quickly notice a group that seemed to have not moved for quite some time. Standing in front of Velari and I are the twins and Youla, who have all changed into seductively beautiful dresses that accentuate their alluring curves.

My eyes greedily ate up the sight of all three of the beautiful elf maidens but strangely enough I felt no guilt despite hooking up with Velari not too long ago.

I guess my instincts as an orc have changed me in more ways than I first imagined.

Truthfully I felt an overwhelming desire to possess all four of these women.

From the hungry looks in the eyes of these elves it felt like they all wanted to be mine as well.

Of course I had no way of knowing if this was merely a sexual fantasy of theirs or if Youla, Ninor, and Linor all had actual feelings for me.

Only time would tell...

I looked at Velari's face trying to read some sort of reaction from these other women waiting for us, but she merely looked back at me as we approached them.

"Mar, I told you that I am tired of being alone." Velar said. "Youla and the twins really made an effort to befriend me but I only pushed them away. I don't want to be like that anymore and I want you to be happy...." She blushed.

"What I am trying to say is that I don't mind if you have other women because I want more family and the more sisters I have the better." Velari said resolutely.

I looked at my first woman in amazement, she really understood my desire and was completely understanding of it as well.

I hugged her closer to my body as we finally arrived in front of the other girls.

Youla's eyes traveled from my face to my arm wrapped around Velari.

"You two sure took your time. It only took us a little while to get changed, you wouldn't have been up to something else in Velari's house now would you?" Youla asked meaningfully while giving me a knowing look.

The twins also eyed me waiting for my reaction.

Velari blushed slightly but also placed her hand on my chest. "Lets hurry or we will be the last ones to the banquet.

The other girls only giggled a little bit before falling into step with the two of us.

We made our way toward a large clearing in the middle of the village behind the building that I arrived at this morning. The clearing had two large tree that stood proudly in the middle, their large canopies providing a frame that made the clearing feel closer and homier.

Numerous elves were all gathered around a variety of tables that had been placed in the clearing.

Once again I was presented with the reality of how fair the elves were, I scanned the crowd and still could not find anyone that I would consider ugly.

During my scan I finally saw my family and Lukshu, they were seated at the head table that rested right in between the great trees along with a group of elves that included Elawan.

Jurza waved me over and I made my way over to her with the girls in tow.

As I reached the table my grandmother simply raised an eyebrow when she saw all the beautiful maidens who were flocking around me. My dad gave me a grin and my mother rolled her eyes. Lukshu and the Elven elders all seemed surprised but they were pretty adept at hiding their emotions.

Guess they didn't think that our two races were so compatible, at least the super horny younger generations.

"Mar it is good that you have arrived, we were waiting to begin but now we can get this celebration started." Elawan said. "You are one of the dignitaries sent by your people so you may choose to sit at the head table with the rest of your group or if you prefer to sit with new friends I had Ossun keep a table open for you right next to us."

Elawan gestured and I looked to the side where I noticed Ossun sitting alone at a table that somehow had just enough chairs for me and the girls. He waved at me.

"Thank you Lady Elawan, in that case then I will sit with my new friends." I say as I bow to the table.

Jurza gives me an approving nod at my courtesy and I lead the girls over the table.

"Thanks for saving us a seat Ossun." I greet Ossun.

He shrugs "What can I say buddy? Just you and me against the world." his friendly joking manner tells me he knows full well I know it was Elawan that made the preparations.

I grin back at him, I was liking this guy more and more. It's not often you run across such a chill relatable guy. Of course it was even rarer to have four beautiful elf maidens fall into your lap.

Guess I'm just a lucky guy.

As we took our seats Elawan rose and motioned to gain the attention of all the gathered elves. Soon the congregation quieted down.

"Welcome everyone. Thank you for coming to this celebration. It pleases me to inform everyone that we have welcomed our friends from the Bloodmoon tribe to our home."

Elawan gestured to the group of orcs that she sat with.

"Our new friends now sit with us: Jurza Freeorc, Lukshu Friendmaker, Kashna Keeneye, Balraav Silverwolf, and Mar.

Please make the Elf-Friends feel welcome among us.

It also pleases me to announce that we have managed to come to a mutual aid agreement between our two peoples.

Our Villages and the Tribe will now come to each others defense in the case of circumstances too difficult to handle alone." Elawan announced and all the elves clapped at the news.

She waited until everyone quieted down.

"And with that let us begin the celebration." She clapped her hands and suddenly elves started walking around delivering food and drink to each table. Plates and plates of all sorts of dishes were delivered all around and generous pitchers of elven wine were also distributed.

Who was I to deny free flowing food and alcohol?

I quickly piled a plate high from the dishes at our table and hungrily started to dig in. The girls watched in amazement as I wolfed down food as quickly as it appeared.

"You have quite the appetite Mar" Linor remarked

I looked up from the food and took a swig of wine before setting the cup down.

I eyed Linor lasciviously before turning my gaze on Ninor, Youla, and Velari.

"That I do" I state suggestively and all of the girls blush slightly.

Ossun looks at all of us. "Should I find a different table?" He asks amused.

We all laugh and turn back towards more wholesome conversation with food and drink.

This isn't the first celebration I had attended since being reborn but it was the most enjoyable. Surrounded by beautiful women. good food, strong drink, and celebrating as the sun goes down.

The atmosphere of the feast was lively and the elves proved to be a lively and happy people. My parents and grandmother all seemed to be enjoying themselves as well.

Poor Lukshu however, was having a sensory overload as an elven fanboy. His eyes were almost popping out of his head as he looked all around and soaked in the sight of so many elves.

The revelry continued as the sun set, and as the light of the sun grew dim new lights began to appear around the tree canopies. These artificial balls of silver light added a new glow to the forest that gave it a dreamy air.

As soon as the sun completely set Elawan motioned for to some people and the crowd quieted down.

Space was made as some tables were moved out of the way and soon a circle was created in the middle of the clearing.

I remained seated at my table nursing my wine and placed one hand on Velari's thigh. I was pretty buzzed at this point and the mood seemed right. She didn't move my hand and instead stared at me lovingly. The other girls looked jealously at Velari.

Before anything else could happen however we all looked as two elves, one man and one woman stepped out into the circle.

They bowed to the head table and suddenly soft musical notes that sounded like a harp being strummed rang through the clearing.

The two elves began to sing and their melodious voices immediately enchanted the entire village. They sang a song of remembrance about the lake and the many generations that had lived and were living on its shores.

The songs slow beautiful tune seemed to reach a harmony with the movement of the trees and for the brief minutes of the song everything in the world seemed to stop.

Soon the two stopped their singing.

"Wow...." was the only thing I could mutter after being so entranced by the tune.

Everyone seemed to agree with my asessment though clearly they were far more used to the impact the music created.

Youla searched through the crowd and seemed to notice something.

"If you think that was amazing then this next part is going to blow you away." Youla said in a resigned fashion. "Keep it together Oss..." Youla then warned Ossun.

I looked at him trying to figure out what was going on but his face seemed stricken and his eyes focused on something. As I followed his gaze I noticed an elf woman making her way into the cleared out circle.

I had to admit even I was blown away. This woman was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen up to this point. Her face was devastatingly pure and her raven hair stood in sharp contrast to her fair skin. Her figure was also fuller and more womanly than the majority of the elves. She had an appearance that could cause the downfall of a nation without a doubt.

My eyes soaked up her beauty and I was entranced for a moment but I quickly felt a hand on my own which was still on Velari's thigh. I looked down and saw that Velari had enmeshed her hand in mine.

I clasped hers back and gave her a smile before leaning into to kiss her softly, everyone's focus was on the Elf-woman and so nobody took notice of our little escapade, the notable exception being Youla, Linor, and Ninor.

They weren't enchanted by the woman, but they were enchanted by the way I took Velari's lips.

We broke the kiss quickly and I looked at Ossun who was still completely held captive by the woman in the circle.

"Iniel...." he said softly never once taking his eyes off the woman.

I realized in that moment that poor Ossun's heart was completely captivated by this woman.

Youla leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Iniel has always been considered the most beautiful woman of the village. She also is known for being the best dancer. Ossun has been in love with her since the first time he saw her dance. Unfortunately she is quite a bit older than him and she has never accepted anyone's advances so far. He has been waiting since then trying to get to know her, but she is quite mysterious actually."

I felt bad for Ossun, having an unrequited love during the springtime of his youth when he could be enjoying any number of other beautiful woman seemed sad. I was also happy because it probably inadvertently caused Youla, Ninor, and Linor to come after me since they were all good friends but he wouldn't make a move on them.

I looked at the head table and my gaze was immediately drawn toward Lukshu whose lip was trembling and face had gone pale, so pale that I could barely recognize the green orc and seemed to be looking at a ghost. Like Ossun, Lukshu's eyes were pasted onto Iniel's body and face.

I was curious for moment but then my dad looked over at Lukshu, then me and gave me a look that told me all I needed to know.

Iniel was the elf that had entranced Lukshu for his entire life, I remembered the conversation I had with Lukshu on the way to the village.

Apparently just the sight of this elf-maiden was enough to steal Lukshu's soul and make him dedicate his life toward befriending the elves.

I inwardly laughed at the irony of the situation, both Lukshu and Ossun were absolutely crazy over the same woman that neither had made any progress with.

At that moment she finally stopped walking and then bowed toward the head table. After that bow she turned toward my table and looked at me before bowing again.

We made eye contact and I couldn't discern a single thing behind her inscrutable facade. I couldn't deny her beauty though, she was dangerously beautiful. I was glad that the feelings I had already developed for Velari, and the presence of the other three beauties beside me protected me from her charm.

My face remained impassive instead of the love struck gaze that adorned the face of Lukshu, Ossun, and many of the other men. Seeing my impassive look I could've sworn a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes for the briefest of moments. However, it was gone so fast I decided I must have imagined it.

Then another harmonious song began to play, the exception ebing that this one had quite a bit more rhythm suitable for dancing.

Iniel began her dance following the beat of the music as her body gracefully glided over the grass.

She leapt, spun, and moved her body according to the music and the world was put under her spell. Her movements wove together until a story full of emotions shone through the dance and it transcended the music.

I felt both sorrow and joy in ample amounts as I watched the performance.

The entire crowd watched in fascination as the song gradually came to an end.

Iniel finally made her last movement and the dance came to an end.

I was glad I came to the elven village. The Bloodmoon tribe was a special place with many amazing things but I now realized that their was a whole world of mystery and beauty that I had never seen before.

My blood began to boil at the thought of adventure and carving my own path through the world.

Iniel bowed once again before turning and moving back into the crowd, disappearing from my sight.

This had truly been a feast. A feast for my stomach, ears, and especially my eyes. My boiling blood would not calm down however and I looked at the four girls sitting at my sides. I wanted to feast on something else at this moment. The looks of lust in their eyes and competitive spirit told me that they were on like mind.

I shot them all a dominant look that told them all my desire.

Hey everyone, hope you enjoy the chapter! I just read the Silmarillion and was kinda influenced by the ridiculous amount of detail and worldbuilding for the elves in that book. Also I got a comment about Mar's weapon not being a sword. Let me know what preference everyone has on weapon.


NamelessPersonacreators' thoughts
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