
Orcs and Conquests

Warning! R-18!!!! Orcs take what they want right? Why would anyone desire to be born again into the ridiculously complicated society of humans when other options present themselves? This is the story of a person reborn into an Orc society where he learns the simple pleasure of conquest. Both in the bedroom and on the battlefield. Warning R-18 Themes.

NamelessPersona · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Erotic Healing (R-18)

"So where are my other lovely ladies?" I asked Youla as we walked to Velari's house.

"Linor and Ninor are both running drills at the practice ground and Velari is still out on a hunting trip within our borders. It will be a bit before any of them return." Youla informed me.

"And what were you up to today Youla?" I asked

"As a life mage I spend most days honing and training my magic, I rarely head out into the forest like the other girls."

"Guess I am lucky then, truth be told I've actually lost a fair amount of blood." I leaned a little harder against Youla and even though it was because of fatigue I can't help but enjoy the feeling of her warmth beside me.

"Hmph I don't know what that Iniel was thinking when she decided that the two of you were enough to go hunting all on your own." Youla replied in a huff.

"Hey don't be like that, truth be told your man is really strong." I teasingly replied. I still didn't actually know any of the girls that I was in a relationship with all that well and so I needed to get used to each of them as quickly as possible.

She looked at me a second before blushing a little "You are" she mumbled shyly.

I looked at her a little surprised by her response. "What strong?" I ask.

"No you idiot, my man, you're my man." Youla said slightly angrily.

I look at her incredulously, each time I interact with one of these women I'm once again reminded of how lucky I am, to be surrounded by women of such quality.

If she wasn't supporting the arm that had been gored then I would have pulled her into a tight embrace at that moment. Guess that will have to wait though.

"Yep until the day you wake up and realize you've been dating an orc this whole time...." I joked

Youla giggled a little at that comment. Her youthful demeanor full of mirth.

"Anyway this is gonna be interesting, I've already seen two types of magic today and now I'm going to see a third. We don't get to see much magic back in the tribe." It was true. the orcs of my tribe didn't specialize in magic. We had developed a way of life that wasn't dependent on magic besides the small bit that my grandma did when I was recognized by the tribe.

"Hmph, well it's nothing special, both my parents are far better at life magic than I am, but I should still be proficient enough to patch that hole in your shoulder, it's much simpler when none of the vital organs are affected." Youla replied.

"I've been meaning to ask since you mentioned parents. Elves are supposed to have a limitless lifespan right?" I asked and saw that Youla nodded her head in affirmation. "If that's the case why is this village so small and why is there such a large population of young elves? It doesn't make sense to me that such a concentrated group of young elves would all appear at the same time and I expected that since the Lakeborn Elves have known peace for so long that the village would be much larger." I started to unload some of the questions in my heart that I had developed since coming to this village.

It just didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, a species with an infinite lifespan and low birth rate should have a far more balanced distribution of ages among it's population. However, that didn't seem to be the case in this village. There were way too many young elves all around the same age. Something just didn't quite add up.

Youla looked vaguely uncomfortable at my line of questioning and that more or less confirmed that there was more to this story.

"Look, I think you should probably talk to Velari since this has more to do with her, but I can tell you that there was an incident that happened that drastically lowered our numbers and we have been trying to recover ever since. You should really seek out Velari to hear this story though." Youla explained.

I nodded my head in assent, I had already known that Velari had a tragic past and now I knew that it was tied to this incident.

However, we had finally arrived at Velari's house and we pushed our way inside. Youla led me to one of the side rooms and had me lay down on a simple bed that adorned the room.

"Now, we need to get you patched up. How could you possibly keep up with four horny elves with a limp shoulder?" Youla asked alluringly.

I smiled at her and pondered her question. "Well, guess you better heal me up then and maybe you'll get a little reward of your own. Then I'll only have to deal with three little minxes later"

At that response Youla shed all of her outer clothing until she was wearing nothing but a thin negligee. Her figure was visible under the see-through fabric and I couldn't help but marvel at the sight. Youla was the curviest of the four elf maidens and even then it wasn't by a whole lot. However, the elves made up for that with a supreme ethereal beauty that was totally different from the orcs.

The sight made me want to get up but Youla seemed to guess my intentions and moved to my side where she placed a firm hand on my chest and pushed me back down.

"Don't even think about it" she warned.

After I fell back to the bed I could do nothing but watch as Youla slowly but sexily climbed the bed and then mounted my body.

"OOOoooooo" I moaned in pleasure as I felt her soft ass gently rest on my lap. the soft sensation teased me and the sight of her upper body in that thin garment towering over me did nothing but further my excitement.

"Now, it's time to heal you." Youla said as she slowly rocked on top of me.

"If this is how you do it then you can heal me anytime you want"

Youla merely snorted softly at that. She clapped her hands together and a warm green glow filled the room emanating from her palms. I undid the bandaging and herbs pressed into my shoulder and exposed my raw wound. Blood slowly began to well up once again around the gored flesh.

Youla moved her hands toward the wound and I soon felt the power from her hands enter the wound. I was met with the sensation of my skin slowly beginning to wriggle and knit itself together, I could also feel the muscle stretch and expand to fill in the gap. It was a supremely unsettling and slightly painful experience.

"Sorry, just bear with it for now. Holy magic has ways to painlessly heal but life magic is all about the sensation of life, and life is all about sensation. Being able to feel means you are still alive. The pain is proof that it is working." As I listened to Youla's urging I closed my eyes and did my best to struggle through the pain silently.

Truth be told it wasn't overly unpleasant, it was a new kind of pain though and that is why I was thrown for a bit. Once I settled down and let the process continue though, the pain of being healed became minimal.

Two minutes after we began I felt my wound completely close and the stinging pain slowly dissipate. I opened my eyes and saw the green light in Youla's hands slowly fade.

Youla looked at me. "That should do it"

I ran my hand over the smooth and flawless emerald skin that had just recently been speared by a fiend. No evidence of the injury was visible, like it had never happened.

"Wow Youla, you're amazing" I said as I felt the fully repaired skin

"Hmph, you realize that just now?" Youla asked in a teasing tone. She moved to get off me but the moment her soft butt began to lift off my lap I placed both of my hands on her hips and pushed her back down.

"Aaahh? What are you....OOOOOOOoooooohhh" Youla couldn't hold herself back after she felt me push her back down on my lap and one of my hands softly groped her breast under her negligee.

"DId you think you were going to get off me so easily? Especially now that I am back to 100%" I said as I continued my assault. "The real question is how you plan to capitalize on this moment since you have me all to yourself."

"If you're up to it then of course I want you. I've just never seen someone get over the pain of my healing them like that so fast before." Youla replied as she pulled the negligee off of her to fully expose her body.

I managed to slip off the rest of my clothes as well even with her being on top of me and soon we were completely naked.

Youla's sex was already getting wet as I continued to play with her ample boobs. I felt myself stiffen as well as my cock rose to attention and it bumped into her lower body.

We made eye contact as we realized that both of us had reached a breaking point and then I used my strength to flip her on her back with me poised above her.

I leaned down and kissed her hard. As soon as our lips met our tongues started fighting and I sucked on hers hungrily. The sensations assaulting us were pure pleasure as we enjoyed each others bodies.

Youla and I were both giving in to the primal urges that lied beneath the surface of both our bodies and I slowly began to rhythmically rock my body against hers while we kissed.

"Haaaaahhh aaaaahhh please Mar, quit teasing me. I need you right now" Youla pleaded.

I pulled away for a second so that I could aim my cock into her waiting entrance and without wasting any more time I pushed myself inside her.

"AAAaaaahhhhh damn you feel so good Youla, sooo tight"

Youla locked her legs around my body and her arms wrapped around my neck as I began to push in and out of her.

Her pussy was clenching tightly around my rod as if her whole body was trying to completely accept mine.

"MMMMMMmmmmmmm!!!!" Youla moaned but was muffled as I kissed her again.

Our bodies found a tempo as we each tried to derive the maximum amount of pleasure from the other as possible.

Pah Pah Pah Pah. the sound of our bodies slapping together filled the room and soon I felt my pleasure begin to peak.

"I'm cumming!!!!!!" Youla yelled out at that moment as well and I thrust myself deep inside her and shot my seed into her welcoming womb.

We both stayed like that for a moment before I rolled over and pulled her into an embrace.

"Please hold me Mar." Youla asked and I tightened my arms around her as she rested her head on my chest.

That moment seemed to freeze in time, just me and a beautiful elf maiden.

Felt rushed at the very end of the chapter but I hope everyone enjoys.

NamelessPersonacreators' thoughts