
Unveiling Puzzle

Athena's pov

A week had elapsed since the unsettling incident, and the ominous resonance lingered in the air. Despite the persistent haunting, I navigated through shadows, forging resilience, resolute in my determination to transcend the disquieting echoes of that fateful moment.

"Won't you be obedient?" Paden's ominous whisper accompanied a forceful kick, sending me sprawling against the wall. Amidst blurred vision, two figures emerged. The person beside Paden approached, kneeling down beside me and caressing my cheek—deceptively innocent, much like my treacherous aunt and uncle.

"I'll take her," he declared, reaching out with a helping hand towards me, and to not extend this situation I took it. Each step felt like a challenge, yet I remained silent, permitting his assistance. Unspoken tension lingered as his hand rested on my waist for my stability, adding a layer of complexity.

"Return her in a month, upon Katherine and my return from Germany," Paden declared, leaving with calculated intent upstairs.

"I'll guide you up the stairs. Follow my lead. I won't let you stumble," he assured. As clarity returned, I complied, appreciating his careful guidance.

He continued his considerate demeanor, leading me outside to his car, where he ensured I sat comfortably.

At sixteen, I endured the darkest period of my life. The façade of kindness dissolved into mistreatment and exploitation by the man. He refused to listen to me when I begged him to stay away, my pleas were helpless. I was then left abandoned at my aunt and uncle's house, and the revelation of my pregnancy increased their already-fueled fury, despite my lack of agency in the matter. In the end, I felt defenseless and alone, with nothing and no one to turn to.

Memories of that traumatic incident flooded back as men attempted to abduct me that day, inducing a surge of anxiety. Alone in the house, contemplating life, I sought solace on the sofa, sipping wine in a feeble attempt to pacify my cluttered mind.

Abruptly, the jingling of keys from outside signaled the arrival of my children, accompanied by the familiar unlocking of the main door. Their infectious enthusiasm as they removed their shoes and raced toward me contrasted with my brother's composed entry, nonchalantly hanging his coat on the hanger.

"Mommy, we had so much fun! Uncle bought us a burger and fries. We also ate cotton candy afterward," Aster exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement. I shot a glance at Lewis, who was blatantly pretending he hadn't heard a thing.

I eyed him pointedly, silently conveying, "I told you I had bought groceries." He responded with a calm whistle and retreated to his bedroom. Sometimes I couldn't help but wonder if Lewis was truly an adult, despite being four years older than me.

"I'm happy you little troublemakers got to eat. Come on, change your clothes now. I'll let you watch your favorite show for a while today, and then it's bedtime," I informed them, the evening unfolding with a mix of joy and routine.

"Oh my gosh, Mom really?" Adelis exclaimed, prompting a nod from me.

"Complete your tasks without arguing about shower turns. Remember the sequence. Aster went first last time, so it's Adelis' turn. Absolutely no racing!"

The evening unfolded with a mix of joy and routine. As I watched Adelis and Aster, their playful antics and the delightful sounds of their laughter added a touch of warmth to the atmosphere. Yet, amid their innocence, I couldn't ignore the fact that they needed guidance on maintaining order.

Adelis, with his fingers nervously playing, and Aster, swaying with hands behind her back, nodded obediently at my instructions. Their enthusiastic departure of walking and then running when not in view of the promised TV time left me with a sense of responsibility, knowing that I'd have a conversation with them about maintaining a balance between fun and discipline.

With a sigh, I set out to tidy up the living room, a task that had become a familiar routine. The scattered toys, a testament to the day's last task, awaited my attention. As I carefully arranged them, I couldn't help but smile, they were the ones who made me the happiest.

A bustling Saturday concluded with Leo's frequent, yet unexpected, visits, transforming us into fast friends. The remnants of Leo and Nathan's banter lingered in the air, a reminder of the lively Saturday that had just concluded. Their camaraderie had become an unexpected highlight, injecting our space with a vibrant energy that resonated with the essence of friendship.

Having meticulously tidied up the living room, a sense of order prevailed as I approached the bedroom door, envisioning a quiet night ahead. The doorbell's sudden ring disrupted this expectation, leading me to open the door and confront the intense gaze of those piercing blue eyes once again.

At that moment, a commanding yet magnetic figure stood before me—towering at least six foot four, jet-black hair accentuating the piercing intensity of his eyes. Speech momentarily eluded me, but my brother, Lewis, intervened to break the spell.

"You could've mentioned earlier you were coming home now," Lewis inquired, his expression stoic.

"Wasn't planning to come earlier," he responded, his voice resonating with a deep, intimidating timbre.

My gaze lingered downward, grappling with the embarrassment of my momentary speechlessness. Eventually, I looked at Lewis and murmured, "I'll check on the kids. Let me know if you need anything," offering a smile to both, attempting to diffuse the tension.

As I turned to leave, Dante's voice sliced through the air, freezing me in my tracks. My internal monologue screamed, "Oh, crap." His words, "I need you both to be present," hung in the room, injecting an unexpected tension that swirled around us like an invisible current.

"Come inside, Fedorov. Just remove your shoes on the side, as my Asian instincts will make me hit you—or not. It's just a joke anyway," Lewis quipped, his attempt at humor evident in the playfulness of his words. However, Dante, maintaining an unfazed demeanor, responded with a calm gaze that added an intriguing layer to the moment. A subtle twitch played on Lewis's lips, a hint of uncertainty flickering in his eyes as Dante motioned for him to take a seat.

Cautiously following suit, I took a seat on the sofa, finding relief in the table serving as a buffer. Dante, however, dwarfed the furniture as he settled down.

Recollections of our ice cream escapade played in my mind, vividly recalling the embarrassment and my futile attempts to engage Dante in conversation. The car ride back was a silent affair, his mood soured by a mysterious phone call. Even the goodnight nod at my drop-off was a buzzkill. But, considering a man of his striking looks, I didn't anticipate him noticing someone like me amidst the throng of gorgeous admirers.

In the present moment, a wave of self-consciousness engulfed me about my outfit, prompting an involuntary gulp. Despite anticipating a quiet night, my unconventional choice of clothing—shorts and an off-shoulder top—suddenly felt overly exposed. Black glasses framed my face, and the freedom of my untied hair became a saving grace. I could sense Dante's lingering gaze, shifting only when our eyes met, yet promptly returning when his attention reverted to Lewis.

"It wasn't an unplanned kidnapping," Dante declared dryly, leading Lewis to tilt his head inquisitively. "Her again?" Lewis questioned.

"It's worse," Dante sighed, his eyes conveying the gravity of the situation. Continuing in Italian, he stated, "Dal dipartimento tecnico, uno dei nostri affidabili ha rubato i due diamanti."

From the technical department, one of our trustworthy ones stole the two diamonds.

Confusion etched my brow. "What?" I interjected, seeking clarity, but Dante seemed to dismiss my question. Visibly tense, Lewis took charge. "I'll get ready right now. We have to start the search from today." As he rose, Dante redirected his attention to me.

Dante's intense gaze again bore into me as he declared, "I need to ask you a question." I nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the forthcoming inquiry.

"Lewis, you can go change," Dante instructed, and Lewis complied, exiting with a stern caution to Dante. "Be careful with your words towards her, Fedorov. I'm warning you."

Dante, with a dry dismissal, waved Lewis away. As Lewis departed, a palpable intensity lingered in the room, a prelude to a conversation fraught with significance.

The air thickened when his penetrating gaze shifted to me again, and, feeling awkward under his scrutiny, I quipped, "Do you always love to stare at women?"

"Only the ones I find intriguing," he replied, his focus unwavering. Then, he dropped a bombshell, asking, "Do you know your grandmother is alive?" I nodded slowly.

"She is the head of a formidable organization," he disclosed calmly, his demeanor revealing the divulgence.

"Head of what?" I inquired, fidgeting with my hands.

"As in a group of nefarious individuals who commit atrocities, kill innocents, steal expensive items, and peddle drugs," I murmured, a sense of unease settling in as I processed the unexpected revelation. "Then what?" I asked in a hushed tone, curiosity, and trepidation mingling in the charged atmosphere.

"She recently found out that you and Lewis had escaped to America," Dante calmly informed me, his eyes revealing a depth of concern that sent a chill down my spine.

His next words were a thunderclap in the quiet room. "She wants to take you and your children hostage" he stated matter-of-factly, his expression unyielding.

The weight of the revelation settled in, and I felt a surge of panic. "You have to shift until we catch her and the others and have evidence," he asserted, his movements deliberate as he straightened his posture and got up.

"Excuse me?" I questioned, a mixture of disbelief and defiance in my voice as I rose to my feet, standing directly in front of him. I needed more than a cryptic warning.

"Could you mind being more open than saying half things?" I demanded, my voice maintaining a deceptive calmness, though a storm raged within.

"I didn't realize I wasn't clear enough for you," he retorted in a dry manner, a hint of mockery lacing his words. The intensity in the air crackled as our eyes locked, the gravity of the situation mingling with unspoken tension.

"Is that the only question you wanted to ask?" I challenged, looking up at him, a height difference impossible to ignore.

"Besides my house, I own a building with top-notch security. It's one of the safest in the city, ensuring the residents' safety. One of my bodyguards will be there to protect you," he explained calmly.

"I don't know—" I began, but he cut me off with a stern tone. "Miss. Bennett, it wasn't a question but an order for your safety and your children."

"Only if Lewis agrees," I insisted. Dante calmly responded, "He knows. I had informed him, and it's not difficult for him to comply."

"Fine, you don't have to be such an arse about things if a person is being nice. The decent thing you could do is respond nicely back," I retorted, about to walk away when he pulled me against the wall.

"You are crossing your boundaries, Mr. Fedorov. This is highly inappropriate," I asserted, looking into his eyes as one hand pressed against the wall beside me. I couldn't help but look at him; he looked incredible. Talk about inconvenient timing for my eyes.

"Is it? Would you like to be reminded of the things you called me a week ago?" he calmly challenged. His woody cologne wafted over me as I turned my face away. His other hand gently held my chin, turning it to face him.

"When I tell you to do something, do it, alright, darling? It's for your own good," he uttered in a low, rough voice, releasing me gently and adjusting his suit.

"Learn how not to cross boundaries. Just because you look like that doesn't mean you can boss around," I told him nonchalantly.

"Look like what?" he asked with a hint of curiosity.

"You are such a pain in the arse," I remarked, and surprisingly, he laughed, replying, "No one has ever given me such a lovely compliment to my face."
