
Unspoken Allure

Athena's pov

As the clock inched toward 7, I opted for an early workday exit. Stepping into my new apartment, I was pleasantly surprised to find everything meticulously arranged to my liking. The shifters, responsible for this thoughtful setup, refused any payment, leaving me a tad frustrated. They revealed Dante had settled it already. While appreciative, I mentally noted to thank him and request no future gestures, as I prefer not having others cover my expenses.

The impending date stirred a mix of emotions—nervousness, a touch of regret for agreeing, and Dante's past behavior lingering in my thoughts. Despite these reservations, there was a strange necessity to honor the commitment. It was just one date, and refusing seemed as illogical as agreeing. The internal debate added complexity to my already mixed feelings.

Back at home, my children relished the meal I had prepared, creating a tranquil backdrop to the evening. Amid their contented silence, I began the process of getting ready. Donning an elegant white dress paired with delicate accessories—a subtle necklace, earrings, and a charming light bracelet—I aimed for an air of sophistication. The choice to switch to trending beige heels, intricately fastened, felt like a playful nod to social media aesthetics, seamlessly complementing my outfit. Leaving my hair to cascade freely, a light touch of makeup—eyeliner, a hint of blush, and a dab of lipstick—crafted a look exuding understated grace.

Engrossed in the final preparations, the impending arrival of my brother heightened the evening's anticipation. The ticking clock heralded his visit, and as the notion crossed my mind, a distinct knock echoed through the door. Serendipity at its finest—my brother, an unexpected yet welcomed guest.

"Come in," I beckoned, rising from my seat as the door swung open slowly. My brother stood there, arms crossed, a playful smirk gracing his face.

"You didn't tell me you were going on a date," he quipped. I shrugged, shooting him a smile, and moved to the dressing table. Retrieving my chic crossbody bag, draped casually on one side, I strolled past him, retorting, "Yes, I didn't, but I'm telling you now," in a mockingly defiant tone before heading to the living room.

His laughter trailed after me, and he teased, "Yeah, fine, but you look like a clown. You're gonna scare your date away before you even talk." I shot him a glare. "Excuse me?"

"You are excused, clown," he declared dramatically, lounging on the sofa. With a smirk, he inquired, "So, who's the lucky guy?" Caught off guard, I stammered, "Someone," earning a skeptical raised brow. "Someone?" he echoed but decided not to press further. "Well then, hope he's a good guy. If anything happens, text me, alright?" I nodded.

At that very moment, my kids burst into the room, all smiles. Aster exclaimed, "Mommy, you look so pretty! Where are you going?" My brother, ever the provocateur, chimed in, "She's on a mission to find you guys a dad."

Their excitement soared. "Mom, we're gonna get a dad?" Adelis asked eagerly. I shot my brother a look, but he reclined on the sofa, feigning disinterest.

"No, my loves. I'm just going out with a friend. Behave at home, alright? If I'm late, please don't wait up, just go to sleep," I instructed, leaning down to give them each a kiss on the forehead, whispering, "I love you."

On my way out, a mischievous idea struck me. I grabbed a pillow from the sofa and playfully whacked Lewis with it. "Hey, that hurt, you gorilla!" he protested, and I darted to the door, closing it swiftly before he could retaliate.

I pressed the button, awaiting the lift. The surroundings exuded a posh and secure ambiance, a setting that appealed to my senses. As the lift door opened, I stepped inside. A few more people joined from different floors, and, as per routine, I feigned engrossment with my phone, although I had no internet and was merely staring at the time, awkwardly swiping around. The moments in the elevator felt like an eternity until the doors finally parted, allowing me to step out into the open air.

In eager anticipation of Dante's arrival, my assumption led me to believe he would be waiting just beyond the gate. However, as I prepared to venture out, a man approached, asserting, "Ma'am, you can't go out alone." An initial flicker of annoyance crossed my expression until he swiftly amended, "Ah, I'm sorry for stating it so abruptly. I'm Eric. Dante instructed me to ensure your safety."

Realization dawned, prompting a polite smile from me. "I was about to express something quite unflattering. Thank you for clarifying," I said with a chuckle, extending my hand toward him. "I'm Athena. You probably already know my name, but there you go." He took my hand, reciprocating with a friendly smile. With dirty blonde hair and deep brown eyes, he exuded an air of innocence juxtaposed with a slightly intimidating height—6'2, to be precise. Despite this, his demeanor radiated friendliness.

Abruptly, a sleek Mercedes Benz glided into view. Eric, the discreet guardian, opened the back seat door, revealing Dante engrossed in a phone call. As the door opened, he briskly concluded the conversation, stating, "We will discuss it later; I'm busy." I settled beside him, and Eric maintained a discreet presence outside.

Dante was a sight to behold. He had this captivating aura that drew my attention towards him. Clad in a white shirt and black suit, he looked effortlessly sophisticated and charming. His clothes hugged his well-toned body, accentuating every contour and curve.

"He won't come?" I inquired of Eric but Dante, motioned a negative response as the driver initiated our journey. He then set his phone aside and unexpectedly complimented, "You look beautiful."

Butterflies stirred in my stomach, prompting a tingly and joyous reaction. My smile became almost unbearable, and I covered my mouth with one hand, whispering, "T-thank you."

"You are not afraid of me, right?" Dante queried, his tone balancing between intimidating and gentle. I shook my head, "No."

"Why then do you look down?" In a surprising move, his hand found its way to my chin, elevating my gaze to meet his eyes.

"Talk to me now," he urged. Captivated, I found myself momentarily speechless. Shifting slightly prompted him to release his hold on my chin.

He sighed but managed a smile, asking, "Do I look that scary to you?" I stammered, "No, it's just—uhm—hah—I get kind of like—."

My fragmented sentences ceased abruptly as the car came to a sudden halt. I closed my eyes, but Dante swiftly approached, placing a hand around my waist and another near my forehead—deja vu from earlier today. Close to his chest, he emitted a remarkable scent, akin to a dark perfume. My heart quickened, sensing his agitation at the driver. Before he could say anything, the driver explained, "Sorry, sir. The car ahead was driving recklessly, and it came to a random halt, which I did."

In a cold tone, Dante responded, "It's alright, make sure it doesn't happen again," maintaining his hold on me. Despite the comfort, I shifted back, placing my hand on his chest. Meeting his gaze, I remarked, "This is too close now, don't you think?" He looked at me, gently letting me go and shifting slightly to the side. My heart raced because of him.

Our conversation dwindled during the ride, but his eyes lingered on me, and I kept stealing glances at him. Attempting distraction, I gazed out the window, contemplating why I found myself in this situation. While I had experienced a few dates before, never had I felt this nervous around a guy.

We came to a halt in front of an upscale restaurant, devoid of cars or people. Dante, ever the suave companion, had effortlessly exited and now stood by my side, courteously opening the door. Taking his proffered hand, I rose with his assistance, mindful of my skirt. He positioned himself protectively in front of me, a discreet shield in this quiet enclave. Once I was on my feet, he gently took my hand, placing it on his arm—a comforting gesture that began to alleviate my nerves.

Approaching the entrance, the waiter looked up, an unmistakable hint of fear or nervousness flickering across his expression. He bowed deferentially to Dante, stating, "Sir, your table is ready inside; you can go in." Dante acknowledged with a nod, holding the door open for me—an embodiment of true gentlemanly conduct. Despite my lingering guilt, I hesitated to trouble him unnecessarily.

Stepping into the restaurant, an unusual quietness enveloped the surroundings. A waiter guided us to a central corner table adorned with a candle in the middle and petals surrounding it. It struck me as a bit extravagant for a first date, considering Dante barely knew me. As we settled in, another waiter approached, presenting us with menus. "Here is the menu. When you're done deciding, let me know," he said before discreetly retreating. I flashed him a grateful smile and replied, "Thank you," as he left us to peruse the extensive array of choices.

"Why aren't there any people here?" I inquired, his eyes on the menu which remained fixed, a subtle smirk playing on his lips as he responded, locking eyes with me, "Because, darling, I booked the entire restaurant."

Surprise painted my eyes, "Why would you do that? It must cost you so much—" I began, but he gently cut me off, "Not really. It's just like buying candy for me. Don't worry about it."

Undeterred, I persisted, "But you don't know me enough to do so much," only to be met with his unwavering confidence. "No, I know enough about you to do this," he said casually, adding, "Tell me what you'd like from the menu."

I sighed, lips slightly bitten in contemplation, examining the choices, though everything seemed overpriced.

"Anything you have, I'll have," I finally said, looking at him. He smiled, teasingly remarking, "You are a predictable person," and then called the waiter, instructing him, "You could follow the things I told you too." The waiter simply nodded and left.

Confused, I asked, "What?" Dante responded, "It's a surprise," in a plain tone, offering no further explanation. The waiter then returned, presenting an expensive wine and pouring it for us.

"I didn't know you liked wine," I said, smiling. He replied, "Not really, but I can make an exception for today," playfully, yet his serious demeanor added an alluring layer.

Taking a sip, I remarked, "It's good," to which he nonchalantly shrugged, saying, "My choices are great." I rolled my eyes, mockingly stating, "Don't be too full of yourself." He replied calmly with a faint smile, "Will try," sipping his wine.

Out of the blue, he dropped a revelation then, "Your brother knows I took you out. I asked him today, and he said he didn't mind."

My surprise was evident, "I'm shocked he let you because—" I bit my lip to prevent exposing my brother, and Dante simply stared at me, a smile forming on his lips. "I know we have an interesting relationship. He wants my attention 24/7. If I don't give it, he chooses to taunt me with it," he explained, sparking genuine laughter.

"You're kidding me?" I asked, and he shook his head, "No, I'm not. We go way back. I knew him since he was in boarding school here in America."

My eyes widened, "He never told me that." Dante replied, "He's getting old to remember all these things," and I couldn't help but laugh, "You're the one to say," teasingly.

He looked at me, tilting his head, "You still agreed to go on a date with me, didn't you?" he teased, and I retorted, "Even though you are ancient, you still got the looks, what can I say." Dante continued, "I'm thirty-two and not seventy," and I laughed again, thoroughly enjoying our banter.

"You're really good-looking; I'm surprised you're still single," I remarked, and he responded calmly, "Who said I was single?" It took a moment for his words to register, and I felt my cheeks burning.

"Come on now, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked, taking a sip, and he replied, "Whenever you are comfortable, the offer is on the table." The air between us held a tantalizing mix of flirtation and unspoken possibilities.

"Mr. Fedorov, you aren't understanding. Even though I have agreed to go on a date with you, I can't assure you if I'm ready to date someone," I said politely, and he just listened, noting the words. It seemed like he understood, and then he began speaking.

"First, it's Dante to you, and if it's because of your kids you are taking that stance, then I genuinely don't mind your kids," he said, his voice carrying a magnetic warmth that enveloped the room. I just looked down, not knowing what to say, and the atmosphere seemed to visibly become colder.

He noticed and gracefully got up, sitting beside me. His movements were smooth, and as he removed his jacket, the fabric lightly brushed against my skin, sending a subtle shiver down my spine. He placed the jacket on my shoulders, the scent of his cologne lingering tantalizingly in the air. "Whenever you feel you are ready, then," he said, his breath caressing my ear as he leaned in slightly, and then sensually returned to his seat. I was left speechless, the room now charged with an undeniable allure.
