
Fractured Bonds

Dante's pov

I shook my head disapprovingly. "Now-now, Valerie. I suggest we end the discussion now," I grunted, attempting to maintain an unwilling smile.

She deliberately walked over towards me and swept everything off my table onto the floor - my files, papers, books, and even my empty coffee cup. It was clear that she was dissatisfied, perhaps due to my lack of attention to whatever had upset her.

I stared back at her with an apathetic expression, biting my tongue to bypass any instinctive response. Her behavior was out of line and absurd, though I refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing me react.

If she was anticipating me to lash out, she undoubtedly needed to learn her frontiers and apprehend that her actions were not agreeable.

Her eyes gradually began welling up with tears as she examined me. While part of me was struck with a feeling of guilt, the other resisted displaying any remorse.

I have taken on the responsibility of raising my siblings since we don't have parents. It was my utmost priority to ensure that they never experienced heartbreak under any circumstance due to it. I didn't anticipate any adverse effects, nevertheless, they began to employ emotional tactics to get what they wanted.

As I looked down for a moment, I couldn't help but let out a sigh, feeling a sense of heaviness in my heart.

To me, guilt and fear possess weaknesses that hinder us from doing something in a precise way. It's like being tied up in a knot, tightening around you. Practically every part of you suffocates when you are about to accomplish something, making it nearly far-fetched to break free.

It is a ceaseless struggle for me to confound these inimical sentiments and grow past them. Some people may reason that fear and guilt are significant emotions to experience; perhaps I will realize this in the future.

I longed for the day when peace ultimately found its way inside me, and the bitterness was emitted out of the system.

Hope was the only segment I had not given up on wholly. I hoped that when calmness arrived, it would be endless and not a momentary relief.

With my siblings present, it was apparent that my rage was akin to a rapidly climbing thermometer during a severe fever or a thick fog that may settle inside my brain, making it formidable to see anything.

"Seriously, nothing?" she inquired through her quivering lips."Brother, you aren't going to say anything, are you?" Her voice rose in desperation as she placed her hands on the table.

I questioned sternly, "What is it that you want?" while suppressing a heavy sigh and raising my eyebrows in displeasure.

She still stood before me, her face red and puffy from tears streaming down her face. Her voice trembled as she spoke, "I admit the trouble I caused. I do—I do. I have been trying to change myself for the better. I did dig a hole, but I had no idea I was the one who was deep inside. I was on the wrong path with them."

She paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and then continued after swallowing nervously. "I promise to pay you every dime that you have given me and raised me with. I will work to regain your trust, brother. I'm truly sorry for all the worry and the amount of pain I have caused you over the years." As I listened to her words, feeling skeptical, I examined her expressions closely, my lips now twitching with amusement. I wondered what had compelled her sudden change of heart.

"I fulfilled my responsibility as a brother by raising my family. You don't owe me anything for it, but I can't seem to place the change of emotions," I commented, my voice tinged with sarcasm. Although I struggled to suppress a chuckle, I kept a neutral expression and rested my hand under my chin, gazing down at the table before looking back at her with a serious expression.

The analogy of ice struggling not to melt is a visual representation of my state. I feel identical to a blazing fire trying not to swallow the world around me. The mere kindness existing within me is the one that never dared to explore the darkness surrounding it.

The building layers of wrath were years' worth of stress that left me feeling a sense of disorientation. I'm trapped in my hell. I was the savior that fed the people. My family. Now the family is against me, biting the very hand that fed them.

"I genuinely mean it this time, brother. I'm not lying, for God's sake! Will you—" she began to speak, but I interrupted, rising from my seat, fists slamming onto the table.

"I worked tirelessly day and night so that the five of you could live a comfortable life after everything we went through. But I won't tolerate your constant changing and flip-flopping nonsense again. I'm not your parent and I demand that you understand that." I glared at her as I spoke.

As I stood before her, she gazed at me, her mouth gaping open, unable to utter a single word.

Suddenly, Carter walked into the room, his face twisted with agitation upon seeing her sight. He walked over, his arms folded tightly across his chest."Again Val? Get a life. Aren't they giving you enough tips at the bar?" He blurted out.

He made a callous comment, making her face turn red with anger. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down, then looked him straight in the eye. Her gaze was firm as she said, "Carter, I am the owner of the bar. I didn't come here for money. I came here to fix things with the only family I have left." Despite feeling upset, she spoke with a clear and composed tone.

"I don't have time for this," I conveyed firmly, leaving no room for argument. "After the stunts you've pulled, it's going to take a long time—maybe even years—for me to trust you again. And right now, I have more critical things to deal with than your presence in my office. Leave."

I could hear her sniff softly. It was a relief to know that she hadn't attempted to assassinate me, unlike my other two siblings. However, I could discern that a part of her had harbored resentment towards me for some while due to my lack of attention.

Despite this strain, all I wanted was for her to be safe. At the same time, I knew that she must learn how to get her act together and take charge of her own life.

"I will prove it with my actions, brother. You and Eric are the only people who truly matter to me. I am determined to regain your trust. Please take care of yourself and stay safe," she assured, fighting back tears.

Suddenly, she heard Carter's mocking laughter and swiftly turned to face him. He tried to stifle his amusement, but it became a disdainful snort. Standing with his arms crossed, he attempted to appear nonchalant while she confronted him with a withering stare.

"I hope you die with unsufferable pain imagined," she uttered before moving ahead, closing the door with a decisive click.

"Hey, do you remember when Julliard rejected her again?" he asked, laughing, but I shot him a stern glare to convey my irritation.

He quickly learned his mistake and raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, I'm sorry, man. But on a serious note, we've got some crucial news. We've located the missing girl who disappeared ten days ago, and while scanning the area, we detected five more girls, including Cecilia Wang, your neighbor's daughter."

A dreadful feeling washed over me at the mention of Cecilia's name. Her parents were invariably absent, and the only occupants of the house were a few caretakers and Cecilia herself.

These infamous traffickers were on the wanted list and known to pay a sum of money to the parents for their children. How senseless?

I resided in an upscale locality, and this piece of information made me bemused by how they managed to afford living there. The situation indeed grew more complex. I needed to investigate their well-being once I resolved the matter at hand.

Without wasting time, I swiftly picked up an earpiece from the nearby stand and switched it on. My voice took on a sense of urgency as I exclaimed, "We need to move ASAP."
