
Optabilis Mundo: Shroud of Black Resort

Lust overwhelmed Mirai Shizuku as she ventured the world of Terra to discover what kind of purpose she was sent here.

D4ISUKE · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Counter-Counter Part 3

Somewhere in the middle of the alley near Marketplace - South Central District of Falx City

The night fell down with a maiden's cry of doom which screeched the heaven's dawn to prolong its rest.

"Haaa ahhhhh haaaaa~"

Mirai respired after she laughed out of her satisfying result as she successfully paid their "debt" back through the same humiliation that the three crooks were deserving of. At least, it wasn't worth enjoying, even though she thought it was enjoyable at all. Blood over the drilled pits was gradually dripping as thick as liquidated cream — everything didn't belong to her.


Suddenly, she pressed her head as her mind trembled like it was about to cripple. Naturally or not, it remained mysterious rather than she felt something piercing around her every sense. She couldn't figure out what was happening throughout her mind.

"Even though I cried over a lot… it's still humiliating me," Mirai trembly mumbled, looking at her bloody palm.

Her complaint was the urge of picking a fulfillment that she wanted to expect; her regret was like the fall of the deep sea when in the first place, she fancied over her deep dive which could dig her body deeply to the core of the sea that somehow overwhelmed her naturally because of the exerting water pressure.

She then approached the rotten cloak, but thinking about it, it was useless to do so since the blood dripping from her bottom part could consider her a huge-threat bringer for to be a murderer with massive damages she had done.

"I don't know why I used to hate frock coats before, but I wished I could've had it beforehand."

If that could happen, the humiliation couldn't do to her. Slight heavy punches should be at least sufficient to her. Changing her mind, she returned to an eye towards the choked-dead man who had him moments ago. The waste of time irritated her while hurling it away might worsen the situation.

The dead man with clean clothes — the polo coat with a single drop of blood on it — would be convenient for her to pick it up regardless of the design which she despised it over until now. By that, Mirai undressed his clothes while her eyes narrowed — feeling disgusted — yet she bit her lips as she insisted on acting with nothing distracting to her regretful eyes. Was it because of the guilt of pleasure over the man's "light debt" to be ironic?

But she stopped plucking the buttons on her polo.

She realized that something came up with her mind, even though it was a bit of an excuse to stop the pluck.

She realized that someone was watching over a certain scenario from the entire time. She heard the mild, tapping footsteps as the sound of a certain mistress who wandered around the blighted alleys without the sense of cautiousness.

"Oh~ How did this happen?"

The one who appeared with the voice before her was the crimson-eyed lady with the same raven-colored hair and strong lips — Juliette van Vermiculo. She already filed the current Report File for the library, so she reconvened until something came up to her curiosity was the reason she was hiding behind the wall from the very beginning.

"You really know how the thugs think like a thug without the hesitation to underestimate someone with only an eye for an eye," Juliette bluffed while approaching Mirai.

"I-I'm sorry. Did I do the filthy thing? I'm sure that something made me pleased," Mirai grinned from ear to ear.

"Devilishly, you really did your best to escape from constant humiliation by reverse-immediate-humiliation techniques," Juliette giggled with her tingly hands. "With that fatal genital technique of yours is what I amused of."


"I'm sure that… actually… I want to teach you something further first."

"Teach? This fatality?... I don't think it feels good to me," Mirai slightly widened her jaw.

"No no no! Not that I mean… I was expected before when you legitimately killed these cult priests back in the Ruined Mansion, but I'm sure for now that you have reached the 'stasis' if I presumed correctly. "


"Before that, would I mind that carrying two bottles of drinking water I had to help you?"

Mirai nodded after Juliette put out the two leather-skinned bottles and a single hand-sized towel on her grip as she washed the blood off from her stained body, including the feet. Juliette smelled something metallic while approaching Mirai nearer as the scent wafted over her bitter noses. It looked like she possessed something far from how presumptuous would consider being that "gifted".

Or perhaps she was no longer the person who considered herself a babe.

Juliette ignored what Mirai had gotten through despite how despicable would it be to feel wrongful in depth of her intentions.

Subsequently, Juliette rubbed the bloodstained part located from the midriff to the bottom line while pouring it with water to rid the blood well off from her body. Looking above, the droplets of a translucent liquid fell on her cheeks as Mirai shed her tears, crumbling with a horned-cripple of her mind while gnashing her teeth as the sign of the chain reaction. Apparently, she wasn't crying for the sake to be a crybaby; It somehow fell herself off from her chains of stability. The dreadful cripples caused her tearful pain.

"I really can't foresee how laughable that was," Mirai said while pressing against her forehead. "But the pain of humiliation still exists in my mind. It's like someone pinches my scalp while my inevitable hands can't allow to resist."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! That's what amused me while taking a long peek behind the wall," Juliette amplified with a burst of her laughter. "It's really like the thugs deserved to be stolen themselves with your hard-bursted gripe of sensational madness."


"Look… it's not like you need to be evil to act cool, or you need to be good to act nice. Act based on the situation you want to give yourself some tasty aroma within your heart."


"In other words, just go fuck their brains until they died for the sake of overwhelmed fate of yours than their submissive fate of misfortune."

After tons of dialogue, Mirai grabbed Juliette's neck, forcing Juliette's body to stand up in a solid yet flexible form. Her eyes mismatched to someone with a pair of crimson eyes, but Juliette could tell that Mirai had gone through the grip of a fragile snake, grasping for the early demolishing danger in the even. She felt something busted out of her mind which it unleashed away from her crippling struggle. Regardless, Juliette felt something squeezing her throat as it blocked the air and resisted entering through the passage from-and-to the lungs, but her eyes glared down as if she was about to cry herself in pain.

"Listen, you old hag!" Mirai exaggerated with her gnashed teeth. "I don't think you did this deliberately, but I'm pretty sure you have set me up for this because the timing was surely God's miracle for a cursed situation like these."


"And I don't care if I didn't know something else in this particular city or world. Gates for me were widely opened for me to face every certain general of every legion of hell that somehow blew my mind and soul up with their blazing flames of sin. I wonder when and how my humiliation will end, but the fucking prickles bothers me a looooot!!"

To set herself free, Juliette dispersed herself like a finger-snap of blighted smoke that somehow transported herself behind the close realization of Mirai's confusing eyes. By that, Mirai thought the shadow disappeared in a sudden thin blow of air, but apparently, she was totally behind her eyes.

Mirai turned her wicked eyes back as she saw Juliette strongly swayed her hand towards her cheek. It slapped her back to reality.

"I understand," Juliette murmured to heed Mirai's painful cry. "You can blame most people for setting you up in the first place. Either be gods, spirits, demons, and even humans who toyed you like a trash that turned you into a wicked soul you are, but no matter what the case, it is either in a good or bad shape as always. That's why I compliment you to fuck their brains up like a warrior who wanted to survive for anything or nothing."


"There is no need to find either an easy or hard solution just to please yourself with a taste of your rigged procedures. This is now a go-or-take-it and go-and-take-it world. I don't need to understand what world you're coming from, but you have to take what hinders you and blow them up through the rigid ashes of despair… or correct them if they're wrong when their goals have a purpose to live on with something or someone truly precious."


"There is no need for you to act like a hero or villain. We are now in the world of Battle Royale."

Juliette delivered the words around Mirai's relieving ears as either wouldn't matter in terms of morality. The world of Terra was best described as the world of "Battle Royale". It meant despite either and neither ethics, the stage of one's stand was hers along. She couldn't take much longer as the cycle of humiliation would go by. Everything hadn't created nor destroyed, they existed from the very piece of a certain singularity. The crippling pinch withdrew from her mind. The long-chipped dazzles created the beauty of cleansing pain which in return, the satisfaction made the endgame of her painful playground.

The commitment had finally vowed to her chest as the curiosity shone with her better fulfillment.

"Maybe it's time for me to relieve my stress," Mirai said with a gasp of relief. "Lady Juliette, I request for the training."

"You sure?" bluffed Juliette.

Mirai nodded as a reply while Juliette put off her things that needed to wash her body since she finished her body clean-up service. Juliette felt nerve racking to the fact that Mirai was unsure of herself whether she could be good at fending for herself, or was she unconsciously able to make every move without furthering her sense of reliability? Her guts couldn't tell what was happening around her, but her desires didn't stop at nothing in every single inch of resistance. With that, she made her conclusion to reveal the purpose of her commitment.

"I've always been waiting for that answer of yours to be revealed in front of my eyes and ears," Juliette smirked while Mirai sweated out of her nervousness. "Oh dear, I guess a lost child like you needs to find a place for a suitable bed and table."

Afterwards, Juliette picked up the gold coins that scattered around. Her capability was like the one when she immediately caught two fishes with a clean tip of her crescent-shaped blade that looked like a sickle in an unique eye. Her vision was like a thermal camera tracking down the infrared rays. Searching every nook and cranny, she could see the glowing yellowish pieces in the shape of a coin — which was the indicator of where it had landed without looking beyond the actual spot to miss. 

After Juliette retrieved the coins back to its owner, Mirai settled down as she continued to pluck the buttons on a polo coat of a choked-dead man, but Juliette refused her and gave the rotten cloak back to her.

"Let's get some proper clothes for you," Juliette said while tossing the ten gold to her. "No need to be picky this time."

The conclusion passed on a bit as both of them departed from the blighted alleys.