
Chapter 2: Life goes on

Dear Diary,

So if you're listening could you give a helping hand? I'm tired and lost. Nothing makes sense. Miss Choudhry sent me to the office for the 5th time this week. I got off easy but it really makes no sense how. Obviously, I'm failing maths and every other subject except art. My artwork lets me let out all of my bottled up emotions. It lets me express myself and I don't know how I would survive without it. All the swishes and dips and drops. Every single colour and stroke matters. I want to feel wanted by someone-anyone. If I died right now, no one would care, why would they anyways. Simply, I was an insignificant and unachieved person who didn't fit right in society. Always the worst - never the best. I don't know why I'm pouring my heart out onto a piece of paper but this makes me feel better. No one will see what I do in the dark, away from society's clutches. I won't be judged for who I am, what I feel , what I do or how I dress. I can be myself here. Those four words are the most hardest things to find. It doesn't matter if your the worst or the best : spreading your wings and breaking out your cage that imprisons you. That is the most important thing.



Dear Diary,

This diary is brand new. The dark leather coated it. Loosely, a gold strand fell into the palm of my hands. The lines form into magnificent shapes and unbelievable ideas beyond my very small imagination. Well then, I guess it's time to write. It's the 6th of January and I'm on a hospital bed. After my tragic collapse on the runway, I had been in a coma for 3 days. There are so many wires coming out of me. With my eyes droopy and my head dizzy, I stood up with difficulty. A sense of danger is in the air and tension is tight while I hold my breath for my parents' next words. I'm going to boarding school in England of all places. Leaving everything I'm familiar with and starting fresh to alleviate the tension they said but I know it's not that. In the dead of night, I could hear rushed whispers that rose to violent screeches and terrifying crashes. I was a liability. Their voices resounded in my head. It was a lot to take in . However, being the person I am my head emptied and my hands started shaking. If they were telling me this now, something unexplainable was happening.Quickly, I racked my head for any possibilities or traces of excitement but it was all solemn. Silence. We all knew what was going to happen. No one dared to say it but our family was hanging on a thread that threatening to break any second. Once it broke, there would be no going back. Our lives wold be destroyed in two days when I get on that flight. Dismissively, I waved them out of my room and took a look at myself. I was not the healthy and happy person I used to be. A single tear raced down my cheek. My hand caught it but there would be so much more to come. There was never a bright side; life goes. I changed.

We all change.


Signed Andre


What should I wear today? All the cute possibilities briefly flitted through my mind. My hand delved into the mystery of my closet. Out came a soft pink button up shirt with a dark black skirt. Hurriedly, I got into my outfit to go and meet my best friend Yuna. She is the light of my life and always listens to me when I need the support. A lot of things wouldn't have been possible without her. Tufts of my blonde hair stuck out in floofy shapes.

Tapping and humming a joyful tune, I ran down the ancient stairwell of Golden Forest Boarding school. The rickety handrail groaned in defiance as my hand smoothly slid across the surface. My loose bun bounced as I glided across campus towards a dark-clothed girl. As always, she was on her own with her head immersed in a drawing; her pencil strokes lightly caressing the page.

"Hey Yuna!" my voice rang out as I placed my hands upon her shoulders.

"Hi Sal" she mumbled still focused on the image of the waterfall

Forcefully, I dragged her by the arm and her loud protests echoed over the busy campus ground. Stopping to stare, a few people snickered at the sight of it. To be honest, who wouldn't? She was the complete OPPOSITE of me.

Down into the city centre, I pulled her in a kawaii café. She lets out a stifled groan and sinks into her cushioned seat. Immediately, a grin broke out onto my face as she ordered the most cute cupcake. Cascading down onto the rose coloured tablecloth, Yuna's hand flung up drawing it back out from her eyes.

"Are you tired?" I asked, not knowing of the storm that was about to come

"I wrote in the diary," she let out whispering like a mouse

A small gasp escaped from my lips. Yuna was so secretive and whenever she shared something to anyone or anything it was a huge surprise. Her black acrylic nails bounced on the table waiting for a response from me. Expectantly, her eyes gleamed and mouth twisted into a frown while I squirmed in my seat.

"That's", I paused,"...great"

Joy and relief spread across her face as she took her thumb to her mouth quietly nibbling on it. Savouring every moment, I burst into a passionate speech about being yourself only to trail off as the gloriously decorated cupcakes arrived on a posh silver platter. The sweet smell and little sprinkles wafted across the whole restaurant. The milkshakes came topped with cloud like foam and divine chocolate placed delicately on the top.

We stuffed our faces full and left feeling satisfied. Running back to the dorms, we bumped into Zane and Yuna glared him off as I waved shyly back. As normal, his eyes were on Yuna. knew he liked her but was too shy to ask her out. Yuna ignored him as usual but a small smile showed on her face. Brightly, his eyes lit up with joy and he skipped over to a small bakery.

Continuing our journey to the dorms, I separated in the crowds and found myself hit a wall. Retreating, I glumly walked back packing up my happy personality with it. Now it was time to unwind.

At least for me.


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