
Opinions of the Herrscher of Dominance

"I am the Herrscher of Dominance, The Herrscher of Legion." "There are thousands of me." "Thousands of me who can think in sync yet independently." "Thousands of me who can infinitely revive." "Isn't this clearly a BUG-level learning and growth system!?" "...Wait, let me emphasize that it's a learning and growth system, not a clone dating system!" "What do you mean I'm a Bride!?" "I never even thought about anything weird like a harem! I'm serious! So, you weird women, stay away from me!!!" — As usual, a MTL+Bot assisted Translation and heavy editing of a CN fanfic being put here for easy reading. CN Title:千人律者的一己之见

Bismarck_Imperia · Video Games
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23 Chs

Chapter 6: Theresa's Conclusion

"Class monitor, you're back? Uh, don't look at me like that! I know I screwed up again this time, oooo~~"

Kiana covered her bruised face and squatted down in embarrassment.

Fu Hua's original intention to give a serious lecture slowly dissipated in Kiana's shameful reaction. She held the unconscious Angel with one hand and handed over a bright red rose with the other hand.

"Eh? Class monitor, why are you still carrying a rose?"

"On the road, a stranger gave it to me."

Fu Hua thought of the pink little girl she met before, and blushed as she handed her the rose. Fu Hua wanted to refuse politely, but the girl stuffed the rose into her hand, covered her face, and ran away excitedly as if she had done something amazing.

What are girls thinking nowadays? I, the Immortal Phoenix, really don't understand.

Fu Hua sighed silently.

Kiana took the rose, sniffed it, blushed slightly, stood up, and said shyly:

"Should I say you are worthy of being the class monitor? Not only are you a popular 'sister' in school, but you are also popular with women after leaving St. Freya Academy. But I already have someone in my heart, class monitor, you can't conquer me, hehe!"

Kiana said so, but holding the rose, she shook her body involuntarily and smiled foolishly.

So, I, the immortal, really don't understand what little girls nowadays are thinking.

Fu Hua held Angel and called the landline with the headset.

Soon, a whistling wind fell from the sky, and a black armed helicopter slowly approached the ground.

Kiana protected the rose with both hands, turned her head to look at the unconscious Angel, and asked with her silver hair flying:

"Class monitor, how is she?"

"The mission is to control and bring her back, so I didn't use heavy hands; she's just unconscious. In addition, classmate Kiana, your performance in this additional evaluation is - zero points."

"Hey! Don't do this!?"

Amid the roar of the helicopter landing, Kiana raised her head and let out a shrill whine.


"Goddess! Damn! My Goddess!"

"We are not Hammurabi, don't make laws here!"

"What should I do? I've lost contact with you outside!"

"Calm down, the connection of power is still there, it seems she's just unconscious, not dead yet."

Angels expressed their panic in different reactions, and after a while, they calmed down and gathered together to discuss the current situation.

"Think carefully, the first person to contact us is Kiana, a new student of St. Freya, rather than a professional Valkyrie team, which means the problem may not be that serious."

"At least, no one should have thought that we are Herrschers."

"Then, there is still a chance."

After all, the third Herrscher only appeared half a year ago. Normally, no one would have thought that a new Herrscher would appear so soon.

Twenty-nine Angels stayed in the square of the Domination Theater, sitting in a circle, desperately using their little brains to guess what would happen next.

"I should be taken to St. Freya Academy outside, and then, it is likely to be a physical examination and blood test."

"But the Herrscher core is not so easy discovered, right?"

The Angels frowned, feeling a little uneasy, but they had already panicked before, so they were not panicked now.

"Don't be too optimistic, but don't think the worst."

"First, we use human bodies, not puppet bodies."

"Second, the Herrscher core is not an obvious entity like a stone, but a more abstract energy system, which should not be discovered by conventional inspection methods."

The Angels spoke one by one.

The Herrscher of Dominance per individual unit are very weak. For a single individual, the amount of Honkai energy in their bodies is far from the scale of other Herrschers. This is actually beneficial for hiding their identities. If it is just a general physical examination, the conclusion is likely to be "Honkai energy adaptability is very good, and it is a good seedling for a Valkyrie."

"Otto is not paying attention to us now, right?"

An Angel uneasily expressed the biggest concern of the Angels.

A general physical examination may be fooled, but if the person paying attention to the physical examination is Otto, who has studied the power of Herrscher countless times, then the conclusion is another matter.

"Depend on what happens after waking up."

"If you meet Rita, Durandal, and other elite Valkyries from the Schicksal Headquarters, or if there is any life-threatening situation, then jump back to the theater directly."

"If it is a general imprisonment, or St. Freya's surrender, it means that the situation is not so bad, you can be patient and dormant for the time being to see the results."

"I agree, it is better to say that this is the only way to do it now."

The Angels were worried, but considering that Angel was unconscious outside, they were completely in the dark about the outside world, so they didn't even dare to go back to the living room at home. Since there was nothing they could do, they could only wait.


Saint Freya Academy, the majestic office of the principal.

Theresa, who was full of majesty, flipped through the information on the table. After reading it from beginning to end, she frowned and sighed.

"Alas, school bullying, this kind of thing again? Is this the traditional custom of this country? Why is it everywhere?"

"There is no way, the Far East has its own national conditions. In a place where the victim is recognized as guilty, what else can we do? So have you understood the information on that child, dear little Theresa?"

The plump and beautiful body that is about to burst out leans on the sofa chair. The close-fitting Valkyrie uniform not only highlights the seductive waist curve, but also clearly reveals the snow-white and bottomless ravines - Himeko Murata, a mature woman like a red-haired elf, holds the rim of the red wine glass with her slender hands, shakes the wine lazily, and shows amazing attraction from every inch of her body.

Unfortunately, she has been single until now.

Theresa slammed the table and shouted angrily in a childish voice:

"I told you to call me the school principal! It's because you are so careless all day long. Now even my eldest niece often disrespects me! Also, don't drink in the office!!"

"Calm down. It's time to get off work. There happened to be a bottle of red wine and a wine glass in your cabinet. I've been tired all day, and you don't allow me to enjoy it?"

"Hmph! Pay attention next time, especially when there are outsiders, you should restrain your alcoholic nature!"

Theresa puffed her cheeks and scolded in a self-righteous and majestic manner.

Himeko smiled indifferently, drank, and then adjusted her expression and said:

"Now it seems that the matter is relatively clear. A person who is qualified for hidden Honkai energy who lives an ordinary life suddenly awakens in extreme depression because of long-term bullying. Alas, that state is indeed easy to get out of control. It has happened before, but this time it is not a coincidence. Those little girls who are used to bullying the weak happened to be next to her and happened to be bullying her."

"Well, it's almost right. Although it's ridiculous, in this country, how can I say it, it feels like this kind of thing will happen sooner or later!"

"Hehe, probably. Then what are you going to do, respected school principal?"

"What else can we do? Even if we deal with it according to secular laws, the little girl is underage and can't be sentenced to any punishment at all. As for handling it according to the Honkai incident - it is excusable, and it is a good seedling worth cultivating, so of course it is absorbed by St. Freya! But after all, something like that just happened, at least she still needs to be observed and educated for a period of time and can't be directly put into the school."

Theresa said with a stern face, setting the tone for Angel's subsequent treatment.

It is not difficult to see from her words that she doesn't care about the death of those underage students.

Don't look at her innocent and cute little loli appearance, but she is an S-level Valkyrie after all, and she has experienced a lot of things and seen a lot of big scenes.

In a word, Theresa is a good person and very compassionate. But Theresa can also tell what kind of people should be given compassion to.

Himeko smiled slightly, nodded, and agreed with Theresa's judgment, then poured herself another glass of wine and said in a faint tone:

"But she is also a victim of Nagazora's collapse, her parents were killed in that disaster. After she enters the academy, how will Mei deal with it?"


Theresa looked down at the information and was speechless for a long time.

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