
Operation Orphan Mission: Guarding the Billionaire's Son, a Headache!

Lian Qiang is an orphan who grew up hating criminals and later became a member of the Orphan Mission. As an intelligent and unfazed woman, she is given a mission to protect the son of a billionaire. Lian Qiang, a skillful woman, is always excited about the missions assigned to her. She's one of the members of Orphan Mission, it is a unique special organization group that consists of people who no longer have families. The purpose of this organization is to transform the lives of its members and empower them to make a significant contribution to society. This organization encourages every orphan to join and considers it an obligation to be part of this special group.   Lian Qiang, once had a family. However, her life took a tragic turn when a notorious group caused the death of her father. Meanwhile, her mother succumbed to disease. As an only child, she was left alone in the world the reason why she was part of the organization. She practiced with herself well and did her best no matter what. Fighting with criminals is the only thing she could make her feel better. She hates them so much and she's planning to deplete them as soon as possible since that is the only way they could repay her father's life. Meanwhile, Zhang Jin, known as a party-goer and a source of trouble for his family, Zhang Jin's reckless behavior has earned him threats from a notorious group named the Black Wing Society. To ensure his safety, his father entrusts him to Lian Qiang's care. Though Lian Qiang was excited about accepting assignments, it was her first time rejecting this new mission. But would she agree? or will Zhang Jin allow someone to protect him? And will Lian Qiang be able to successfully complete her mission?

Zinnnn · Urban
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37 Chs

The Masked Man

The mall's storage room was hidden away from the busy corridors. It was a large space, dimly lit by just one light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Everywhere she looked, there were cardboard boxes. Some were neatly stacked, while others were torn open, revealing colorful clothes. The whole room smelled new, like clothes fresh off a store rack.

Lian Qiang stepped in quietly, her shoes making a soft sound on the concrete floor. She closed the door behind her, which muffled the distant noises of the bustling mall outside. She scanned the room, her sharp eyes catching a slight movement in the corner.

There, trying to blend in with the shadows, was a man wearing a mask. His breathing was controlled, but she could tell he was nervous.

He let out a sigh and said, "Didn't expect you to find me here, did you?" Even though she couldn't see his entire face because of his mask and cap, there was a taunting smirk in his eyes.

"Thought you could hide?" She asked, trying to gauge his reaction.

The man let out a short laugh. "Did you really think you could catch me so easily?"

Lian Qiang didn't reply. She started moving slowly towards him, eyes fixed on his every movement. Without warning, he lunged at her, a shiny blade glinting in his hand. But she was prepared. With agility, she sidestepped his attack, causing him to stumble. Seizing the opportunity, she pushed him hard, making him crash into a pile of boxes.

Clothes flew out, scattering in every direction. But the masked man wasn't going to give up so easily. Regaining his balance quickly, he lunged at her again. Lian Qiang grabbed a leather belt from one of the open boxes and, with a swift motion, whipped it towards his knife-wielding hand. The impact forced him to drop the knife, which clattered loudly on the floor.

The dimly lit storage room seemed to amplify every sound as Lian Qiang faced off with the masked man. Boxes were scattered around, and a faint smell of dust and old paper hung in the air. The man looked for a way out, his eyes darting around, but Lian Qiang quietly approached the door of the storage room.

Caught off guard, the man struggled but couldn't break free from Lian Qiang's firm grip. She leaned in, her face inches from his, her voice cold and steady. "Who are you? Who sent you?"

The masked man grunted, trying to free himself, but her hold was unyielding. "Talk," she demanded, "or things will get a lot worse for you."

The man hesitated for a moment, then spat out, "You won't get anything from me."

Lian Qiang tightened her grip, her face hardening. "Who's your boss? What does he want with Zhang Jin?"

The man chuckled beneath his mask, but it was a sound devoid of any humor. "You'll find out soon enough," he whispered ominously. With that, he suddenly elbowed Lian Qiang in the stomach, momentarily taking her by surprise. He immediately got the knife with him. Seizing the opportunity, he wriggled free and made a dash for the door.

But Lian Qiang recovered quickly. With a swift move, she threw a belt she had grabbed earlier at his feet, causing him to trip and hit the floor hard. But he quickly scrambled to his feet and, without looking back, dashed out of the room.

Lian Qiang paused for a few seconds, catching her breath. The confrontation had been intense, and the masked man's words echoed in her mind. Lian Qiang started after him, but the man was fast. Within seconds, he had flung open the door and dashed out, disappearing into the shadows of the mall.

She took a deep breath, attempting to steady herself as she wanted to chase him but unfortunately he went out.

Standing at the door of the storage room, Lian Qiang paused. She could still hear the faint echoes of the man's hurried footsteps outside slowly fading. She felt a mixture of emotions. Relief that the confrontation was over, frustration that the man had escaped, and a lingering adrenaline from the chase.

Adjusting her attire, ready to face Zhang Jin and continue their day, all while hiding the secrets of what had just transpired.

Zhang Jin was waiting outside, glancing around, a bit antsy. "Why were you in there so long?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of confusion and concern.

Lian Qiang hesitated for a fraction of a second before answering, "Oh, I thought I saw something that belonged to me. Turns out, it wasn't mine."

Zhang Jin looked at her quizzically. "In a comfort room?"

She gave a small shrug. "Yes. Anyway, let's get going."

Though Zhang Jin seemed to accept her explanation, there was a quiet intensity in her eyes that spoke of things unsaid. As they walked away, Lian Qiang kept glancing back, ensuring that no one was following them.

They continued to walk side by side, blending into the mall's crowd. With every step, the muffled hum of conversations, the distant sound of background music, and the bright displays of shops tried to distract them from the oddity of the past few minutes.

But Lian Qiang remained alert, her ears straining to pick up any unusual sounds, her eyes darting to mirrors and reflective surfaces to ensure that they weren't being trailed.

As they approached the exit of the mall, Lian Qiang felt a weight lifting off her shoulders. The danger, at least for now, seemed to be behind them. But the mysteries of the storage room encounter and the man with the mask still loomed large in her mind. She knew she had to find answers, but for now, she had to focus on keeping Zhang Jin safe.

When Lian Qiang went ahead, Zhang Jin saw how anxious the woman was. He could clearly see the cut with a blood underneath her left eye.

He doesn't want to believe that nothing happened.