
Operation : Kingdom

Lin, a skilled special ops captain, is sent on a mission with his team to rescue a soldier captured by the enemy during a war. However, the mission turns out to be a trap set by his own country to frame them for war crimes. When all seems lost, Lin finds himself standing in front of a mysterious gate and, with no other options, steps through it and is transported to a battlefield. There, he is confronted by people wearing strange clothing who question if he is with the Yellow Turbans, leading Lin to question if he has traveled back in time to the Three Kingdoms period.

SahsimiSikee · History
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6 Chs

Chapter 0 : Prolog

Lin had been on many missions before, but this one felt different. His team had been sent to rescue a captured soldiers during a war that had been raging for months. The mission was supposed to be routine, but as soon as they arrived at the location, they were ambushed.

As Lin and his team fought their way out, they realized that it was all a setup. Their own country had lured them into a trap, and now they were being framed for war crimes. They were outnumbered and outgunned, and it seemed like there was no way out.

Lin and his team fought bravely, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. As they were captured and taken into custody, Lin couldn't help but wonder how they had been set up. It was a trap, and his own country had been behind it.

They were taken to a military base, where they were interrogated and tortured for days. Lin refused to give in, even as his body was pushed to its limits. But as the days wore on, he began to lose hope.

One day, as he lay on the cold concrete floor of his cell, Lin heard a strange noise. It was a low humming sound, like nothing he had ever heard before. Suddenly, a bright light appeared, blinding him. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in front of a strange gate.

With no other options, Lin stepped through the gate and found himself in the middle of a battlefield. The sound of swords clashing and men shouting filled the air. He looked around, trying to get his bearings, when he was approached by a group of people wearing strange clothing.

"Stop, identify yourself," one of them said.

Lin hesitated, unsure of what to say. "I'm...I'm Lin," he replied. "I was sent on a mission, but...but something went wrong."

"Are you with the Yellow Turbans?" another one asked.

Lin was confused. "Yellow Turbans? What are you talking about?"

The group looked at each other, clearly suspicious. "You don't know about the Yellow Turbans? The rebels who are fighting against the Han Dynasty?"

Lin shook his head. "I don't understand. What...what year is this?"

The group exchanged glances, clearly unsure of what to make of him. "It's the year 184 AD," one of them finally said.

184 AD? Lin couldn't believe it. Had he traveled back in time? It seemed impossible, but he couldn't deny what he was seeing and hearing.

As he looked around at the battlefield, he saw soldiers fighting with swords and shields, and he realized that he was truly in a different time and place. But how had he gotten there? And more importantly, how was he going to get back?