
Operation Assassination

Max a kid got kidnapped and was later sold to a gang. The kid waited for his parents and police to rescue him but no one rescued him. One day he was rescued by a mysterious group. The leader of the mysterious group adopted him and trained him to become the heart of the mysterious group. Max who later became one of the best later came to know a huge conspiracy. He with the help of the mysterious group decided to punish those who have made him and many others like him live a hard and painful life.

Mukhtar_Thaqafi · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Freedom from torture

After Max was rescued he was along with other children taken to an island. Max was happy as he was released from the pain and suffering. The camouflage men took the kids to their leader. Their leader on seeing the kids ordered his men to take all the kids to their parents. Only Max was left alone. Max felt very sad and he wants to know why he was left alone. The leader of camouflage men told Max that he should not feel sad and Max should think of him as his parent. But Max wants his parents, not someone who wants to be his parent. Seeing the sad face of Max the leader of the mysterious group told Max that he is a family friend and he showed him a picture in which he was standing with his father. After seeing the picture the tension of Max decreased but still, he wanted to see his parents. The leader of the mysterious group now told Max that he will take him to his parents at the right time. Since Max knew that he had to stay with this mysterious man he asked his name. The mysterious man smiled and told him that his name is Tiger.

10 years passed and now Max is 18 years old.

One day, Tiger told Max that he is going to take him to a place. Max agreed to go but he didn't understand what is going on. After some time Tiger took Max to the graves of his parents. Max on seeing the graves of his parents was shocked and in anger, he asked Tiger when and how does it happen. Tiger told him that after Max was kidnapped, the kidnappers took the ransom from his parents and then his parents were killed. Tiger also told him that his kidnapping was not just a kidnapping for getting ransom but it was a plan made by some corrupt powerful people. He also told him that the plan was to eliminate his family. After hearing about it Max was extremely furious. Tiger told Max not to get angry and he will take his revenge and punish all those who were responsible for his pain and suffering. Max told Tiger to include him in the plan of revenge and he wants to punish the criminals with his own hands. After some thought, Tiger decided to include Max in his plan. Tiger and Max discussed the whole strategy. Tiger told Max to complete his higher education then the revenge plan will start.

What is the revenge plan? Who are the corrupt powerful people? Why the family of Max was targeted? To know this, please see the next chapter