
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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472 Chs

Chapter 327: What their enemies are doing part 2


[At Diana's hall]

[Muse point of view]

Transaction made by the first prince, through different peoples and names. Be it for charities, or for donations to struggling nobles, they can all be traced back to him, and not only that

"Ultimately, the money that was spent by the first prince get taken by few common names" [Cupid]

"Good observation. No matter the channel, the money and funds will one way or another, went to this few peoples" [Ceanu]

Sir Ceanu Reaves begin circling the name with red pen

"Which beg the question, what happen?" [Crow]

"Why did the first prince fund found themselves in their pockets you mean?" [Muse]

"Yes. These peoples are definitely sharing some common interests that aligns with first prince, so much so that the first prince actually spent quite a fortune for them, for what?" [Crow]

"Well, if we trace back to our initial point, it can only mean that he's trying to seize the throne through some other means" [Liyana]

"Yes, but why them and for what purpose" [Ceanu]

All of us draw a blank, and it didn't take long before we give up on finding the answer until

"Excuse me" [Rumia]

"Please, come in" [Ceanu]

"Don't mind if I do" [Rumia]

Saintess Rumia with her fellow members of the church coming in to share their snacks with us. This is actually a good time for a break anyway, so let us exchange some snacks.

One of the priest tries to give Sir Ceanu some tea before he accidentally peeks a look at the transaction documents, and

"I'm sorry, but aren't they the one suspected to have relationship with the meddling third party?" [Priest A]

"Huh?" [Crow]

Not only Sir Crow, all of us make the same reaction. The priest, reading the mood, continue his explanation, giving credit to the pair S rank sibling, Anjin and Kucin for actually uncovering it. They actually investigate them when dealing with the two traitorous princes of the demon kingdom, and they found out that these individuals do support the traitorous princes one way or the other

"Hold on, does that mean!" [Crow]

"That seems to be the case. Still, we should explain to Saintess Rumia and her friends regarding our discussion earlier first so that all of us are in the same page" [Ceanu]

"Please do so" [Rumia]

We make sure to tell Saintess Rumia and her friends about our discussion earlier and even Saintess Rumia come to the same conclusion

"The first prince is trying to get help from the meddling third party to seize the throne... While the church supposes to maintain neutrality in regards to a country political conflicts whenever possible, this one is definitely something we can't turn a blind eye" [Rumia]

"That said, how about we actually call Princess Diana and ask for her opinion as well" [Muse]

"And Saint Louis as well" [Rumia]

"Alright. Please, hold on a second" [Liyana]

Liyana make a call. Incidentally...


[At the guild master office, New Headquarters]

[Kana point of view]

Getting the help from the holy beast of wind is actually another plausible options. Plus, our original objective for coming here in the first place is to find the said holy beast, so if all goes well, it likes killing two birds with one stone. Problem is

"Will the holy beast corporate with us? I can't imagine the holy beast actually agreeing to it without Rean and the other beside us" [Jacks]

"True. Given how this country royalty and nobility tried to capture the holy beast in the past, I reckon we will have a hard time convincing said holy beast" [Saint Louis]

"That's indeed true, but to begin with, we don't even know the holy beast location" [Seraph]

"The curse land is vast enough for creature of varying size to inhabit it, but we should also consider the possibility that the holy beast isn't there to begin with" [Gilbert]

""If only we have some clues"" [Lara, Nara]

All of us draw a blank. Like the guild master said, it's possible that the holy beast isn't even here to begin with, but at the same time, there are no records suggesting the holy beast migrating elsewhere, so the curse land is still our best shot on finding said holy beast

"Umm..." [Seo Ah]

"That's indeed mysterious" [Alicia]

"What is it Seo Ah, Alicia" [Kanji]

"Oh sorry, we are actually discussing among ourselves" [Seo Ah]

"Regarding the royalty of this country, well, ex-royalty... History said that they're trying to capture the holy beast right" [Alicia]

"That's correct" [Gilbert]

"Then, how did they know in the first place where to find the holy beast?" [Alicia]

"Even when their said attempt ended in failure, they did managed to find the holy beast, am I right" [Seo Ah]

"That is actually a good question. How did they found out regarding the holy beast location" [Kana]

We all turn our eyes towards Saint Louis and Gilbert. It seems like the two of them are also trying to figure out the answer

"Well, they must possess some sort of device during that time" [Gilbert]

"That's the only plausible explanation" [Saint Louis]

"But aren't the royalty and nobility of this country flee from the country, how are we supposed to find them?" [Kanji]

"I'm sure there are records of them being kept somewhere" [Jacks]

"That's indeed correct, plus, through our efforts, some of the country wealth did find their way back here, so said device might be there somewhere in our national treasury" [Saint Louis]

Just when we are about to take a small tea break, the phone belonging to Saint Louis ring. He quickly answer the call. The caller in question is from Estel, with Saintess Rumia on the line as well. Princess Diana of Estel also connected through the same call as well as

"What sort of surprise can you actually mean, your highness" [Singa]

""!!"" [Lara, Nara]

Singa voice can be heard, that as well as his face. Lara and Nara eyes are wide open

"Speak of the surprise, here take a look" [King Leogris]

""You guys!!"" [Lara, Nara]

"That voice!" [Kara]

"Could it be!?" [Mara]

"Lara! Nara! It's you guys aren't you!" [Charlotte]

"Hey, don't squeeze in front of the phone!" [Singa]

"Gahgahgah! How about all of you heroes there make your own call. We can wait. This two won't run away anytime soon" [Gilbert]

"Gilbert is right. Please, excuse us for a moment" [Aries]

They quickly bombard Saint Louis and the other with five additional calls. Seo Ah and I help Saint Louis to redirect the call by using our phones to help decongest the line