
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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472 Chs

Chapter 266: Devil invasion, sign of fallen god awakening


[Malsia's orphanage]

[Mira point of view]

Soaring in the sky right now, are a strange looking Lilith demon, chanting strange spell, causing havoc.

And soaring in the sky as well, is our guardian, the steel bird golem made by Ash, Birdie (pterodactyl as he loves to call) carrying Kana in its back, alongside controlled swarm of crystal golems taking the shape of grasshopper. Please, don't let Kana's secret of being a witch being exposed in this battle

~Roaring screech~

As Birdie keeps on using its tailwind magic, its metallic feather pierce the strange Lilith one by one. That strange Lilith, they are simply strange, even for someone who never saw a Lilith demon in their life. They aren't the usual Lilith demon.

The crystal golem grasshopper which are controlled by Kana start attacking the wings of the strange Lilith, rendering them useless. They regenerate of course, but the sheer number of attack makes the feature feels almost completely useless

Something about them scream apocalyptic, could it be...

"One of the Lilith are coming here!" [Haliza]

"Oh no you don't!" [Kanji]

With his sword, he makes a broad swing, but alas

"Hehehehe..." [Strange Lilith]

"Shit!?" [Kanji]

"Not quite!" [Ex-thug A]

The strange Lilith almost effortlessly stop the swing of the sword, only to get stabs multiple times in the nape of the necks by others

"That's the last of them, the other went back to that strange portal. Just when the last of the strange Lilith enter, the portal close" [Kana]

The aerial battle between Kana and Birdie (Pterodactyl) vs strange Lilith comes to an end. We are then being summon to meet King Malsia. Knowing what will be the topic of discussion, Princess Nurhaliza and I start making a phone call


[Kiserre's orphanage]

[Khamishah point of view]

Strange portal suddenly appear at the centre of the city when I went out shopping for food and goods for the orphans

A Strange ogre demon, larger, almost twice the size from normal demon appears out of nowhere, creating panic. A swing from it axe obliterate nearby shop into pieces, and

"Help me! Please!" [Shopkeeper]

"For our god!" [Ogre demon?]

"I don't think so!" [Khamishah]

Punching the strange ogre demon with full force, the ogre demon sent flying into a nearby well. Strange, I can swear to Goddess that punch was meant to one shot kill him. This strange demon, with strange outfit, it radiates aura of superiority. I'm sure he isn't just some low class random grunt

"You're a strong human. Pity Goddess Achalasia didn't bless you with any blessing. Come with me and our god wil..." [Ogre demon]

"Shut up!" [Khamishah]

I give him the taste of my knee into his face before grabbing his horn and smack him into the ground repeatedly. In retaliation, he swing his axe and try to slice me in half, only for the axe to get shatter into piece

"Miasma. Obliterate her!" [Ogre demon]

"No!" [Khamishah]

A direct attack. That strange miasma attack pound me to the ground as the ogre demon stomp me. He's strong. The force in each of his stomps could splatter normal person in few attempts, but


Forget about defense, I quickly gather all of my neutral mana and punch him straight into his chin, and with so much force, his head and body become separated, thus, ending the strange demon ogre life. Something about him scream apocalyptic.

"Are you alright Mrs Khamishah?" [Nun C]

"I'm fine. Go back to the orphanage first. I will go to the castle to discuss something with Queen Rinz" [Khamishah]

"At least let me treat you first!" [Nun C]

"Don't worry. It will heal by evening by itself" [Khamishah]

And thus, while heading to the direction of the castle, I start making a phone call


[At the Beastman Kingdom castle]

[King Leogris point of view]

A report about the appearance of a strange behemoth. Knights and adventures alike find it very difficult to subdue it as it suddenly appears on the first floor of dark dungeon, connecting our kingdom to that of the demon kingdom

"My lord, the autopsy report of the strange behemoth just came in" [Prime minister]

"Let the Scholar himself speaks about it" [Leogris]

"Right!" [Prime minister]

And the first impression of the scholar sent shiver down to my spine. Something about the behemoth scream apocalyptic. It's only a teenage behemoth, and yet, it rivals even the adult behemoth in term of size and power. A powerful beast shouldn't just pop out out of nowhere, more so on the first floor of the dungeon, on the middle of the road above all!

"Your highness?" [Scholar]

Sensing trouble, I start making a phone call


[Demon kingdom orphanage]

[Female paladin point of view]

"You are a strong one. Not as strong as Aries, but give it some time and training, and you might rival her in the future" [Demon Duchess]

"And I'm under the impression most noble lady can't even wield a knife, but clearly you aren't one of them" [Female paladin]

A strange angel, suddenly appearing out of a portal. It wasn't particularly strong, just that it has some strange abilities that both of couldn't explain well. Plus, something about that angel scream apocalyptic.

What even stranger is that, the eleven year old demon girl which claim herself to be a doppelganger can actually feel is coming. How so?

"I just, sort of knew they will come. They're after all the..." [Htilorez]

She's hesitant to tell us about it.

"Is it something big that you couldn't tell us?" [Lilith maid]


"Don't worry, you can trust us about it" [Demon Duchess]

"But... But... You might throw me out... I... I don't that to happen. I'm tired of scrapping the trash bin... so... Please. Don't force me to do it" [Htilorez]

"Sweety, we won't. Please trust us" [Female paladin]

It takes some time for her to open up to us. When she tells us about it, her voice started to tremble, as she thought to herself "they will throw me out" "Where should I go next"

"Thank you, sweetheart" [Demon Duchess]

"Alright! Tell me your favourite food and drink. I'll whip it up right now itself" [Lilith maid]

"Really?" [Htilorez]

"True. How about the two of you?" [Lilith maid]

"It's fine. Please enjoy the meal first, we got something to do in the castle" [Female paladin]

"Are you going to report about me?" [Htilorez]

"No we won't" [Demon Duchess]

"True..." [Female paladin]

But it looks like she didn't really believe in us. If that's the case

I start making a phone call, right in front of her. The Demon Duchess, quickly understood my intention as well, since we need to gain the trust of that girl

"Good day. This is Princess Diana of Estel speaking" [Diana]