
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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472 Chs

Chapter 259: Stopping the fallen god awakening part 4

[Somewhere in the holy palace]

[Saint Louis point of view]

The half giant, Zin. His mental capacity seems abnormally low, not retarded but, just low. Maybe he has the mental capacity of a child, in which case, even though it's not so "saint" for someone like me to do, we should bluff our way to pass through him without fight

"Saintess Angela ask us to bring him out" [Seraph]

"True. She ordered us just now" [Alaric]

"Angela. Did?" [Zin]

""Yes"" [Alaric, Seraph]

They have the same idea. Better to avoid confrontation.

"Lie." [Zin]

"""!!!""" [Alaric, Seraph, Saint Louis]

"Angela. Will. Always. Tell. Me. First! You! Guys! Lied! To! Me!" [Zin]

""Shit!!"" [Alaric, Seraph]

He really has the mental capacity of a child, and thinking it like that are our pitfall, as that child is having a complete trust on Angela, and bluffing by using her name will never work!

Alaric quickly throws his knives, targeting Zin's neck, and it hits dead center, just that Zin quickly retract the knives, and throw it back with halves the accuracy, and yet more than double the force. Plus, the spurting fresh green blood of the giant quickly resealed itself

"Giant!" [Zin]

"No!" [Saint Louis]

In his anger, he quickly gather all of his neutral mana into his heart, and that mana then circulate throughout his body, making him larger and larger and larger and larger... This, this giant will make even other giant be ashamed of their sizes! A giant among giant. This must be the result of Angela countless experimentation on him!

"The holy palace! It's collapsing!" [Old follower]

"Zin! What happen! You!" [Saintess Angela]

And another trouble comes, and when Zin transformation is complete, he let out such a deafening and powerful roar that it blew us far away! This, this is the power of a giant! No, I have fought a giant, not as towering as him, but even then, that giant isn't that strong, but this... This is just absurd. He is almost as big, if not, slightly bigger than the castle. Even the Drakaini we fought back during Kiserre's incident isn't nearly this big

"Lie! Hurt! Knives! Angela!" [Zin]

"Witch Art! Take over!" [Saintess Angela]

And when Angela tried to control his friend

"Take this!" [Alaric]

"!" [Saintess Angela]

Alaric quickly decapitates her, but

"You!" [Saintess Angela]

"Huh?" [Saint Louis]

The decapitate head, it's talking and suddenly float, while the body keep trying to control the giant

"It's a Penanggal!' [Seraph]

"As in the ghost!?" [Alaric]

"No doubt about it... and judging by it, she actually makes herself into one!" [Seraph]

"How did you know!?" [Alaric]

"Real Penanggal will have their esophagus and stomach connecting the floating head and the body or at least that organ will float together with the head, making it the weak spot, and yet she doesn't" [Seraph]

"I see. I did heard a rumour of her being rather old, so that's how!" [Saint Louis]

As Seraph mentioned, a Penanggal is a type of ghost that can freely detach it head from its body and float around. The Penanggal will usually eat fetuses or newborn babies to keep themselves young


"Zin! Don't do it!" [Saintess Angela]

Taking the dome of the holy palace, he targeted it to the three of us. With Alaric shadow dive, the three of us manage to run away, but

"Take them out!" [Saintess Angela]

"Yes!" [Old followers]

The old followers, multiple of them with multiple ranking from knights, nobles and commoner, they quickly chase the three of us, all the while getting injured by the rampaging giant throwing rubbles after rubbles into our direction. Some of them, however, are rather confused about Saintess Angela appearance, and yet they abide to her order without question

"Seraph! Saint Louis! Can't you do that again?" [Alaric]

""Understood!!"" [Saint Louis, Seraph]

As if our minds are connected with each other, Seraph and I knew exactly what Alaric was saying. He wanted for the both of us to destroy the equipments of those old followers like back then, during our assault toward the holy prince convoy

"Thousand light needles!" [Saint Louis]

"Holy mana! Light amplifier" [Seraph]

Using all the mana left, the thousands light needle that are strengthen by Seraph quickly overwhelmed our chasers, and again, with Seraph help, he quickly overloads the old follower equipment with light mana, rendering it fragile and useless

"The rubbles, the giant stop tossing around" [Seraph]

"That's good" [Alaric]

"Wait, what is he doing!" [Saint Louis]

""!!"" [Alaric, Seraph]

Zin, as the last ditch effort in his amok state, torn his left arm apart, and throw it into our direction! That's crazy, and what crazier is that the left arm of his quickly regenerate, and he will repeat the process once more!

""Quickly!! Over here!!" [Faris, Faizi]

""Alaric!!"" [Saint Louis, Seraph]

"I know! Shadow dive!" [Alaric]

With Alaric help, we quickly escape from the massive arm being thrown toward us, and

"This corpse... Will it really fools them?" [Guard]

"I hope it does" [Butler]

Those two... Aren't they the guard at the dungeon entrance point and the butler that was nice toward me? Why did they decide to help us?

"We will tell you later. You two, please!" [Faris]

"Yes!""Leave it to us!" [Butler][Guard]

"Thank you! Be careful not get sniff!" [Faizi]

And the five of us quickly left, toward the direction of the inn, all the while seeing that the two guard and butler are fooling the old follower, saying the substitute corpse they placed under the giant arm was actually me getting squashed, while the remaining two escape. They show the direction that is opposite to the inn. I see, they apostate the old teaching and to help us out, as a new member of the new religion. Thank you, looks like my kindness did reach them

Once we reach the inn

"Phew..." [Seraph]

"That was intense... And that fake corpse..." [Alaric]

"It was our doing. We made it the moment we heard the news of our dear Saint Louis came into the country, hoping it will be of some use" [Faris]

"Oh, and welcome to our inn, dear Saint Louis" [Faizi]

"You two... But, why the formalities... We might not be neighbors anymore, but you two are still my childhood friends" [Saint Louis]

"No can do, you're the saint, and as such, should be treated as one" [Faizi]

"Anyway, I'll tend to our guests outside, all of you should rest first" [Faris]

Yes please. I'm simply exhausted from all of this. Just before I can close my eyes, Linda in tears, come

"Ash! Ash... He... He... What should I tell them!!! Why! Why!" [Linda]

"Linda, calm down! What happen!" [Seraph]

"Take your time and tell us what happen" [Alaric]

All five of us start to feel restless, as the sobbing Linda can't control her own tears, and when she manages to tell us the sad news, we share the reaction as her

"Ash was..." [Alaric]

"Killed by Agnes and the fallen god..." [Seraph]

"Goddess..." [Saint Louis]