
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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472 Chs

Chapter 150: Sworn


[Agnes point of view]

The twin homunculi are with him right now, and here I am thinking that they will react as I hoped they would, becoming useful for me by killing him slowly, but alas, this is exactly how the homunculus in the original era acted like. The blessing from God of Death sure is a strange one

"!" [Agnes]

Sensing a strange vibe in the air, Agnes react by dodging an incoming scythe attack

"So, you have come to be corrupted once more by me" [Agnes]

"Try it if you can" [Thanatos]

"I sure would" (Is it just me or does this Thanatos suddenly become more talkative) [Agnes]

With a special portal stone, she summon a creature out of it

"Take this!" [Agnes]

But Thanatos simply command

"Return" [Thanatos]

"..." [Imperfect Homunculus]

The imperfect Homunculus return can finally met their creator

"What!" [Agnes]

"You seem confuse, surely someone like you should know my power by now" [Thanatos]

"Tchh! Don't you dare look down at me!" [Agnes]

The blessing from the fallen god started to surround the air


"I see, they haven't eaten anything yet" [Ash]

"Not to mention, they didn't speak at all" [Claude]

"Why is that, Lara, Nara?" [Ash]

""..."" [Lara, Nara]

"Shy? Because they're stranger?" [Ash]


"Alright you guys! Line up and introduce yourself once more! This time I will facilitate it" [Ash]

"Roger!" [Mara]

Just when they are all about to move

""Grandpa Claude, Sis Rafiah, Rean, Elise, Kara, Mara, Zerolith, Karon, Farhah, Savel, Singa, Charlotte, Housey, Behe, Mahsuri"" [Lara, Nara]

"So you already memorized their name, that's good!" [Ash]


"Guess we should just give them both some more time to familiarize with the new environment" [Rafiah]

"They reminded me of a kitten that suddenly got taken from the backstreet..." [Alice]

"That sure is true" [Ash]

Well, maybe it's because they're special I believe? They're human but

(What's with the strange magic core inside of them? And Mahsuri has it as well. Oh goddess, are they what you called homunculi?) [Ash]

If so, why are they reacting so strongly to my scythe? Are they connection between homunculi and the god of death?

""Hungry"" [Lara, Nara]

"Well, you won't need food and water to survive, but feel free to" [Mahsuri]

"Eeh..." [Other]

"Huh, so homunculi like you guys didn't need food, but it's cruel not to give them anything" [Ash]

"EEH!" [Other]

"That's correct" [Mahsuri]

"EEH!!" [Other]

"That explain a lot, can you tell me more?" [Ash]

"Defeat me first" [Mahsuri]

"It's a no then..." [Ash]

"Wait, what do you mean by homunculi!?" [Diana]

"So, the three of them are..." [Claude]

"Beat me, all I know is that they're a collection of human soul that's artificially created or inserted into an artificial body. Their salient features is the magic core within them" [Ash]

"But that's just like!" [Khamishah]

"Yeah, back at Kiserre, but all we see are failed products, but Lara and Nara here isn't one" [Ash]

""Hungry!!"" [Lara, Nara]

"Hungry hungry" [Charlotte]

"Alright, I'll prepare some warm dinner first" [Claude]

"And all of you should join us as well!" [Ash]

"Oh boy! Hope you prepare some beer as well!" [Soldier A]

"If you drink one in here, I'll kick you out instantly" [Ash]

"Joking..." [Soldier A]

Well, homunculus aside

"Rean, Elise, Zerolith, Savel, and Charlotte, come upstairs for a while" [Ash]

"""""!?""""" [Rean, Elise, Zerolith, Savel, Charlotte]

"Can we join?" [Singa]

"Next time maybe" [Ash]

"Your Brother just wanted to check on them since they're getting hit by the baddy pretty badly" [Diana]

"I see..." (Was it though) [Farhah]

"Lara, Nara, come eat with us" [Kara]

"You can help set the chair" [Karon]

""Brother Ash??"" [Lara, Nara]

"I'll be back, I promise. So help Karon set up the table" [Ash]


Using my room (with silence barrier erected by me), I scan the five of them and...

"Sigh... Rean, since when?" [Ash]

"Huh?" [Elise]

The four of them are confused

"Savel since he collapsed at the ice dungeon. Elise and Charlotte at the church itself. Zerolith still hasn't awaken it yet, so why do you ask him to come along?" [Rean]

"Awaken what!?" [Zerolith]

"Well, he is blessed with The Holy Beast, Az blessing" [Ash]

""Blessing??"" [Savel, Charlotte]

"Just what are you two talking about?" [Elise]

Elise has become even more anxious, naturally that spread to Zerolith, Savel and Charlotte as well, as seeing the usually calm and perfect elder sister of them act like that

"Well..." [Ash]

I explain to them regarding the blessing of ten heroes, as well as my own circumstances and the conversation with Goddess Achalasia and God of Death

"Wait, that mean..." [Zerolith]

"We are all going to..." [Elise]

""??"" [Savel, Charlotte]

Savel and Charlotte gaze at me innocently. They can't grasped the concept of death yet. Oh god, what should I do... This is to much

"I... I..." [Ash]

I can't say it, I just can't. I can talk to Rean the last time since there's only him at that time. But now, with them ready to burst into tears, it's hard. Even Rean try his best to come up with a word, but he failed nonetheless


Elise really about to burst into tear, Charlotte eye started to do the same

"I will not let you guy die!" [Ash]

"""!!""" [Rean, Elise, Zerolith]

"I have sworn with Goddess Achalasia and The God of Death itself, I have also sworn to Rean as well, so I will says it once more! You are my little brother and sister, so there's no way I would let the ten of you met a horrible fate!" [Ash]

"But, doesn't the previous one also..." [Zerolith]

"My sworn was blessed and approved by the goddess herself! I won't break it, and I won't let anyone belittle it, saying it's impossible, especially not from you guys!" [Ash]

""Brother Ash..."" [Savel, Charlotte]

They burst into tear, with Rean comforting them

"It's alright. Believe in Brother Ash would you. Brother Ash will protect you, and so am I" [Rean]

""Hmm!!"" [Savel, Charlotte]

They have calmed down, Rean really help me a lot

"You two" [Ash]


"Brot, Brother Ash!" [Elise]

"It's embarrassing..." [Zerolith]

"Sorry, but, you two need it as well. I know you're scared, I myself feel the same, but believe me, it's going to be alright" [Ash]

"Right..." [Zerolith]

"Such shy boy" [Ash]

"Promise?" [Elise]

"Promise" [Ash]

"Thank you" [Elise]

"Let us join them" [Rean]

"Yeah!" [Savel]

"Hug, hug" [Charlotte]

They have grown up aren't they. They will become a year older soon. How time have passed




"And you still haven't figured out that this is the blessing from the holy beast?" [Ash]


"Well, it's obvious for me since Goddess Achalasia did bestow me with this knowledge. For now, Rean, Elise and Zerolith, you have been bestowed with blessing from Az, the keeper of time, which give you or strengthen your Dark magic. Elise have the strongest one among you. Savel and Charlotte, from Reshir the great ice dragon, giving or strengthen your ice magic as well as water magic" [Ash]

"No wonder I can use Chrono Mellontikós" [Elise]

"Can I try water magic now!" [Savel]

"How about tomorrow. For now, let us have dinner first" [Ash]

"Right!" [Other]

Thank god the session gone smoothly. As we keep going downstairs, Mahsuri just there, sitting at the sofa. Apparently, she didn't join them before as well. I ask them to go first since I will try to persuade her to at least seat with us

"No need. But, just so you know, Vincent and Maria did survive afterward" [Mahsuri]

"Huh?" [Ash]

What was that? I try to talk to her but no answer came out. Well, she did ask me to beat her first

"Fine, but can you please join them as well?" [Ash]

"..." [Mahsuri]

"Fine..." [Ash]

I will ask her each and every time we all eat together, so there's plenty of occasion left