


A young man who is laying on a bed suddenly grunted, feeling a bit stuffy in his position even thought the bed looked luxurious.

The door opens from the outside and a girl wearing a maid uniform comes inside. pushing a cart with foods. she have a messy blonde hair tied into 2 small braid bun behind, her sky blue eyes are scanning the young man on bed.


The boy holds his head unconciously grunting in pain, he suddenly sat up on the bed opening his eyes looking around while still helding his head, he see an unfamiliar luxurious room. 'what the.. this isn't my room...'

"whe..re... um!" The young man rubs his throat feeling a bit sore, its like he haven't spoken for a months.

The maid notices it, she held a glass of water towards him silently.

'thank y-' when the young man see the maid holding a glass of water to him, he felt thankful but when he was about to reach out to it, the girl shoved it to his mouth spilling some water on his cloths.


'what the f*** is she trying to kill me?!' The boy grabs the glass of water from the girl hands before it spills more wetting his white T-shirt, He drinks some water coughing a bit, he gazes at the girl in front of him, the best way to discribe her appearance is she looked like an angel...

"young master are you alright?" The girl stares at him innocently as if the incedent just now, never happened.

"who are are you?"the boy voice sounds hoarse

"Violet Evergarden young master"

The girl put a new White T-shirt to his bed side from the cabinet then she reaches to his wet T-shirt to undress him.

"what are you doing...!" The boy tried to slap the girl hands away but he have no strength in his arms, he felt her hands is hard and heavy so his attemts are futile 'even if she's a girl.. she is doing it forcefully... this is sexual harrasment right?! right??!?!'

"ok you can do what you want.. hays.." the boy give up struggling closing his eyes 'so this is why im here.. im kidnapped by this girl for this reasons i know im a bit handsome but..'

Violet didn't care what the boy is thinking right now she just did her work.

"its done"

The boy waited for his end a bit excited but feeling his upper cloth was changed with a dry cloth he opens his eyes a bit

"young master the food is ready" Violet bows to him then she left the room by closing the door silently.


The boy stares at the closed door thinking about his situation again 'hmm'

"calmdown think where am i.. and don't panic first observe the surrounding"


"looks like i need to eat first" The boy goes near the tray of food to eat some dishes but he stop. when he took the first bite.

"what the hell is this really a pasta?! why is it hard... don't tell me that girl want to food poison me.... or she is just bad at cooking" The boy eats the salad because its the safest dish

"as i thought the girl is just bad at cooking" He tastes the other dishes and its uncooked. eating his fill he starts investigating his room

"no matter how i look at this room. its room of a rich kid... but why am i here then.." The boy glimpsed a figure on a mirror at his side and become shocked because a handsome boy reflects his action. He have a bit long silcky black hair, sword like brows with his red iris eyes and a bit oval shaped face and his body is a bit toned but not that much its like he is a swimmer with his V-shaped body, his appearance is that of a male superstar.

"holyshit a ghost!!... wait this is me..?" The boy goes some different poses infront of the mirror and touching his face from time to time.

"there's no debout im currently experiencing a transmigration or reincarnation.. and not a dream because i can think clearly.. " The boy stares with his deadpan eyes on the mirror where his reflection is while rubbing his chin.

"if not then im being experimented by some mad scientist or something sh**. at list my memories is still ok...?"

'i can't remember my parents name anymore... this.. even if they died long ago its weird to not remember your parents name.. and some part of his memories is blurried. well i don't have perfect memory so i think that part is normal'. The boy sat on the edge of the bed thinking what he should do from now on.

"gather information..."

"if im really transmigrated or reincarnated here then i might have a system or some kind of golden finger hehe like the ones i have readen in novels"

The boy calmly sat on the bed crossing his leg 'i should wait for the girl to come here so i can ask some questions.. if im not wrong she will come here again to get this cart tray of food' waiting a bit there in 45 minutes.


The door opens and the beautiful girl who is wearing a maid uniform comes in again silently going in to get the cart.

"stop" The girl stops as the boy expected.

"what is it young master?"

"i want to ask you something"

The girl stares at him with her innocent eyes holding her hand together titling her head.

The boy stares at her seriously hmp! he won't be fooled by her angelic looks 'this girl called me young master a while ago so this girl should listen to all my orders? lets try it...'

"sit on the ground"

The girl didn't even hesitate and sits on the ground in seiza.

"bark like a dog"

"woof woof?" The girl looked at him innocently, she even titled her head in a cute way.

'whats with this cute creature...dang it your making me feel guilty...'

"s-stand up!" The boy quickly orders her, He almost got a heart attack there from her cuteness dang it. the girl stand up dusting a bit of her skirt silently she stares at him again.

"you name is v-violet evergreen right? i will call you voilet for now"

"its violet evergarden" Violet correct him normaly.

"! ah right so violet sorry... im a bit muddled head right now so i even forget the city where we live right now haha "

"Young master we are currently staying in Tokyo city right now." Violet answers him.

"i see i see.." The boy frowns his brows 'Tokyo.. so in japan hah the heck if i remember correctly im in china before i awoken here... and this girl is a bit airheaded' He gazes at voilet who is still staring at him with a normal expression on her face.

"the date now?"

"April 8, 2010..."

'damn it the date before i came here if i count the days before the holyday correctly its April 8 too but the year is 2020.. did i time travel!?!?! wait calm down calm down' He took a breath.

"who am i again?" The boy checks if he have the same name as the previou- but Voilet eyes glints a bit with suspisious light.

"young master do you have an amnesia"

"no im just asking if you still remember my name your always calling me young master so.." The boy said calmly with a normal expression on his face but in the inside he is sweating like a water fall.

"how could i not remember your name young master..." Violet wanted to explain but she felt the boy still staring at her. ' young master must have his reasons for asking me like this...'

"young master your name is Shen Tian" Violet stares back at his eyes.

"so my name is still Shen Tian..." The boy murmured under his breath as he sigh in relief its good that he still have the same name but something sound like a ring from a bell came inside his head.



[Name:**** ****]


[Status: **********]


[Reset Complete]




[Activation Sequence Complete]




[Op system] [Activating in 10 seconds]









A screen like in the game appears on Shen Tian vision surprising him.



Name: Shen Tian

Bloodline: [Unknown:Sealed State]

Rank: Mortal

Str: 10

Vit: 10

Agt: 10

Int: 10

Spt: 10

Skill: None [Sealed state]

Equipment/Item: None


"this is!!!.... muahahahahahaha!"


Kid_Speechcreators' thoughts