
Ch. 1

[MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL, this is my gift to y'all tell me if you like it.]

(Before reading, please be warned that the mc will be having a God complex)

Title: Complete Arsenal

There are many things in this world that most people do not understand.

How did humans come to life?

Is Adam and Eve true? or Darwin's evolution theory is the real one?

Is God real?

Is it possible for mortals to ascend to Godhood?

Are the angels the good guys or the demons?, yes we have the Bible for that but there is a saying that the winners wrote history, maybe the devils are the good guys and the angels are the bad guys and because the devils lost, the angels portrayed themselves as the good guys and make the devil the evil ones. Maybe... Or maybe not, we never know.

But there is one thing that I know, is that reincarnation is real and it is currently in front of my very eyes.

"Are you done monologuing?" A voice was heard around me.

Looking at the bunny in a suit and tie in front of me that looks familliar, make things clear that God is fucking real and he's currently in front of m-.

"Okay, I'll stop you there this is gonna take a very long time if you keep doing that." The Bunny God stopped my train of thoughts.

Fixing his suit he clears his throat before saying, "Ehem. Right in front of you is me and the Divine Wheel of #%^$&_€&¥₩, don't worry about it if you can't hear it cause It's not meant for mortals to hear it. Anyway as I was saying this wheel will determine your destination, skill, and looks. Of course it also allows you to bring your past life memories through your journey. Any questions?" After speaking, a cup with orange liquid inside appeared in his hands.

After drinking, "Ahhh, Divine carrot juice is always the best juice." Vanishing the cup he waits for my questions.

Deciding not to wait him further I asked, "Can I go back to my world?".

"That will depend on the Divine Wheel." He answered back.

"Okay, that's all." I said.

"You're surprisingly calm." The Bunny amusely chuckled.

"I'm always calm." I calmly said.

"Okay, I get that reference. Now that the questions are done let's proceed to your destiny." Bunny god said before saying something to the Divine Wheel respectfully while bowing and offering his Divine Carrot Juice.

After that the Divine Wheel spins without any sounds produced unlike any other Wheel of fortune.

After spinning for a while, It stops in 'M.C.U X Xovers"

"You're lucky It's not Marvel" The Bunny God said while chuckling or Squeaking?

"Anyways into the next one!" He said before the wheel spins again.

After spinning it stops in 'Complete Arsenal'.

'Hmm where have I heard this?' I thought not noticing the Bunny God who is sweating buckets after buckets.

"W-Wait here for a moment" The Bunny God said before pulling a telephone out of nowhere.

"Hello? Yes may I speak to the manager? okay thank you.... Hey @%#^ you see we have a bit of a problem. Well you see he got that Ultimate OverfuckingPowered skill in the Divine Wheel. Okay. I'm fired?! But It's not my fault that he-. Okay!! Fine!!" After talking to the telephone he smash it into pieces.

"Sigh, sorry about that. Anyways now let's proceed to-" Before he even finish speaking a blue portal appeared beside him. What came out of it is a very disgusting blob like creature wearing a suit and tie that seems to be on verge of breaking.

"Good morning George I'll take it over here now." The disgusting blob creature gurgle while shooing the Rabbit God away.

"Hey! The manager said I'll pack up tomorrow and leave!" Th Bunny God said while punching the blob creature that ripple its fats.

"Stop tickling me George and beside you should pack up now cause you have tons of random things scattered around your domain." The Blob said.

"Grrr...", Getting angry George grabs a Vacuum cleaner out of nowhere.

"Who you gonna call..." George said before turning the vacuum on sucking the blob creature.

"Screw your Georgeeeee!!!!" The Blob shouted before getting sucked completely.

"...Bugs Bunny" George finished his sentence.

Putting the Vacuum away like nothing happened, he turn towards me and said, "Guess this'll be our last time seeing each other. Goodbye!" He said before snapping his fingers.

"Woaaaahhhhhhhhh" I yelled while feeling myselft falling into the very deep abyss.


*Inhales Deeply*

Opening my eyes, my body is covered in sweat, darting my eyes around I saw a very simple room with a cabinet, windows, door, table, and bed.

Looking at my self I see that I'm in my 20s looking for a mirror, my head immediately hurts like hell and what seems to be my memories came pouring in like a waterfall.

After a minute comprehending my memories, another headache comes but this time my body also hurts like dipping myself in a lava, burning my body.

After what seems like an hour I hear voices in my head.

'Oh god my wife's food sucked, is this poison?'

'I hope my husband enjoys my cook cause if he didn't I'll kill him then kill myself.'

'My back hurts like hell, I should've taken pain killers earlier.'

'This girl's ass is wet did she just pee?.'

'This guy has been looking at my ass, I'll call the police.'

'Sigh, My boyfriend is looking at that girl's ass, didn't he said he liked big assets.'

'Ah youth'

'Shit please go away I can't poop this is gonna be loud.'

'What is that smell?'

'Goo goo gah gah'



And many more voices and not only that I see something in my head like watching movies.

Focusing on myself I tried to stop everything which seems to stop, why cause time itself stopped, fuck.

Getting up, I sat on my bed and tried to focus on calming my mind.

After a minute or two I then tried to cause the time to flow again.

Without a second the time seems to flow again. Meanwhile I tried assimilating my memories

One memory is about this body's life who's name is Felix Sanderson, from birth up till now which is nothing worth for readers knowing cause his life is pretty bland.

The other one is about my new powers which makes me 3 O's Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient.

Fuck, and here I thought I could have some normal life.

Now with this power I could conquer the whole multiverse, have unlimited women, Unlimited Riches.

Then what? That's pretty boring. Good thing I stopped my Omniscient part cause my life will be very boring for that. (Omniscient is about knowing everything, the past, present, future and all around the multiverse, so he stopped it cause It's gonna be boring journey if he knows everything.)

Building a restaurant? Nope, with my powers there no way I'll serve mortals, there's a saying that I recently said now, 'God's don't serve mortals.'

Building a behemoth company? Nope, I have no time playing as a mortal specially in politics.

Helping mortals? Nope they already have their lands, resources, athmosphere, foods, and many more were given to them so there's no need to babysit them.

Playing as a God and toying with mortals? A big fucking yes.

Now our plans is done let's see my looks first.

Using my powers to see myself I gotta say I'm quite handsome especially since I'm gonna be a God I should be handsome.

Teleporting myself on top of where I am, I see that I'm currently in new york.

I see that this is a good place to start my plans, I immediately start planning it out.

My plan?

Create a dungeon and make so that whoever reach the top can get his wish done.

My first dungeon will be in the middle of New york.

As for where I fit in? I'll show my face as the creator of the dungeon, that way they'll either see me as a strong mutant or a God but that depends on them cause in time I knew they'll slowly realize what I really am.

Pressing my fingers together I smirked. As for the innocent citizens that dying in that dungeon? Sorry but the moment they entered that dungeon they should realise that dying in dungeon the chance of dying is 90% depends on their skill cause the higher the floors the harder it is.



<3rd PoV>

It's a normal day for the City That Never Sleeps a.k.a New york.


A reverberating sound came out in the sky attracting the attention of the New Yorkers.

"What is that!?" A woman shouted while pointing her finger up in the sky.

Looking at where the woman pointed out they see a very tall structure taller that anything they have seen is currently descending towards the center of the city.

*Beep* *Beep*

"Run!" When one guy shouted and ran, soon other followed running like a flock of herds fleeing while other people is currently taking out their phones to take a video expecting themselves to be famous due to this.

While everyone is running, soon the very tall structure that seems to pierce the sky finally descended but unlike what others expected It didn't make any noises or any dust that should've been scattered like a normal physics.

"I-is it done?" One of the onlookers raised a flag.


The door of the structure opens and squeaks like a nornal house door that should be fixed.

Inside the door is something that looks like a black hole sucking the air which is the portal to go inside.

Without even giving the citizens a rest, something is forming in the sky that resembles a handsome hunk with his face and upper body but his lower part cannot be seen and seemed to be blocked by a fog.

"Good morning mortals you may not know me so let's leave it at that, what I'm about to tell and show you is gonna blow your minds. First of all this tall structure that you all can see is what I call 'dungeon' there will be many more upcoming 'dungeons' around the world. Back to the topic, Each floor has a monster that you've never seen in your life and to ascend to the next floor you need to defeat the boss either yourself or with your party. The higher the floor the harder and more monster it gets, and finally reaching the top floor which is the 100th floor will bring you riches and a wishing ball that will grant you one wish whatever you want but you need to be specific about what you wish for. And finally before I forget expect yourselves to die once you're inside. Goodbye and goodluck."

After that, the handsome face disappeared not withoit causing an uproar especially to those who live their videos.

-White House, Washington, D.C-

Inside here you can see everyone fastening their steps due to earlier event.

-Inside the meeting hall-

A meeting is currently taking place.

"Any news about this structure?" The president ask those who sat on the long table.

"We don't have any good news currently Mr. President, according to our research and findings the structure seems to be indestructible we have already tried any means necessary including acids, bombs, speeding bullet, and many more. We haven't tried using nuclear bomb due to New york population but if our estimates is right nuclear bomb might also not leave a scratch to It's surface." The Head Scientist said his report before sitting down.

"How about the Mutants?" The President asks again.

A man with a shiny head and an eye patch stand up and said his reports, "According to Charles Xavier, if this guy is ever a mutant he should be able to sense him through his cerebro and the man is classified as Beyond Omega Mutant. So far this guy is either a Mutant or..." The pirate stops for a second before continuing, "A God."

"A God? With all due respect Mr. President but I think Nick Fury is just being delusional that guy must be a mutant and he should surrender to the U.S military for cooperation!" A man with a huge stature stood up and said angrily which proves that he's a Mutant hater.

Amidst what he's saying The president seems to think deeply.

Opening his mouth, "We should first cooperate with mutants to engage inside the 'dungeon' and discover what's inside if what the guy said is true and it has species that we have never seen this should be a valuable asset to our country for experimentation."

"Sir what about what he said about reaching the top floor, getting a wish and riches." What of those who sat spoke up but you can clearly see greed in his eyes.

Of course the President sees this but decided not to act against it. "We should first worry about the first few floors before talking about the last floor." The President said before standing up.

"That's all gentlemen. Dismiss." He continued before leaving first.

-Unknown Location, Sky Island-

"Ahhh this is the life." Inside the floating Island is a huge mansion.

Inside the mansion is currently Felix(Our MC) sitting while enjoying the view, while also playing with his powers.

Getting a response from the dungeon he uses his power to see who entered first.

Looking through the entrance, the first one he saw is a humanoid beast with a blue fur who was known as Mr. beas- cough cough, Beast who was followed by a lady with a dark skin, Storm, soon others followed some are which are familiar to me while others are just random S.H.I.E.L.D agents except for Clint Barton a.k.a Hawkeye

Oooohhhh, This is gonna be fun...


<3rd PoV>

"Clear!" One of the agents shouted while others also followed.

"Logan, you smell something?" Beast ask while on guard.

"Smells like shit in here!" Logan answered back while growling.

"Let's advance!" Hawkeye informed them before getting ready.

Looking around, you can see that they're currently inside an underground with many different paths.

"Halt!" The men in front raised his hand to inform the others in his back.

Crouching down, he used his 2 fingers to touch the floor which is dyed is red.

"Blood." The men said before unholstering his rifle.

While what he said alerted others. Logan smelling something strong informs them while releasing his claws.

"On your left!" He growled.

Hearing him the others quickly followed and point their guns on their left.

After a few seconds hurried footsteps can be heard as if there are hundreds of creatures running towards them.

Waiting for a second the first one to show up is very large ant with the size of a bulldog followed by many more ranging from different sizes some are small while the biggest is as big as an S.U.V car.

Realising that these ants are very aggresive, the man on front shouted, "Fire!".

*Rifle gunshots*

Bang Bang Bang Bang

Firing like a gatling gun the smaller ones was the first to die while the bigger one are just taking the hit while the bullets are grazing their exoskeleton.

One of the ant attacked one of them and before any of them can react the ant's mandible crushed the soldier's head like a watermelon.

Meanwhile, fear inflicted their heart but their resolve is got the best of them.

Without saying anything one of the soldiers open fire hitting the head of the ant continously penetrating it's head killing the ant on the spot.

"It's our time to shine." Scott Summer a.k.a Cyclops said before using his powers shooting lasers in his eyes melting 3 ants on the spot.

"Grrr..." Logan a.k.a Wolverine growled before shooting himself towards the horde.

Soon other X-men also joined the carnage killing all the ants on the process while the normal humans could only watch with jelousy in their eyes.

After a few minutes green blood mix with some red bloods can be seen on the floor while the X-men fighters are panting.

"Damn, I didn't think there would be so many of them here!" Cyclops said while panting.

"That doesn't matter! Let's go!" Hawk eye said taking the lead.

Continuing their journey most of the bigger ant were killed by the X-Men while the smaller ones were dealt by the agents and soldiers including Hawkeye.


(This is the first chapter Rewrite of "Op'ness is beyond" which was known as A Father in M.C.U)

Tell me if you like it.

The M.C.U world will change by a very large margin. some characters may die while some characters that were supposed to die will be alive.

You can find some Movies, Games, Animes in this world.

Next chapter