

At her feet was the zombie she killed earlier. Well, what was left of him. If there wasn't the remnants of his hospital outfit, it would've been unrecognizable. There was only bones. No skin, no flesh, no muscles. Organs, disappeared. Face, a skull.

For the first time since she woke up, she examined herself. Her whole body was covered in dark blood. She noticed the little bit of skin showing underneath was deathly pale.

She couldn't feel her own heartbeat.

At this moment, her brain was took in a turmoil.

She ate the zombie.

She passed through many emotions. Disgust, guilt, fear.

'Am I a zombie ? Why am I still conscious of myself ? Why did I eat the zombie ? Can zombies eat other zombies ?'

Asking herself questions, again and again. Feeling lost and alone.

A monster.

And her mind finally snapped.

'F*ck off. I ate a zombie. So what ? I'm not normal, deal with it. First things first. I need to find my family, kick Jess out of the atmosphere and take care of what might be coming later. I can't stay crying like a baby. I need to adapt.'

Nora stood up, filled with a new energy and walked confidently to the door. And she stopped.

Her new courage lasted ten seconds before she remembered all the zombies outside.

'Wait... I'm a zombie right ? Or a zombie eater, at least. Maybe... they won't attack me... ? And I'm covered in zombie's blood. It will be... Okay... ?'

She made some exercices to warm up and went back to take her improvised weapon, the infusion stand. She took a deep breath. And opened the door. Four centimeters. Just a space to look through. The zombies were still eating, or doing... nothing. They just stood there. None saw the door had just opened. She whistled a little, to see if they'd react. Nothing came. She whistled a bit louder. Two of them turned their sight towards her. For two seconds. And they went back to what they were doing.

'It's awkward to get ignored but... It's a good sign, right ?'

And she pushed the door completely.