
A plan

Nora cried for a long time. Helpless, Millie couldn't do much and let her release all the stuffed emotions she had.

After sniffling again and again, she finally reached for a tissue and blew her nose, which put an end to her tears. Her thoughts were a mess and she guessed her face looked all puffy, but she didn't care.

She was alive.

She stretched her legs happily while she tried to reorder her mind.

The situation wasn't good with those zombies but they were temporarily safe, there was food and water. She could eat those meat flavored snacks, and her heart was beating.

It wasn't that bad, after all.

She tried to focus on the present and she lifted her head.

"So... You're okay ?"

"Yes Millie, I'm much better."

"Good, because now we're gonna talk."

Nora could sense her lips twitch.'I just cried my eyes out and all I get is just that ? So heartless !'

But Millie seemed to not care as her brain was entirely filled with the next subject of interest.

"We need to go out."

Nora raised an eyebrow.


"Of course, not like that ! I don't have a tatoo saying "free food" on the face. But we still need to escape this place. For now we still have something to eat, even if it's just snacks, but it won't last long."

"So ?"

"And it's Daisy's turn."

Both sisters turned their heads toward the young woman. Her baby wasn't drinking anymore and his half-opened eyes were looking at his mom, who was fixing her clothes with her free hand. Her face already pink of embarrassment became brightly red when she noticed their stares.

"Y-yes ?"

"I was saying we needed to escape and that's were you come into play."

"Oh uh... I... have my phone. I called my husband and he got a plan..."

Her voice was so soft by the end of her sentence Nora nearly couldn't hear it. Millie who wanted to use this occasion to make Daisy a bit more at ease and close to Nora failed miserably. She just wanted to make her talk a little, but it seemed the young mom wasn't that confident in herself.

Alright, it will take time.

Knowing she had to continue, she didn't reach the candies like she initially wanted and tried to readjust her memory.

Her stomach will wait a bit.

"When we locked ourselves in, we both decided to call our family. Daisy talked with her husband about our situation and he is coming to get us."

Nora thought for less than a second before she found this idea suicidal. It was not difficult for her to imagine the town full of zombies and one man, no matter how brave he could be, couldn't enter this hospital that easily.

He would be just asking to get killed.

"That's madness."

"I knew you'd say that ! But did I mention her husband is a police officer ?"

"If he comes with a tank, an helicopter and the nuclear bomb, I'm willing to be their servant for free !"

Millie watched her sister, who had a desperate look on the face. She muttered :

"And I'm the one with too much hopes..."

"What ?"

"Nothing ! Well, we won't have that but he's not coming alone. Three persons are with him and they got a car. They have guns and food too."


"So all we need to do is to wait for them !"

"I think I get it, but how will they join us ?"

"Don't know."

"... And how do we get out ?"

"Don't know."

Nora was taken aback. The plan Millie was so proud of was this... uncertain ? Was it a joke made on her ?

"That's serious ?"

"Of course it is ! Why ?"

She couldn't believe it. 'Why ? This is just a full complete sh*tty idea and that's considered a serious plan ?!'

"Daisy, could you call your husband, please ? I think we need some indications in this plan."

The young woman, flustered, took her phone and made the call. Her husband answered quickly and she explained their new situation. The new person who came in the room wanted more details. After a few whispered words, Daisy put him on speaker and the sound of a car resonated in the room.

"Hello, girls."

"Hi Jamie, how are you today ?"

"Good, Millie, thanks. Everything's fine on your side ?"

"All great, plus we have food, now."

"I feared you'd have to starve until we arrived, it's a relief. So, there is something bothering you, apparently ?"

"Not me, but Nora would like to hear the plan from you. I may not be the ideal person for explanations, you see."

"Got it. Nora, right ?"


"What's your questions ?"

"First, how do you enter ? Second, how do we get out ? Third, you got a baseball bat in your stuff ? My infusion stand is a bit difficult to handle."

Jamie didn't answer directly, and the sounds the phone gave seemed to come from a conversation between more than two people. Nora differenciated at least three voices before the silence came back and Jamie started to speak again.

"We got a bat, if you can use it."

"I shouldn't have any problem."

"Now, for the explanations. Before we started our journey, we made some research and we got the plans of the hospital. It's a bit complicated to explain to someone who didn't see those plans, but we can join your floor through an old section of the building. The renovation didn't start yet, and even if it's linked to the principals corridors of the hospital, there shouldn't be a lot of those monsters. The only problem is the time. We need to pass through pipe duct, some old rooms and there is no elevators in function there."

"It sucks."

"It's that or meeting our new friends."

"So we got our way in and out."

"Kind of. With the baby and Daisy, we're trying to find the best and shortest way possible. It will be easier to go out than to get in. Is it clearer ?"

"A bit, thanks."

That's what Nora said, but she still held some doubts. An old section with pipe duct and no elevator and the zombies... The way out is going to be difficult, right ?

"If it can reassure you, I would do the utmost to protect my Daisy and our son."

"Ooooh that's so sweet !"

Daisy looked at Millie who just said that sentence and felt her cheeks becoming red again. Even in a car on a road full of zombies, Jamie didn't forget to show a piece of his doting side.

"I don't have that much battery left, so I will hang up, okay ? Love you, Daisy, and say hi to Shawny for me !"

"I will."

After hearing the gentle voice of his wife, he pressed the button.

In the strange vehicle, Jamie put the phone in his pocket while the man next to him stared at him with a big smile on his face. When Jamie looked up, he frowned.

"What ?"

"Oh, nothing... just "Love you Daisy", "I miss you, sweetie" and the "Wait for me honey" of those days are all registered on my phone now."

"You're a retard or just jealous I got such an amazing wife ?"

"Both, don't pay attention to him."

The one who said this was analyzing the plans he had in hand, refining every details.

"I think the left room will be clear, we could use this one to go through the rest, what do you guys think ?"

"That's good for me, Kyle, and you Jake ?"

"I'm fine with it."

The driver, who didn't talk yet, took a quick look to the plan before reporting his attention to the road.

"The left room it is."

I had a hard time choosing the names. I don't quite remember how I intended to call them but whatever...

Welcome to Jamie, Jake, Kyle and Mister-no-name-yet !

PurpleScorpiocreators' thoughts