
A phone !

The stairs were endless and there was no less zombies than before. It was challenging to avoid the bodies and to not slip in those pool of blood. 'Maybe I should just slide on the banister ?' But before she could do what she thought, her bare foot walked on something squishy.

And not blood.

'Please, tell me I'm not that unlucky ! After the day I had, please !'

Slowly, she looked down.

Her left foot was crushing an half-eaten liver.

She really wanted to cry. Carefully, she raised her leg, feeling nauseated.

'Let's slide on the banister. Now.'

And so her travel continued on this banister. At the 45th floor, hoping to find an elevator, she left the staircase and entered another corridor. An inscription above the door indicated the floor was essentially for administrative purpose. Offices with the door wide opened, lots of computers destroyed and desks covered in blood. The doctors and different workers changed into zombies or lying everywhere, dead.

Nora walked in this nightmarish surrounding, keeping a more assured stance. She heard a sound, low and a bit far from her. At first, she didn't recognized what it was. She tried to reach this sound, and when it became clearer, she understood what it was.

A phone !

Running to the source, she found a phone, hidden under a pile of papers covered in a deep red blood. A bit disgusted, she lifted those papers quickly before she picked the phone.

'Hi ?'

A woman's voice replied.

'Eh, George ? Isn't it George's office ?'

Nora looked on the floor, behind the desk. A man with what used to be a blue vest and grey pants was lying on the ground, his face and viscera partially eaten.

'He's... busy, at the moment. But is there...'

'Busy ? I went back to my mom's house since three weeks and not a call ! Nothing ! I am four hours away, and I'm still ignored ! And now that I call, my first call, he's busy ?!'

'... Sorry... ?'

'Do you have any idea how it can be awful to live with a man who only cares about his work ? And now the news announce there is a dangerous disease spreading in this city, and what did I do ? I get worried over this stupid and unfeeling b*stard ! And when I call he's busy !'

'Seems hard... But you talked about a dangerous disease...'

'Yes, a very horrible one apparently, and he doesn't even answer the phone, it is... Wait a minute, who are you ? Why are you answering his phone ? You're his lover, right ? I knew it ! This son of a b*tch ! Who's worried about him ?! Big fat LIAR !'

Nora couldn't even explain the situation before the woman hung up. She looked at the phone, astonished. What just happened ?