
Chapter 122 Fake Identity



The noise from Derek’s room took mine and Tom’s attention in an instant.

It’s been more than ten minutes since Derek disappeared with the actress named Amy.

There was never a woman whom Derek had invited to his Seaside house except for this one.

He didn’t even invite me here ever.

If it wasn’t for Mrs. Shepherd, I won’t be here at all, she sent me here today to hand over Derek a few things, and just as I was supposed to leave I found that glamorous actress at the door with a date.

Who was, I am 100% sure wasn’t invited by Derek at all.

“What’s that noise??”

Before I could handle the situation, Tom was on his heels, he climbed up the stairs in a hurry and I followed him closely.


As soon as he touched the handle we found out that the door was locked from the inside.

“Amy??” We heard a groan and instantly Tom started banging on the door.



We heard the chaos happening in the room increasing the curiosity in my heart.