
Onto the Stage ‘Slighted Souls’ and other stage and radio plays

This is a compendium of the author’s Indian stage and radio plays: "Slighted Souls" is a poignant love story set in rural Telangana, beset with feudal exploitation of the downtrodden dalits. Besides forcing the dalits to toil in the fields as bonded labor without impunity, the land owning doras had no qualms in reducing the womenfolk of this ilk as sex slaves in the gadis, which leads to an armed resistance engulfing an young couple. Men at work on Women at work" is a tragic-comic episode depicting the fallout of sexual harassment at the workplace in the Indian urban setting with its traditional cultural underpinnings. "Castle of Despair", built on the slippery ground of man's innate urge for one-upmanship, portrays its facade of falsity on the grand stage of human tragedy. The radio play, "A Love on Hold", lends voice to the felt anxieties of a man and a woman as their old flame gets rekindled and the dilemmas of possession faced by the couple in a conservative cultural background.

BS_Murthy · Urban
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Slighted Souls - Part 2

Scene – 9

[Curtains up: Papa Rao Patel with the day's daily on the dais of scenes – 4 & 6.]

[Enter: Shaukar Suryam.]

Papa Rao: Aayiye Shaukar Saab

Shaukar Suryam: Patel garu, I thought I was late.

Papa Rao: Well isn't that the privilege of our dora, not of the patels and the patwaris. Lo, here he comes.

[Enter: Muthyal Rao.]

Muthyal Rao: What's the news Papa Rao Patel?

Papa Rao: Dora, it's all about annalu and their atrocities.

Shaukar Suryam: Oh, how difficult they're making life for us these days. You know my brother-in-law in Burugupadu, they told him to move out or else. It seems they don't want moneylenders any more.

Muthyal Rao: What is their dora doing there, hatching eggs?

Shaukar Suryam: Whatever it is, he's shifting to Nizamabad.

Muthyal Rao: When lions are on the run, it's the rabbits that chase them, don't they?

Shaukar Suryam: When in dilemma one should go by our proverbs dora. Isn't it said that it's better to kick around than kicking the bucket.

Papa Rao: Thanks to dora, our ilaaka is out of their bounds, at least for now.

Muthyal Rao: Where have Rami Reddy Patwari and Papi Reddy Patel gone?

Papa Rao: They went to Warangal dora.

Muthyal Rao: Why, to spy on their keeps. [He laughs heartily.]

Papa Rao: That's the problem with keeping a woman dora, one has to keep an eye on her forever.

Shaukar Suryam: Our dora has to thank his forefathers for saving him the bother.

Muthyal Rao: What do you mean by that Shaukar?

Shaukar Suryam: Why, didn't they make it your privilege to have the lowly brides in their nuptials beds? With bride a night, where's the need for you to keep any, much less keep an eye?

Papa Rao [aside]: The women he takes to bed could be his half-sisters and most of the lowly youth must be his bastard sons. But here comes an exception.

[Enter: Narsimma bearing the bruises.]

Muthyal Rao: Yera Narsiga why those bruises, were you caught picking a pocket or what?

[Narsimma proceeds ignoring them.]

Muthyal Rao: Lamdiki, have you turned deaf?

Narsimma: Dora, I'm Narsimma, not Narsiga. And, I'm a college student, not a pickpocket.

Papa Rao: Osos, if Inter-pass Narsigadu is Narsimma, then what would be Narsigadu the graduate?

Shaukar Suryam: Well, Narsimma Saab of Rampur, won't he be?

Papa Rao: Dora, the way the sarkar is pampering these, one day we may have to call him Narsimma Sir.

Muthyal Rao: Bhosdike, if you're Narsimma, what to say of Yelligadu thera baap?

Papa Rao: Dora, it has to be Yellaiah garu, no less. Why doubt that?

Narsimma: Papa Rao Patel, be it a patel father or a dalit father, father is a father.

Papa Rao: Naayaala, don't forget your aukaat. If Yellaiahs and Pullaiahs are Yella Raos and Pulla Raos, what's the use of being a dora, leave alone a patel or a patwari?

Narsimma: B.A. is bound to change my aukaat but many patels may remain anguthachaaps.

Papa Rao: Banchut, what audacity, mind you, you would pay for it.

Shaukar Suryam: Well, was it not Gandhi who brought things to this pass. How he turned these lowly against us saying they are harijan. It's as if we are devil's descendents.

Muthyal Rao: Why blame Gandhi who's dead and gone. Isn't it the sarkar that feeds their egos with free food and all, that too with the taxpayers' money? And the irony is they prefer to be referred as dalits, whatever it might mean.

Papa Rao: Dora, how are the naxals any better? Don't they extort money from us to turn these against us?

Muthyal Rao: Well said Papa Rao Patel, this naxal extortion is a damn good business without investment. What about joining their gang?

Shaukar Suryam: Dora, if only we're young enough to take a little beating in the woods, then maybe, it's not a bad business line at all.

Papa Rao: Any way, Narsiga, better keep off from the naxal hawa or else you would come to grief in the end.

Muthyal Rao: Narsiga, fetch your baap here and now. I'll find out why he failed to teach you how to respect your dora.

Papa Rao: Why dora forgets about poor patels.

Shaukar Suryam: Now why spoil our time with these men. Isn't it time to spend time with their women? Why not summon him to the gadi tomorrow.

Muthyal Rao: Oh, how I've got carried away. Orey Narsiga, haven't you heard what Shaukar Saab said? Tell your abba to be at the gadi at eleven in the morning. Sharp eleven. [Exit: Narsimma in all silence.]

Shaukar Suryam: Dora, didn't you see the defiant look in him. If this is going to be the trend with them, then what would the future portend us?

Papa Rao: My son pesters me to shift to Karimnagar but I thought there's no point in becoming a nonentity there. Now that these too don't khatir us any more, maybe it calls for a rethink on my part.

Shaukar Suryam: Don't lose heart Papa Rao Patel. Wait and watch as dora takes Yelligadu to task. Won't Narsigadu fall in line then?

Papa Rao: Dora, looks like it has turned out to be two swords in a sheath syndrome now. It's either they or us, and that's for sure.

Muthyal Rao: Papa Rao Patel, all I can say is, wait till the morrow.

Shaukar Suryam: Dora, do remember, the proof of pudding is in the eating.

Muthyal Rao: Let come the dinner time. [He gets up.]

[Exit: Others too get up. Curtains down.]

Scene – 10

[Curtains up: Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao and Shaukar Suryam in the courtyard of Muthyal Rao's gadi.]

Papa Rao: Why dora, Yelligadu hasn't turned up so far!

Shaukar Suryam: Well, won't he need time to pick up courage to come?

Muthyal Rao: And gather his wits as well.

[Enter: Head Constable Veeraiah amidst their laughter.]

Veeraiah: What makes the dora so mirthful, that too in these naxal times!

Muthyal Rao: Oh, leave it Veeraiah, what brings you here so often? Is it a second set-up or what?

Veeraiah: Dora, with sarkari salary where's the scope for a havaldar having a chinnillu?

Shaukar Suryam: Maintain wife with salary, and sustain keep with mamools. Isn't it the norm with the sarkari naukars?

Veeraiah: Shaukar Saab, it was the case in the good old days. But now, it's the politicians that are lining their pockets, leaving us with soiled hands. By the way, is there any fish here that's not in your net already?

Muthyal Rao: With so many brothels in the town why cry foul Veeraiah. Raid a den and you're in. Isn't it as simple as that?

Veeraiah: Dora, we're more at raiding naxal hideouts these days. Now it's all about braving bullets and not pulling pallus. Oh, these annalu and their god-damn intent to kill cops.

Papa Rao: Mori Saab, do you smell a rat here or what?

Veeraiah: Well, we suspect that Madanna Dalam has a mole here.

Muthyal Rao: Who could that be?

Veeraiah: Dora, looks like its Yellaiah's son Narsimma. Once he was Madanna's roommate at the SC-ST Hostel.

Papa Rao: So, he's just a step away from joining his gang.

Veeraiah: Who knows by my next visit, he would've gone underground. Well we all have to keep an eye on him.

Muthyal Rao: Don't worry Veeraiah, leave that to me.

Veeraiah: It will surely make my job easy. Yellostha dora.

[Exit: Veeraiah.]

Shaukar Suryam: Dora, won't that explain Narsigadu's impudence?

Papa Rao: Now it's high time our dora gets tough with him.

Muthyal Rao: Let Yelligadu come and then see the tamaasha.

Shaukar Suryam: But why is there no sign of him yet?

Papa Rao: Who knows if Narsigadu cared to tell him at all?

Muthyal Rao: Maybe it's possible. It's as if the rascal is already putting on naxal airs.

Papa Rao: If we fail to act now, it might even send wrong signals to them.

Shaukar Suryam: Why, it will be surely taken as our weakness.

Muthyal Rao: Why not I send my men to drag them here together.

Papa Rao: Better we make an example of both of them in their own backyard dora. That would send the right signals to one and all.

Shaukar Suryam: What do you say about that dora?

Muthyal Rao [Gets up]: Come, let's nip it in the bud. [He gets up.]

[Exit: Others too get up. Curtains down.]

Scene – 11

[Curtains up: Yellaiah's hut of scene -1 in the dalit mohalla.]

[Enter: Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao and Sahukar Suryam with their walking sticks and their henchmen.]

Papa Rao: Orey Yelliga.

Yellaiah [From inside]: Dandaalu Patel garu.

[Enter: Yellaiah with folded hands.]

Yellaiah: Why take the trouble of coming here dora. You could've sent word to me.

Muthyal Rao: Yera, didn't Narsigadu tell you?

Yellaiah: He told me nothing dora.

Muthyal Rao: Where's that rascal?

Yellaiah: He left in the morning dora, I don't know where to.

Muthyal Rao [Raising the walking stick]: Jhootakor, don't tell lies, tell us where he is.

Yellaiah: Believe me dora, I really don't know where he has gone. Please tell me what's wrong with him, and I will set him right.

Sahukar Suryam: Dora, if only we set right the father, the son gets it right, won't he?

[Muthyal Rao strikes Yellaiah with his walking stick followed by Papa Rao and Sahukar Suryam: As Yellaiah falls on the ground, they beat him still, hurling abuses at him. All the while the terrified onlookers watch helplessly.]

Muthyal Rao: Yedava naayaala, if you want to stay here, send your son to the gadi.

[Enter: Sarakka from outside, and goes to Yellaiah.]

Muthyal Rao [Pulling Sarakka away from Yellaiah]: Arre, how I failed to notice this lass all these days?

Yellaiah: She's just a kid dora.

Muthyal Rao: Bhosdike, do you think your dora is blind or what?

Papa Rao: Don't worry Yelliga; we'll let her taste the sweetness of life before her brother tastes its bitterness.

Yellaiah: Dora, it won't go well with ammorlu, Sarakka and Sammakka. Know she's born with their blessings.

Papa Rao (Beating Yellaiah with his stick): So you want to invoke their curse on us.

Muthyal Rao: Try sending your ammoru Sammakka to save your daughter Sarakka.

[Exit: Muthyal Rao dragging a wailing Sarakka, followed by Papa Rao, Shaukar Suryam and the henchmen.]

[The neighbours gather around Yellaiah. Someone fetches him some water that he drinks. Yellaiah slowly goes into the hut as all leave.]

[Enter: Narsimma after a while and finds a distraught Yellaiah ]

Narsimma: Why what happened?

Yellaiah: But why did you offend the dora?

Narsimma: Well, he called me Narsiga and I told him that I'm Narsimma. Has he taken it out on you or what?

Yellaiah: Don't you know these peddollu are quick to take offence. Didn't your mother bind you to bear till you're a B.A.? But still you turn a hotheaded at the least provocation.

Narsimma: Why, didn't I bear the banduldoddi? Or did I fail to keep my cool after the police lockup. Animals too retort but we, oh how we're conditioned not to protest even. Oh, what a life we lead, if it can be called life at all. But don't try to bind me with that sentiment any more. Enough is enough.

Yellaiah: Please yourself with your foolhardy as we pay the price for it.

Narsimma: Why where's Sarakka?

Yellaiah: What I can tell you? [He cries no end.]

Narsimma: Why don't you tell me what happened to her?

Yellaiah: Oh how your amma died protesting against the injustice to her brother's daughter. Failing to protect my own daughter why am I still alive? Oh what an accursed life.

[Enter Sarakka with tattered clothes and shattered look. As Yellaiah takes her into his arms, Narsimma picks up a sickle from the bamboo work.]

Narsimma: Who's that?

Sarakka: Not one, it's three of them.

Narsimma [Raising the sickle.]: Tell me who they are? I'll see their end.

Yellaiah: Why put your life at risk as if we're not harmed enough. Won't they see your end before you raise your hand?

[Narsimma throws the weapon in frustration, and folds about Sarakka in emotion]

Narsimma: Oh, if only I acted in time, I would've been Madanna's deputy by now. Who would've dared touch you then?

Yellaiah: It's as well you're not. Now don't get carried away in the heat of the moment and ruin your life. In time, all this will come to pass any way.

Narsimma: Now that they've tasted our blood, do you think they won't thirst for more of it. Can't I see this as their proxy war against Madanna?

Yellaiah: Whatever, lay low till you get your degree, and all will be fine thereafter.

Narsimma: Oh the god-damn degree. Of what avail is it when my sister's life is in tatters.

Sarakka: If anything, your Renu's life is worse for she has to endure more of it. Oh, how she longs for you.

Yellaiah: Sarakka don't be crazy and incite him further. Don't you know whoso revolted came to grief? Have you forgotten what happened to your mother? Don't they say devils tread where angels fear. Let him not spoil the show after all the preparation. Once he gets a job, we'll get rid of this hell and be done with them.

Narsimma: Patience beyond a point is cowardice naayana. Didn't amma prove that point in the panchayat? And even if we get away from here, our folks remain entrapped all the same. Its better I die fighting the peddollu than live a slighted soul.

Yellaiah: But don't you see the police are shooting these naxals like stray dogs these days.

Narsimma: It's worth dying for the downtrodden than live as one. I've made up my mind now; I won't let you live as their vassals any longer.

Sarakka: Anna, now I've no reason to live than to be avenged. And if that helps our dalit cause as well, won't I have a purpose added to it. Oh, how I'm raring to go now.

Yellaiah: Why there's no thought for your old father? Don't you know I've vested all my interests in you? Do you want to throw me to the wolves?

Narsimma: No emotional blackmail would do now naayana. Why, with both of us in the dalam, who would dare come near you? If land lends them strength, gun gives us power, won't it?

Sarakka: If only amma had a sickle in her hand then, that bloody Papi Reddy wouldn't have been alive now? With a gun in hand, won't I show them the difference now?

Narsimma to Sarakka: Wait till I brief Madanna and send for you. Any way, it won't be long. Bye till then [Goes to Yellaiah and takes his hand.] Be assured no harm would ever come to you.

[Exit: Narsimma as Sarakka sees him off.]

Yellaiah [Falling on the floor]: Malli, don't you see how our hopes have collapsed like a pack of cards? Oh, God only knows what would happen now?

[Curtains down.]

Scene – 12

[Curtains up: Madanna, Mallanna, Srisailam and Narsimma in a jungle hideout.]

Madanna to Narsimma: So, the bird has come home to roost after all.

Narsimma: Driven out of its hearth so to say.

Mallanna: How peddanna has been waiting for this day.

Madanna: Well, who doesn't want to have a strategic brain like his?

Srisailam: Oh, how he used to turn the tables on your opponents at every turn.

Madanna: Wait and see what a difference he makes to the dalit cause. [Turns to Narsimma.] But how did you achieve your nirvana Narsimma?

Narsimma: Oh, how my sister was raped, and for what reason? It's just because I protested their calling me Narsiga.

Madanna: I hope it's not just your hurt that drove you here

Narsimma: Why, I've lost patience for a patient change.

Srisailam: Peddanna, to be fair to Narsimma, he too feels that it calls for a little arm-twisting besides some brainstorming. I know that temperamentally he's all for revolutionary opposition, but ironically it was his circumstances that kept him away from the People's War in the beginning and brought him into it in the end.

Narsimma: How well you've read me anna. Now, with the end of my dilemma, won't they begin to feel the heat of my hurt?

Madanna: Mark my words Mallanna, wounded that he is, he's going to revolutionize the revolutionary opposition itself.

Srisailam: Why its Ugra Narsimma the peddollu have to contend with now.

Narsimma: Why have you forgiven the cops already?

Srisailam: How can I?

Narsimma to Madanna: Peddanna, my sister Sarakka too is itching to join us.

Mallanna: Why not, our dalam will have one more motivated member in it. (Turns to Madanna) What do you say peddanna? Won't that herald women cadres?

Madanna: Why not take all the members into confidence. I don't want them to carry the impression that it's our joint enterprise. Moreover, as it involves women, you better ascertain their views.

[Exit: Mallanna.]

Srisailam: Don't we need to be cautious in our move? What if it turns out to be the ideological dilution in a romantic setting? Well, I'm not speaking for myself as I swore to be single.

Narsimma: What if they are ideologically compatible, won't they contribute in their own way. Instead of keeping them away altogether, why not we wed them to our struggle as our wives.

Madanna: Well, let's wait for the feedback.

[Enter: Mallanna.]

Mallanna: They're all for it peddanna.

Madanna: Now, three of you together put procedures in place. Let it also be known that it's innovation in planning and daring in operation that decides who climbs up the ladder, and nothing else, gender included. By now all know Madanna doesn't play favourites.

Narsimma: It's my word that I shall never try to allow my closeness to peddanna affect my attitude towards others. I shall strive to win the trust and affection of all in every possible way.

Madanna: Mallanna may fetch Narsimma's sister.

[Exit: Mallanna. Curtains down.]

Scene – 13

[Curtains up: Madanna, Srisailam and Narsimma in the jungle hideout of scene -12.]

[Enter: Sarakka ushered in by Mallanna. Narsimma goes up and takes her hand.]

Narsimma: How is naayana?

Sarakka: Don't worry; he's reconciling.

Narsimma to Madanna: She's Sarakka, my sister.

Madanna: Warm welcome Saroopa. Don't you like your alias?

Sarakka: Thanks for the welcome and the alias as well.

Madanna: Maybe you're smart, but life here is tough, tougher than you could've imagined it to be.

Sarakka: Didn't I have a taste of it trekking all the way.

Madanna: Being a single female here, it could be odd even.

Sarakka: And so I've come with my companion.

Narsimma: Who's that?

Sarakka: Let the leader show the green light, and then you could see for yourself.

Madanna: Interesting and intriguing even, coming on recommendation yourself, you have another to commend to our dalam. Okay, go ahead.

[Exit: Sarakka leaving a perplexed Narsimma.]

[Enter: Renuka with Sarakka. Narsimma goes up to Renuka and takes her hand.]

Renuka: I'm Narsimma's Renuka. Annalu may excuse my trespass.

Madanna: Welcome Renakka. But what brings you here?

Renuka: To seek redress for myself and to serve our cause as well.

Madanna: What's your grievance like?

Renuka: I'm wronged by my mother and abused by my man.

Madanna: What's the evidence to prove your accusation?

Renuka: Your friend Narsimma can provide the evidence and my cousin Sarakka can bear witness to my travails.

[Narsimma and Renuka murmur into Madanna's ears in turns.]

Madanna: Now that their guilt is established beyond doubt, what about the punishment?

Renuka: Death to my mother, and I would like to put my man's fate in your hands.

Madanna: How do you justify the exemplary punishment to a woman, that too your mother?

Renuka: She knew that I don't share her idea of dalit life as pandering to the peddollu. Knowing that her brother makes his living by pimping for them, still she coerced me into marrying him knowing fully well that I'm in love with my baava. What's worse, it's she who turned her brother into a pimp to serve her ends. Isn't she an inimical woman, wife, mother and sister all rolled into one. I believe she deserves to die.

Madanna: What about your man who has harmed you no less?

Renuka: Well it's I who married him though against my will. Sure he bedded me with that Papi Reddy, and I failed to resist him on my own. Now I don't want to punish him with borrowed strength.

Madanna: I appreciate your sense of justice and invite you to be the conscience keeper of the dalam.

Renuka: Peddanna, I'm honoured indeed.

Madanna: Now, besides confirming the sentencing of Anasuya, I pronounce death to Saailu as well for his anti-dalit activities. But for our dalam it's an irony to punish the errant dalits ahead of the erring dora.

Narsimma: Coinciding with their execution, why not we have a dalit adalat at Rampur to try its dora and his cohorts.

Madanna: Well, it's tactically sound. All may assist Mallanna in planning things.

Srisailam to Mallanna: Didn't I tell you Narsimma makes a difference to the revolutionary opposition.

Mallanna: Don't I know that Madanna is spot on when it comes to judging people. Now that he has his alter ego in tow, won't it be a time of nightmares for them?

[Curtains down.]

Scene – 14

[Curtains up: Madanna, Srisailam, Narsimma, Sarakka and Renuka (all in the dalam's uniform) sit on the dais around the mango tree of the scenes – 4, 6 & 9 as armed naxals (also in the same uniform) stand beside them. A stream of villagers gathers there.]

[Enter: Anna (1) of the dalam.]

Anna (1): Peddanna, we've got them.

Madanna: Usher them in.

[Exit: Anna (1)]

[Enter: Anna (1) and Anna (2) with bleary eyed Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Shaukar Suryam, Papi Reddy, and Rami Reddy with his son Narsi Reddy. Srisailam motions to them to sit.]

Narsimma: With the dalit adalat trying the gram panchayat, well, what a day it is going to be for the revolutionary opposition. But why is Narsi Reddy brought here?

Anna (1): You may know Madiga Yellanna's daughter Nirmala. She has complained against Rami Reddy's son Narsi Reddy.

Narsimma: Well, but where is she?

Anna (2): Anna, she would be here any time now.

Narsimma: Okay, we'll take up the issue after she turns up. Meanwhile, let's deal with the dora and his cohorts.

[Anna (2) calls up Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Rami Reddy, Papi Reddy and Shaukar Suryam, and they all stand up]

Sarakka: Chief, these are the sinful five.

Madanna: What are they accused of?

Sarakka: To start with, they're all inimical towards the dalits.

Madanna: Are you guilty on that count or not?

[All five nod in agreement.]

Narsimma: Any submission to this dalit adalat?

Papa Rao: Forgive us Narsimma, pardon us peddanna, we'll behave ourselves.

Narsimma: Will you swear to respect dalits?

[All five nod in agreement.]

Madanna: It's the revolutionary decree of this adalat to tattoo 'I respect dalits' on both their forearms. And for better effect, let it be capital D.

[Exit: A stunned Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Rami Reddy, Papi Reddy and Shaukar Suryam are led away by Anna(1) and Anna(2) as the gathered applaud the judgment.]

[Enter: Anna (3) with Nirmala.]

Anna (3): Anna, this is Nirmala.

Srisailam: What's your grievance?

Nirmala: This Narsi Reddy has raped me.

Srisailam: Yera Narsi Reddy, are you guilty of the charge?

Narsi Reddy: Anna allow me to make amends by marrying her.

Srisailam to Nirmala: Does that redress your grievance?

Nirmala: It's not out of remorse that he proposes. He wants to save his skin, that's all. And the whole village knows he's a habitual violator.

Madanna: Let Narsi Reddy face the firing squad.

Narsi Reddy: Peddanna, please.

Narsimma: Not to take anything away from Nirmala's hurt; we may take Narsi Reddy's youth into account. It's true he's willing to atone for his sin only to save his skin but still.

Srisailam: Anna, it's not some juvenile delinquency calling for leniency. It's his patwari mind-set to debauch dalit women that we're dealing with.

Madanna: What is our conscience keeper's say on this?

Renuka: It's only fair that he serves a jail term as per law. But sadly our failed system lets him go scot-free. And that enables him to violate many more women, if not here, elsewhere . So to save the trauma of his likely victims, he should lose his life.

Madanna: Let the sentence be carried out.

[Exit: A stunned Narsi Reddy led away by Anna (3).]

[Enter: Anna (1) and Anna (2) with Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Rami Reddy, Papi Reddy and Shaukar Suryam, amidst a hail of bullets.]

Rami Reddy: Where is my son? What have you done to him?

Srisailam: Well, he has got his deserts.

Rami Reddy: Peddanna please let me see him.

Madanna: Yeh, Patwari, sit still till all get their due. [To Sarakka] Well, are there any more charges against these fellows?

Sarakka: I accuse Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao and Shaukar Suryam of having raped me.

Narsimma: Are you guilty of the charge?

[All the three nod in agreement}

Narsimma: Any submissions by you?

Shaukar Suryam: Annalu, we beg of you, pardon us and spare our lives.

Yellaiah (From the gathering): Maisaiah too would have pleaded for his life, wouldn't he have?

Narsimma: Well, what has the victim to say?

Sarakka: They too must face the firing squad like Narsi Reddy, and for the same reason.

Yellaiah: Only after they undergo the pain of seeing the gang-bang of their daughters.

Gathering:Yah, Yah.

Madanna: What's Renakka's take on this?

Renuka: That would surely humiliate these thick-skinned but at the same time it amounts to punishing the innocent. Thus, violating their daughters is a crime against the girls and not a punishment for their lecherous fathers.

Sarakka: Still they deserve to die, don't they?

Renuka: Won't death make it easy for them. Why can't we imagine their life reminiscing over their humiliation? So it serves them well if they're spared to suffer. Moreover, putting them to death means punishing their wives for no fault of theirs.

Madanna: But how's that?

Renuka: Why, didn't these rascals' roving eye deny them as wives? And don't we know what a shabby treatment awaits them as widows? If we kill their men, won't it be a double jeopardy for them?

Madanna: But if let loose, won't they stray again?

Renuka: Not so if bailed on fidelity bonds.

Madanna: What if they jump bail?

Renuka: After all this, they are no fools not to see the writing on the wall.

Srisailam: What have the guilty to say?

[All three in turns]: I swear that I'll not stray again.

Madanna: They may be let off but on parole.

[All three in one voice]: Thank you peddanna, Thank you all.

Narsimma: Not before spending a night or two in the banduldoddi. Let them have a taste of their own medicine.

Srisailam: Why should the cattle there endure these rotten souls? Surely it makes a case of cruelty to animals, won't it?

Madanna: True, but the cattle might have its own scores to settle with these fiends. Let the filthy five spend five days with them.

Sarakka: Chief, but if ever it comes to light that these eyed a dalit woman, nay any woman, why not we cut off their staffs. Won't that take the stuffing out of these buggers, and justify their women sleeping with dalit men in full view of these eunuchs.

Madanna: Let that be the caveat of the dalit adalat. If they misuse the reprieve, then it's death for them without further trial.

[Even as their faces show relief all the guilty five bow their heads in shame.]

[Enter: Mallanna with Yadagiri and Maisamma, followed by two armed annalu.]

Madanna: Anna, are the guilty brought to book?

Mallanna: As ordained, Anasuya and Saailu are executed.

Madanna: This is for the information of all. It was decreed by the dalam that Anasuya and Saailu should face the firing squad for their anti-dalit activities, both being dalits. As all are aware of their nefarious activities, the charges against them need no repetition.

Yadagiri: Though it pains me, I welcome the punishment to my wife and her brother whom I never considered as my daamaad. I'm sure it warns our black sheep as well.

Madanna: Well, at dalit adalats it's all about fairness and firmness regardless of class. Let the world know that these are no kangaroo courts, and may history hail this as the Rampur Resolution.

Nirmala: Isn't it still an unresolved resolution?

Madanna: What makes you think so?

Nirmala: Where's the succor to the abused women.

Madanna: Well, before we come to grips with that let the condemned be led away to the banduldoddi.

[Exit: Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Rami Reddy, Papi Reddy and Shaukar Suryam led away by Anna (1) and Anna (2) as the onlookers hoot them.]

[Madanna confabulates with Mallanna, Srisailam and Narsimma in undertones.] Madanna: We reprehend the taboo and like to lead by example. All those willing to take a revolutionary's hand can have their swayamvaram at our hideout. Let's see who leads whom to the altar. [Exit: Curtains down]

Scene – 15

[Curtains up: Madanna - Nirmala, Narsimma - Renuka and Mallanna - Sarakka (all in wedding attire) with Srisailam and members of the dalam in the jungle hideout of the scene -12 and 13. After mutual congratulations, Madanna and Nirmala exit with Srisailam and others.]

Sarakka: What a day it is for us Renu, sorry, vadina.

Renuka: Won't I prefer to tell your brother first.

Mallanna to Sarakka: Don't you take the cue from her?

Sarakka: Don't worry you didn't marry a dumb either.

[Exit: Mallanna led away by Sarakka.]

Narsimma: I thought I've lost you forever. [He takes Renuka into his arms.]

Renuka: Let bygones be bygones baava.

Narsimma: Oh, how your mother had played the spoilsport?

Renuka: I think I solved the puzzle in the end. Like all our women, she too had to pander to the peddollu, which she did but with a difference. Unlike the others, she learned to exploit her exploiters to improve her lot. But sensing that the fancies of the patels are but passing clouds, she manipulated Papi Reddy into taking her as his concubine. Yet to cater to his roving eye, and to make him ingratiate to herself, she set her brother to pimp for him.

Narsimma: Where did you pick up all the psychological threads from?

Renuka: Why, from the ruins of my life. And to continue, she was too shrewd not to foresee that as her own charms wane, her influence on Papi Reddy would wean. Well, she knew that would take her back to square one of the dalit life, or worse. And to avert that from ever happening, she had this idea of making me his keep as Saailu's wife. In her scheme of things, the prospect of our marriage was but a red herring to her. Oh, how she spoiled her brother's and daughter's life to serve her own ends. That's why I felt she deserved to die, and not entitled to any mercy.

Narsimma: Now I see the canvas fate had chosen to paint the picture of our misery. But how do you explain her hatred to my mother?

Renuka: She came to hate aththa as she herself suffered in comparison. After all, aththa had a spotless image, and my mom knew how low her own moral stock was. In a way, she wanted to drag me into Papi Reddy's bed out of spite for your mother. She knew your mother loved me, and so she wanted to hurt her through my fall. And sadly she succeeded.

Narsimma: Oh, how miserable it was craving for you in the bunduldoddi. The very thought of your plight deepened my sense of humiliation even more. Oh, how I cursed my life for its powerlessness to protect you.

Renuka: When we were caught on the verge of freedom, I felt as if the ground beneath was giving way. But now, armed with your power, I feel secure in your arms. What is more, I feel fulfilled for I've left behind the pathos of my past.

Narsimma: Renu, I didn't dare dream of our union, and holding you, still I'm unable to believe it.

Renuka: Hi baava. [Pinches him] I always wanted to be your wife before I died. I don't know why but I had a premonition that we would come together, that is in spite of that fiasco of an escape. That's why, instead of dying, I married Saailu hoping to be your wife someday. But when he pushed me into that Papi Reddy's arms, I wanted to live for a different reason.

Narsimma: What's that Renu?

Renuka: Instead of dying a despaired dalit, I was obsessed with the idea of dying only at the threshold of dalit empowerment. In a way, that has become the fulcrum of my life and the purpose of my suffering. Now that I've a sense of power even, I shall use it against anyone who tends to spoil my vision.

Narsimma: But then, why didn't you complain to Madanna earlier?

Renuka: I knew he would rid me off Saailu but then what next. I didn't want to run from pillar to post as I've fixed my heart on you. But when Sarakka told me you joined his dalam, I didn't waste a moment, did I?

Narsimma: Didn't I tell you that our love would script a unique story.

Renuka: Oh, how the filthy five forbade us from marrying? But why didn't it occur to us to force them to witness our wedding? What a sorry figure they would've cut then?

Narsimma: It's as if they didn't eat crow at the dalit adalat.

Renuka: Well, but how could they be digesting that now?

[As Narsimma takes her into his arms, lights go off. Curtains down]

Scene – 16

[Curtains up: Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Rami Reddy, Papi Reddy and Shaukar Suryam sit morosely in to the courtyard of Muthyal Rao's gadi of scene -10.]

Shaukar Suryam: What a relief, if it can be called so, to come out of the banduldoddi. What a five-day ordeal it was. Oh, how they turned our plight into a tamaasha for all. Didn't it turn out to be a tiranaala of our taluka? Can we raise our heads in our lifetime again? (Stares at his forearm) What a shame they added insult to injury. Our forefathers might be turning in their graves at our humiliation.

Rami Reddy: What to say Shaukar Saab, with the death of my son, my family is deprived of its lineage as well.

Papa Rao (Sniffs at his shoulders): What's left to bestow than the stink of the banduldoddi. Aren't you better off on that score?

Shaukar Suryam: Perhaps, death is much preferable than to be shamed like this.

Rami Reddy: But then, you were on your knees begging for life, didn't you?

Shaukar Suryam: Don't tell me you stood your ground, even after they had killed your son.

Rami Reddy: It's not as if they had let others go scot-free. Have you forgotten their staff and stuffing warning or what? Apart from handling the gun, these buggers are learning to handle the language as well, aren't they?

Papa Rao: Why blame any? What can anyone do when they hold the gun and the sarkar is on the run? For that matter haven't we come to fear their shadow even? Well, did they stand guard at the banduldoddi? Yet didn't we fail to rescue ourselves from it though the S.P offered us police protection for the rest of our lives?

Papi Reddy: Coming to Shaukar Saab, maybe, he wanted to save his skin to latch onto Lachhi who holds sway on him.

Sahukar Suryam: What about you Papi Reddy Patel? Haven't you lost your keep as well as your pimp, not to speak of the future upkeep?

Muthyal Rao: You stop taking snipes at each other, will you? Before he arrives, let's work out a strategy to confront our MLA Venkataswamy. I want to get tough with him to see that he exerts pressure on the C.M. Isn't he known to brag about his closeness to him.

Shaukar Suryam: Dora, I'm really out of my wits to apply my mind now. Its better we lay low for the time being.

Papi Reddy: Wait and watch the next naxal order could be interest free loans, free of guarantees at that. Surely that makes you think, won't it?

Papa Rao: Isn't it like their running a parallel regime?

[Enter Mallesam Gowd, the ex-MLA of the constituency]

Muthyal Rao: Randi, Gowd garu.

Mallesam Gowd: I feel sad for all that has happened dora. But if only you people had seen the writing on the wall, it was all in the coming. You know while our party is committed to put an end to this naxal menace, all others pamper them for political gains. Don't you know why our party was humbled at the hustings, and how this party of opportunists came to rule? Was it not the fear of the naxal gun that turned away our voters from the polling booths? Now it's the payback time, and so the sarkar looks the other way even as the naxals are on the rampage. What else can you expect from a party that dabbles with the annalu to come to power and then goes soft on them to retain it? Well, it's the turn of the gentry to suffer now.

Muthyal Rao: Gowd garu, what you say may be true. Now our worry is how to keep things going our way without hindrance from them.

Mallesam Gowd: Don't you see it's already turning out to be a war between the haves and the have-nots?

Papa Rao: Why doubt that?

Mallesam Gowd: Is it not said that everything is fair in love and war.

Shaukar Suryam: What is sad, we're made to lose in our love life also, what do you say Papi Reddy Patel?

Muthyal Rao: Oh, stop it Shaukar. It seems our Gowd garu has something up his sleeve.

Papa Rao: Well, not for nothing he is a politician after all. You know how well Gowd garu ingratiates himself with the party high command. Win or lose, the party ticket is his, isn't it?

Muthyal Rao: Let's come to the point Gowd garu.

Mallesam Gowd: As the naxals are helping the dalits to raise their heads, you can hurt them by hitting at their bellies, if not below their belts.

Muthyal Rao: But how can we do that when we're on parole. Oh damn the dalit adalat and its Rampur Resolution.

Mallesam Gowd: Don't worry about that for they can't get wind of it. What if you set your crops on fire, and then blame it upon the naxals. As there will be no grain left on your farms for the dalits to lay their claim on, won't the pangs of hunger knock at the bottom of the naxal base? And as for you, you've enough to last for years, don't you? Why not see this scorch earth strategy cutting both ways?

Muthyal Rao: What a brilliant idea Gowd garu? What do you say Rami Reddy?

Rami Reddy: Why, it's a case of hitting two birds at one shot. Besides, we can avenge ourselves at least to some extent.

[Enter: An apologetically looking Venkataswamy, the current MLA.]

Muthyal Rao: Swamy Saab, who is ruling the State, you people or the annalu?

Mallesam Gowd: Dora, didn't I tell you that it's the nexus of the naxals and the opportunists.

Venkataswamy: Gowd garu, why fish in the troubled waters.

Mallesam Gowd: Isn't it like pot calling the kettle black?

Muthyal Rao: Gowd garu's barbs apart, how do you explain the lawlessness, MLA saab?

Venkataswamy: Well, I've spoken to the C. M. In fact, it was the other way round. He rang me up to express his distress at the episode, and said an emergency cabinet meeting was held to root out the naxal menace once and for all. To tackle these guys, soon an elite force of Greyhounds would be grounded.

Mallesam Gowd: Heard dora, Greyhounds of these greenhorns. Won't it make a case of balsam on self-inflicted wounds? They lifted the ban we had imposed upon them and held the so-called peace talks, that too when they came with their guns. They made merry with the carrots, and these are left holding their broken sticks.

Shaukar Suryam: Sure it seems too little too late.

Papi Reddy: By now, all know that whatever the politicians say against each other is only for the public consumption. When it comes to protecting each other's interests, they're ever hand in glove, aren't they?

Muthyal Rao: Whatever, Swamy Saab, now it's clear that your sarkar is running with the hares and hunting with the hounds. Well, it can't go on like this anymore. You've to take your pick, quickly at that. It's up to your party now.

Venkataswamy: Dora, don't we know which side of the public bread has political butter?

Mallesam Gowd: Dora, don't you know they're postmasters at licking off the butter and throwing the crumbs at the rich and poor alike.

Venkataswamy: Don't tell me you're any political novices.

Papa Rao: How can there be novices in the cesspool of leeches that is politics?

Mallesam Gowd: Sour grapes Papa Rao Patel.

Venkataswamy: Set aside party politics, we've to admit that our public stock is low.

Muthyal Rao: Why not you people do something about improving your worse than 'the last resort of the scoundrels' image?

Venkataswamy: You won't say that dora, if you're in politics even for a day. Where's the scope for that, and moreover why is it needed? Won't people have to choose between a rogue of a Gog and a moron of a Megog? Well, the blessing that is electoral politics hands them power on a platter, well in turns. And five years is not too long a period to make good the lost opportunities. Is it Gowd garu?

Papa Rao: He'll respond on the floor of the house or raise a hell of it in the well of it.

Venkataswamy: Well, that's not going to happen till either of us changes the constituency. What do you say Gowd garu?

Muthyal Rao: It's no joking matter Swamy Saab. If your Greyhounds don't hunt them in their hideouts, they're sure to hound us out of the villages. And that would be curtains down on your party propped up by the landlords.

Venkataswamy: Are we naïve not to understand that dora. Wait and watch, it will be thumbs up for us any way. But isn't it time we cheer up with cheers, why don't I see any preparations.

Muthyal Rao: Why not, some Scotch might drown our sorrows a little. What do you prefer, Johnnie Walker or Chivas Regal?

Mallesam Gowd: Maybe Johnnie Walker as any way they're on the way out.

Venkataswamy: Dora why not let poor Gowd garu dream over Chivas Regal.

Muthyal Rao: And to keep both of you in good humour, won't we have both.

Venkataswamy: Well, with three cheers to the Greyhounds on the hunt. [Curtains down]

Scene – 17

[Curtains up: Narsimma, Mallanna, Srisailam, Renuka, Sarakka, Nirmala and others in the jungle hideout of the scenes-12, 13 & 15. Sitting by a transistor as Nirmala is impatient for the news, Narsimma looks at his watch restlessly, and others wait in anxiety. As the beeps heralding the news are aired, all hold their breath.]

News Reader: This is All India Radio. The news read by Swathi Rangarajan. Here's a flash. Acting on intelligence, the A.P. Police have nabbed Madanna, a high ranking PWG leader from a hideout in Hyderabad. Even as he was frisked away to an undisclosed location, fearing retaliatory raids by the Madanna Dalam, the Government has placed the police on the alert. In the other headlines…

[Nirmala switches off the transistor, and looks at Narsimma anxiously.]

Sarakka: So, it takes them twenty-four hours to break the news.

Nirmala: I'm worried that he may be harmed anna.

Narsimma: It's my word Nirmalakka; I'll go to any lengths to see he is freed.

Nirmala: Don't I know that anna. But still, I'm afraid as he's high on their wanted list.

Narsimma: Renu, you better take her out and steady her nerves.

[Exit: Renuka with Nirmala.]

[Narsimma huddles himself with Mallanna, Srisailam and Sarakka.]

Mallanna: Who could've betrayed peddanna?

Narsimma: Can't the post-mortem wait Mallanna. Let's think of a tit-for-tat to free him.

Srisailam: But anna, now that they're on the alert, I don't see any soft targets to kidnap.

Narsimma: Who wants a soft target now? Well, we've to think it big. Won't a tough ask with sentimental value soften their stance.

Sarakka: Why not the I.G's kid if he has one.

Narsimma: Isn't the I.G old enough to be a grandfather. Well, that works out better as he will be under varied pressure. Find out and plan for that. If not, think about some other kid with value addition. But who shall be on the mission.

Sarakka: Being a woman, won't I be the best suited.

Narsimma: Well, you be at the forefront as we provide the back-up.

Mallanna: Why not you hold our fort as Srisailam and I will help her raid theirs.

Narsimma: Best of luck, but don't throw caution to the winds, the dalam can't afford to lose any of you.

[Exit: Mallanna, Srisailam and Sarakka.]

[Enter: Renuka and Nirmala.]

Nirmala: What happened to our couriers?

Narsimma: Well, for now, no news is good news. But Mallanna and others have left to create some very soon.

Renuka: Have you sent them on a rescue mission or what?

Narsimma: Well, we don't even know where he's kept.

Renuka: I think it's time we think of penetrating their ranks.

Narsimma: It's not a bad idea in the long run. Well, you look after the counter intelligence of the dalam. But for now, it's about kidnapping one kid or the other of the I.G's household.

Renuka: I love to build a network, won't I? But why involve kids in this war of nerves.

Narsimma: Well, don't we've to choose horses for the races?

Renuka: Women and children are always kept out, aren't they? Why break rules.

Narsimma: Why not think I'm rewriting them.

Nirmala: Why not, if it helps to secure his release without harming any.

Renuka: Why don't you both realize that it's a dangerous game to start?

Narsimma: So be it. But why place the cart before the horse. Let's wait for their return. Till then it's sojourn.

[Lights go on and off to indicate the passage of a few days.]

[Bright light and Narsimma, Renuka and Nirmala are in anxious wait near the transistor.]

News Reader: This is All India Radio. The news read by Rakesh Tiwari. Here's a flash. In a daring operation, Madanna Dalam of the People's War has kidnapped Raja, the I.G's six-year-old grandson from his school in Hyderabad. The two accompanying Home Guards were also taken hostage by the gang suspected to have been led by Sarakka. In a handwritten note left behind on the school premises, the dalam sought the release of their leader Madanna within twenty-four hours threatening to kill the hostages after the deadline. It may be recalled that Madanna was nabbed by the Police from his hideout in Hyderabad only recently.

Narsimma: Didn't they make us proud. Won't they deserve a hero's welcome?

Nirmala [In Excitement]: I'll go out and receive them at the frontier.

[Exits: Nirmala.]

Renuka: Your raising the stakes is really worrying me baava. I wish one won't lead to the other.

Narsimma: Why don't you see this as a breakthrough for the revolution Renu.

Renuka: Well, I'll wait and watch with my fingers crossed.

[Lights go on and off to indicate the passage of time.]

[Bright light and Narsimma with Renuka in wait.]

[Enter Nirmala, Mallanna, Srisailam and Sarakka with Raja, the six-year-old grandson of the I G. of Police and two sheepish looking Home Guards. Even as Renuka reaches out to a nonplussed Raja, Narsimma in excitement hugs Sarakka, Mallanna and Srisailam.]

Narsimma: Hail the heroes [Goes up to Raja.] Don't worry my boy; we'll send you home soon.

Raja [cries]: O Mummy …, I want my mummy

Renuka: Don't cry my Raja, she's would come soon. Till then why don't you play with me?

[As Renuka folds round him, Raja stops crying.]

Nirmala: Anna, the deadline is up and yet there is no contact. Now I see all my worries returning.

Renuka: You know it's no easy decision, is it?

Narsimma: Won't a tough stance make it easy for them?

Renuka: What's that?

Narsimma: A Home Guard in a body-bag.

[Narsimma looks at Mallanna, and then he eyes one of the Home Guards. Exit: Mallanna and Srisailam with the Home Guards.]

Renuka: It's atrocious to kill an innocent, isn't it?

Narsimma: Sarakka why not see that Nirmalakka rests as I handle your restless vadina.

[Taking the cue, Sarakka tries to take Raja along he resists and cries. As Renuka holds Raja, Sarakka leads Nirmala away.]

Narsimma: Why don't you understand Renu? The crisis calls for hard decisions. Besides, isn't he guilty by association? After all, he sides with the system.

Renuka: But it's his occupation to make a living. And he's only doing his duty.

Narsimma: Sadly for him, his duty clashes with our cause.

Renuka: So be it, but they're poor like us, and our struggle is supposed to better their lot.

Narsimma: It's the price the poor have to pay in our struggle for them.

Renuka: What if they won't yield?

Narsimma: They would have two more body-bags to count.

Renuka [She hugs Raja tight]: Oh, he's just a kid as you and I were once.

Narsimma: But unlike us, he's a potential class enemy. As a grown-up, won't he serve the very system that oppresses us? But still we might spare him if that helps to secure our Madanna's release.

Renuka: Why not hold out and see.

Narsimma: Why not turn the heat on them by killing the other guard as well. It's then they would come around to save their privileged kid.

Renuka: Oh, what a change. Oh, how you had pleaded for Narsi Reddy's life in that dalit adalat. And this Raja is just a kid.

Narsimma: In a way I was more of my mother's boy than my own man then.

Renuka: Oh, how strange life could be. If you were not forthcoming then as your mother's boy, now you are distancing yourself from me as your own man. But you were your own self when you symbolized the ethos of the Rampur Resolution. Not before and certainly not now.

Narsimma: Maybe, but then they were the early days of the revolutionary opposition. As the course of the struggle made me its leader, am I not obliged to give it a new direction. As a lot of naxal blood had flowed down the ideological bridge, let revolutionary aggression be the new mantra of the movement.

Renuka: Oh, what a ruthless leader you're turning out to be?

Narsimma: Maybe, underneath I've always been ruthless Renu. Why, didn't I keep you away till you showed me the way to save my studies?

Renuka: I am afraid we're drifting away baava.

Narsimma: Don't worry Renu, our love is sure to bind us together, and that's forever.

Renuka: I feel as if your life has trapped our love in a padmavyuham. And my fear is that like Abhimanyu, you too don't know the way out to save it.

Narsimma: But unlike his wife Uttara, aren't you right in the middle to do that for me?

Renuka: It's my only hope, and God forbid a letdown.

Narsimma: Now wish that God wills our Madanna's release.

Renuka: Won't I pray for that any way. More so as that saves the kid and the Home Guard.

Narsimma: Oh, how it feels when you can't pin hopes on prayers even. I experienced that when I was powerless to prevent your marriage. Well, it can never be described, and God forbid one can only experience it. And now, all my power seems inadequate to secure Madanna's release.

Renuka: Oh really, how helpless life makes us to save our beloveds. Given my newfound zeal to serve our folks, now I'm coming to fathom your the then obsession for graduation. If not for my urge to further my vision won't I wish to die if I were to fail you?

Narsimma: You failing me, forget about it. Can you do that even in your dreams Renu?

Renuka: But baava, its nightmares these days.

Narsimma: Why lose your nerve and tie my hands at this crucial moment? Are we not equally passionate about our mission?

Renuka: Why am I not here to strengthen your hands to fight for our folks? But are you not bloodying your hands more and more. Oh, don't I find them slippery to hold even, leave alone lending support to you. Why not we rescind from violence and put some substance into our struggle baava?

Narsimma: Why not, let's first secure Madanna's release, and then we'll have a full house to discuss. Didn't Madanna himself hold you as the conscience keeper to the dalam?

Renuka: I'm relieved baava. Now won't I pray for Madanna as much as for Raja and his escort?

Narsimma: Let's see what the sarkar has up its sleeve. Hope it's not a case of Renu proposing and the regime disposing.

[Curtains down.]

Scene – 18

Voice Over: In spite of its repeated threats to kill the kid, the dalam failed to secure Madanna's release, and a cornered Narsimma carried out the threat. In a swift move that followed while the Greyhounds captured Sarakka, the police had eliminated her in a fake encounter thereafter. And this hardened Narsimma's attitude towards the men in uniform even more, and he began raiding the Police Stations and blasting their patrol jeeps at will. In time, when the police claimed to have killed a fleeing Madanna in an encounter, he in rage went on a rampage. And that made him the most wanted in the land with a reward of Rupees two million on his head. Outraged by his revolutionary aggression, Renuka was wont to advocate the course of political opposition to further the dalit cause but a cynical Narsimma wouldn't change tack. In the end, Renuka threatened to leave him, and the dalam, but to no avail.

[Curtains up: Narsimma and Renuka are in the hideout of scenes – 12, 13, 15 & 17.]

Renuka: Baava, do you realize what this day means to us?

Narsimma: Why aren't we still a year away from the seven year itch?

Renuka: Oh no, but why there's no word about it all day.

Narsimma: You know how I'm bogged down to blow up that big fish.

Renuka: What a shame, six years over and we haven't added.

Narsimma: Why hasn't the reward on my head got multiplied?

Renuka: It's no time to joke as we're at the crossroads of life.

Narsimma: You know that's the sacrifice the revolutionaries have to make.

Renuka: But still we're human with human wants, aren't we?

Narsimma: True, but there is no way we can be parents.

Renuka: What's that we've achieved after all the self-denial?

Narsimma: Don't you see the changes around? Now nobody dares demean the dalits.

Renuka: Maybe, but they still remain poor, don't they?

Narsimma: Do we have a magic wand to make them rich.

Renuka: Now I am sure they remain poor as long as we're around.

Narsimma: Renu, don't you sound reactionary?

Renuka: So be it. Until we vacate the stage, no entrepreneur would ever step onto it, and unless industry goes rural, the village poor remain poor. And I'm sure about it.

Narsimma: What if we give up arms, won't the peddollu rule the roost all again.

Renuka: Why don't you realize, it's as farmhands that dalits are at the landlords' mercy. If only the villages are industrialized, won't the landlords lose their grip over the peasants?

Narsimma: Since when are you in the pay of the capitalists? [Laughs.]

Renuka: Jokes apart, let's seek amnesty and work differently.

Narsimma: Well, as you know, I've crossed the Rubicon, not once but twice.

Renuka: And I crossed it when you had put that innocent kid to death. You don't know what a dilemma I was in then. I was obsessed with the idea of saving his life, and I racked my brains as to how to go about it. It even crossed my mind to kill you and others to let him live. But then, I realized your life was more valuable to the dalit struggle.

Narsimma: Oh, really! That's my Renu I'm proud of. But you too know that was the most difficult sentence I had ever pronounced.

Renuka: It's the one death that came to haunt me ever since. How poignant his death was for he died crying for his mother. It was then that I realized how paramount motherhood is to a woman's life.

Narsimma: Is nursing the dalit cause any less paramount to you as a woman. And as for death, as we chose to live by the sword, we shall be prepared to fall by it. But still a revolutionary never dies in vain. Won't his death stir others to carry on the struggle?

Renuka: What about the deaths we had caused, can we live without remorse? Unlike that kid, can we face premature death without fear, and a sense of betrayal by life itself? Oh, how he died without fearing death. Maybe, he's too young to grasp the import of life, leave alone death.

Narsimma: Won't death ensure that we don't live long enough to suffer on that count.

Renuka: Why not we take solace in building lives instead of destroying homes? I'm sure it would help our souls. Let's begin paving the dalit political way to power.

Narsimma: Want to join politics that last resort of the scoundrels.

Renuka: As we're no scoundrels, won't we make a difference to the politics?

Voice Over: Greyhounds, Greyhounds.

[Narsimma tries to rollover with Renuka who resists.]

Renuka: Baava, let's surrender. [She raises her white dupatta.]

Narsimma: Lets run Renu; it's no time to vacillate.

Renuka: I'm fed up with this life baava. Let's give up ourselves.

Narsimma: Won't I prefer to die in a real encounter than in a fake one.

Renuka: I'll see that you're not harmed. I'll stake my life for that. [She rolls over him suggesting a protective embrace.]

Voice Over: Run for cover, they've neared us.

Narsimma: Chalo, have you gone mad or what?

Renuka: Won't you stay back for my sake..

Narsimma: Come on Renu, it's not the way to force the issue.

Renuka: Don't say nakko, baava. I want to love you and live with you.

[Sound of a hail of bullets and approaching footsteps. Renuka holds Narsimma tightly in her embrace even as he tries to wriggle out.]

Renuka: I want to bear your child baava.

[But as the Greyhounds come near, Narsimma wriggles himself out of Renuka's grip and tries to drag her but she continues to hold him. In the end, he manages to escape and the Greyhounds go after him in hot pursuit. A crestfallen Renuka sits still on the ground.]

[Enter: Captain Ranjit Kapoor of the Greyhounds as the gun shots cease.]

Captain Kapoor: Sorry Renu-ji, he's dead.

Renuka: Oh, what about others?

Captain Kapoor: Well, they all escaped.

Renuka: Oh, if only I could have prevailed over him.

Captain Kapoor: We understand your hurt and appreciate your sacrifice madam.

Renuka: Did he have any last words for me?

Captain Kapoor: He begged us not to harm you in any way.

Renuka: It's a consolation that he died without feeling let down.

Captain Kapoor: Don't we know Renu-ji that you've chosen it as a last resort.

Renuka: Oh, if only I was able to persuade him. But what to do when he was so distrustful of you guys. See how fake encounters discourage change of heart.

Captain Kapoor: That's sad indeed, but Renu-ji we too are human, after all. Given that we're senselessly targeted, no denying that we too tend to be insensitive. Don't think that I'm trying to justify the fake encounters. I'm only putting them in the proper perspective.

Renuka: How I wish his death makes both sides introspect.

Captain Kapoor: I'm sure this poignant tale would. Well, I've orders to free you.

Renuka: Thanks for keeping your word. [She pauses as if to know his name.]

Captain Kapoor: I'm Captain Ranjit Kapoor.

Renuka: Well Captain, I've better things to do than rotting in the jail.

Captain Kapoor: And those two millions will be yours as well.

Renuka: Are you implying that I betrayed my man for booty?

Captain Kapoor: Oh no, Renu-ji, don't we know, you chose to risk his life to end his mayhem.

Renuka: Well, that's the only solace I've to my sense of loss.

Captain Kapoor: Just reconsider Renu-ji that money may be handy to help the needy.

Renuka: True, but won't that demean me in my own eyes?

Captain Kapoor: Hats off to your sensitivity madam.

Renuka: Thank you Captain. Better use it for the needy families of the policemen who died at his hands. At least, that should give some solace to his lost soul.

Captain Kapoor: It's praiseworthy really. But don't say no to the rehabilitation package.

Renuka: It's not my rehabilitation that's on my mind now. Captain, it's the cause of dalit good that rules my heart. I've realized that fugitives can't improve the dalit plight from their jungle hideouts. If only we take the fight into the political arena, we've the numbers to boot. Where my man failed with his naxal bullets, I shall succeed with the ballot papers. I want to ensure that I haven't sacrificed my man in vain.

[Captain Ranjit Kapoor, in attention, salutes Renuka, and it's the final-curtain.]