
Chapter 3

It is great being a popstar and singing is amazing, I feel like I can express everything I feel into my music and I think that is why people love Nobody. Nobody touches them with his music because it relates to them. And I love writing them because it helps to release the negative energy that I have in me.

Music has helped me alot other than earning money I have online fans who I chat with from time to time. It makes life less lonely for me and it more than I can ever ask for. It is good that the school i am going to allow students to have their electronic devices with them so I will still be able to chat with my fand from school. I will also be able to upload my music online so in all honesty this decision is win for me in many ways but one.

I won't be able to see that boy again the one who made my day and my heart skip a beat. I finish packing my bag and fall on the bed and drift off to dream land. I opened my eyes to see that it was already dark outside, I head to bathroom to freshen up and change. I then head downstairs for dinner.

Everyone is already busy eating when I arrive, I pull out a chair and sit down. I serve myself some food and dig in. The food was tasteless to me unlike the one I had at the cafe which was delicious. "Have you finished packing your bags." my father asked me "We will leave first thing tomorrow morning so make sure you have everything you need." he continued and I just nodded my head in response.

"Your sister was done with her packing so long ago. Can't you follow in her example and be punctual in life Brandon." my mother added and my eyes watered as it does every time she compares me to Sara. I blink away the tears before anyone can notice. "I will try to do that in the future mom."

"Hum," was her only response as she continued to eat while talking to Sara. I finish my food quickly and left the room as I lost my appetite. I enter and close the door behind me behind me before I dropped on the floor and broke down. The tears clouded my eyes as they flowed down my cheeks. Why does she always do this to me, what is it that she wants from me. No matter what I do it is not good enough for her. I always seem to lack at something when it comes to my parents. It is draining me to have to prove myself to my own parents and how could she do that to me today.

They all forgot that I was born today as though I am not even a part of this family. I only have to wait two more years, after I become of legal age then I will leave this house forever. I already have enough money to last me a life time so I won't need any of them in the future. I also have a career as a musician to survive on in case I need money.

I open and go online and find that my manager has sent me a contract through an online signing app. I look at the contract and start the process but since i am a minor it required either my mother or father to sign the contract. It looks like I will be working with rock studios from now on. I turn off the data on my phone and head downstairs, I can't wait to see the look on my moms face when she sees the contract. They were all watching a movie

on Netflix.

"Mom can I have a minute of your time please ?" I asked her drawing hers and everyone's attention away from the television. "Yes, what is it darling ?" she asked surprised that I actually initiated a conversation with her.

" There is a document I want signed but I am not old enough to sign it so can you do it for me."

"Sure let me the document first." I hand her my phone with the contract. Her facial expressions changed from normal to surprised to shock. Now that is one good birthday gift, I never thought her she would be so expressive after reading the contract. I think that this is the first time she showed any type of emotions towards anything I do.

"Thi..this is a cont...contract from Rock studios asking to si..sign you as sin...singer." she stuttered as she spoke and for some reason I felt happy.

"Yes, they have been pestering me about it for a while so I decided to just agree."

Everyone in the house looked so shocked it seemed as though I had told them that I saw Jesus walking down the street as I was coming home. This is definitely the best day ever. Not only because of that beautiful boy but also because for once I wasn't invisible to my family. They noticed me and listen to me and paid attention to me. I will definitely never forget this day for many years to come.

"Will you sign it please I want to go to sleep since I am very tired." she signed it and I took the phone back.

"How did you land a contract with Rock studios and why didnt you tell us you wanted to become a singer." I heard my mom ask when I turned around to leave.

"Why, would you have cared if I did." I fired back at her and glared at her. I had told her that I wanted to sing but as usual she forgot about it because it was about me. What gives her the right to ask me that.

"Yes I would have cared darling, this is a big achievement and we should celebrate." she said and I almost puked. "You are my son and I will always care about you." she continued and I scoffed, what a drama queen.

"Even if I told you I am sure you wouldn't remember."

"That is not true. How can I not remember such an important thing."

"Easy, the same way you and the rest of the family forgot that today is my birthday." I said and ran to my room. I didn't even want to see how they reacted to what I said and honestly I don't care. I just want to leave and go to school far away from all of them tomorrow. The distance and the time I will spend away from them should help to heal my wounded soul. I am just sad that I will never see that beautiful boy again but I will always remember the warmth he brought me on this special day of my life. He did mention that the cafe gives free hugs it is just too bad that I won't get the chance to take him up on that offer. I would have loved to get a hug from him at least every other day.

I could still get a whiff of his cologne on the shirt I had worn to the cafe. I take the shirt and place it on my nose and sniff it, it smells like him and I love it. I don't think I will ever wash this shirt ever again and I will take it with me to school. I close my eyes and fell asleep with the shirt in my hand.