
Chapter 146: Now That I've Found You 2

  Damian's POV -

  I was dabbing lightly with a brush, working on a portrait of Carina's mom. I was told by her aunt that today was her mom's birthday and that's why I'm up by 5AM, doing this.

  What I was dabbing was all different complicated planes. It was transparent, but thick, as though a solidity was going beyond the surface with different pale colors blurring into one another, yet a little bit distinct in how far away they were from each other, like overlapping shadows.

  The edges of her mother seemed so unnatural, as though the lines of her body were going against the background, blocking out something, seeming to overflow a little bit, making her more flat, suspended, and trapped by the shadows.

  In an hour or so, I was done painting her, it was exactly the same image of her on my phone. I took of my clothes that was stained with paint and wore a new after brushing my teeth and showering. I then picked up some roses and left the house.