
Chapter 101 Climb On My Desires

  Damian's POV -

  "Are you scared of me? Are you nervous? Is that why you don't want to know why I'm here or how I know Kevin? Is that why you don't want to ask about your contract lease? Is that why you don't want to talk about our silly fight that night?" I asked. 

  "I don't think anything that concerns you is any of my business." Carina said.

  With that haughty expression, she probably felt she looked serious and assertive, but her soft mouth and eyes with their unusual brown specks completely spoiled the effect. The freckles and the hot flush that erupted whenever I locked my gaze on her were still there. She refused to shift her gaze, despite the fact that every line of her body suggested she would like to vanish into thin air. I smiled to myself, enjoying her discomfiture.