

Ellison had just gotten betrothed to an infamous noble from a well known family and she will be getting engaged in a two weeks.

She knew that her parents financial situation had deteriorated over the years, that must have been the reason they got Ellison betrothed at such a young age, she was just fourteen and she was sure they were going to rush the wedding immediately she turned sixteen.

She wished she was there with her to comfort her.

Ellison had always been the good daughter and she had always done as their parents said without any complaint, but even if Eli sounded happy in the letter saying the duke was known to be very handsome, she knew deep down she have been sad.

“Girls as promised, I will be taking the best three out of this class with me to the debutante ball. ”

All they girls screamed as they could hardly contain their joy, each very eager and excited to be part of the best three who will be accompanying mademoiselle Salome to London to attend the most anticipated debutante ball of all season.

Recently she had announced that the top three in the upcoming exams will be permitted to go with her to the upper class society debutante ball, and finally the exams were done and the result was now posted, the girls saw it as an opportunity to learn how the will present them self in future after their launch to society in the next four years.

And all of them had been so happy and couldn’t wait for an opportunity to leave the four walls of the school.

“So listen up, the following girls will be coming with me”

Almost all the girls started praying that by some miracle they had made it to the top three in the class that year.

”Madison Salypse, Jennifer Rosa and Glenda Edams ” feeling proud of herself and her friend Madison turned back to give Glenda a wink, she was so happy they were both going together.

“Please the listed girls should get ready by the end of the day we will be leaving tomorrow at dawn”

“Of course mademoiselle” she heard Jen say with that snobbish tone of hers, she couldn’t believe that girl will be coming along with them, she just had to do her best to avoid her and to stay away from any related conflict.

Seated down in the carriage Madison couldn’t contain her joy as she watched through the window with glee the busy people of the London upper class moving briskly on the street, she had always wanted to explore the world and see new things but being all cooped up in that school for the last five years prevented that.

She looked extremely pretty today as she had left her hair down and had worn a red bonnet on top of her beautiful brown hair , she also wore matching gloves and a very beautiful white gown which her mother had recently sent to her, with low red shoes.

Upon reaching a large tall building the carriage stopped and they all hoped down and entered the building which was the hotel they were to be staying at, it was very beautiful and large with it opulent lights and white paintings, which gave the place a heavenly feeling.

After checking in the hotel and having their dinner they had all retired to their rooms and unluckily for her she was in the same room with Jen while Glenda was with mademoiselle Salome.

“Isn’t London beautiful?” Jen stared outside the window with joy, while Madison rolled her eyes at her.her

family house was in London and when she wasn’t in the school she was always here, so what was new to her? But in her defense she rarely left bemount just like her, Jen had spent almost all her holidays in the school just like Madison, her father was a rich attorney which hardly came home and her mother was always working running the school thus Jen mostly stayed with her in the school premises. Maybe her life wasn’t as perfect as she had pictured it out to be.

“This will be where I will be living my life after my debut in the next four years, enjoying the grandeur and everything else London have to offer, while poor you will still go back to clanford probably washing dishes” she looked at her with mirth in her eyes and a smirk dancing on her lips.

And at that moment Madison had just forgotten all she had said about being sorry for Jen, she kind of deserved to be ignored by her parents and she relished the prospect.


“You look beautiful my dear”

mademoiselle Salome had just walked into the room to find Madison pulling on her glove, finally done and ready to go.

“Thank you” she smiled at her.

She had worn an ivory lacey gown and had left her hair which was looking shinny open to flow freely behind her back.

She was looking for her missing gloves for some time now as she had forgotten where she put them, thus had wasted time which must had prompted mademoiselle Salome to come look for her, luckily for her she had just seen them when she walked into the room.

“Come on now, we are already late, Jen and Glenda are already waiting for us at the hall way” moving towards her and away from the mirror she had be staring at, she walked over to meet her and the both headed towards their companions together.

“Gosh you look beautiful”

Glenda complemented when they reached them while Jen only took a good look at her and rolled her eyes.

“Thank you Glen.”

Moving towards the entrance and showing their invitation cards to the stand by men they all entered the hall together and what Madison saw left her awestruck.

'Beautiful 'was an understatement to how the ballroom looked like. She couldn’t help but gape at the spectacular view in front of her. the banquet hall was decked to the core with majestic chandeliers falling from the ceiling and amazing artwork which were lined on the wall for display. The whole room itself excluded wealth as it shone with light which contracted with the décor very well, servants moved around with sliver ware containing drinks and refreshments and they beautiful looking guests all in the wonderful attire helped themselves with it, the all moved around the room with grace and perfection.

Turning over to look at her teacher she wondered how she was able to get invitations cards to this particular ball, everyone in the room looked like him or her were from families with noble title as they all talked and interacted with one another with ease just like the socialite do.

“Come along now”

mademoiselle ushered them in, “so, am just going to go say hello to that man over there“ she pointed to a grey looking man not away from them ”I want you girls to mingle, interact and try to observe how the debuts acts and go around conversing, it shouldn’t be hard for you to recognize them as they are all in white, okay?”

They all responded by nodding thier head and she went in the opposite direction disappearing from their line of sight.