


Madison said while grinning from ear to ear, truth be told the duke was an excellent chess player but Madison had years and years of practice to horn her skills and understanding in the game and was undoubtedly sure of her victory.

She remembered back in school how Mr. Donald had taken his time to teach her the basic skills in the game, they do and don’t and how she had taken it all with glee. She was always very fascinated with the game, so when the opportunity to learn it came, she took it with open hands.

The secrete to defeat ones opponent was to play some dubious sidelines trying to surprise your higher rated opponent.

“I thought you were no good in the game” Robert said while looking at her accusingly and quite impressed. She was the first woman to ever check him in a game, but he was too good in chess and he wasn’t a gentleman to let her win him.

“I presume I was only rusty” replied Madison while moving her bishop to finish the game