
Woke Up

The last thing Li Hua remembered was going back home from her date with Longwei. During the car ride she began to feel cold and soon feel asleep, but instead of a nice dream she had a nightmare.

In her nightmare she was back at the same place four years ago. Li Hua was running through the streets shouting for help. Suddenly a cold hand grabbed her arm and started to pull her towards a car. As she shouted and begged for help she heard a voice calling her name and cold lips kissing her head.

"Shhh. It's okay. I'm here Li Hua. No one can hurt you. I'm here."

Unsure of who said those words, Li Hua did not feel as scared as before. Soon she finally opened her eyes. Instead of seeing her ivory ceiling, she saw a white ceiling with bright lights. Not only that but she was hearing the sound of machines running and beeping.

"You traitor. If you don't wake up soon, I'll...I'll marry your brother!"

Hearing someone speak next to her, Li Hua turned her head slightly to see a young woman crying next to her.

'Mei Xing? Marry my brother?'

Upset, Li Hua tried to call Mei Xing's name.


Noticing that her throat was dried and a bit sore, Li Hua used as much strength as she could to call out. "Who...who will you marry?"

Startled, Mei Xing looked up and saw Li Hua glaring at her. "Li...Li Hua. You...you."

"Mei Xing. Who did you say you will marry? Cough. Cough."

Covering her mouth Li Hua coughed as she tried to sit up, but soon found herself in Mei Xing's arms.

"Li Hua. You're awake. Do you know how scared I was when I found out you were in a coma again? You worried everyone."

"Coma?" Confused Li Hua looked at Mei Xing. Hasn't she been just sick with a fever and sleeping?

Pulling away, Mei Xing quickly got a cup of water and gave it to Li Hua.

"Drink first. You must be so thirsty. Wait here. I'm going to call the doctor and your parents. Everyone will be so happy to know you are awake again."

Holding the cup of water, Li Hua tried to grab Mei Xing's hand before she could leave.

"Wait. Mei Xing."

Not hearing her, Mei Xing had already ran out of the room calling for a doctor and making phone calls.

Soon the hospital room was filled with doctors and nurses surrounding Li Hua as they examined her and ran multiple tests. Standing on one side of the bed, Neng Fang held Li Hua's hand as she waited for the doctors to speak.

Suddenly, they heard the sounds of people running outside the door.


Opening the door, Longwei appeared breathless in his business suite. Li Hua, her family, and doctors were surprised at the scene before them.

He had been at an important meeting with the representatives of Country C when his assistant, Guowei, called to tell him Li Hua woke up. Dropping everything, Longwei stood up and walked out of the meeting room without caring whether the representatives were offended and shocked or not. Guowei can clean up the mess for him.

Appearing at the door, the ice king, devil, business tycoon, Longwei had appeared at Li Hua's room out of breath.


Hearing his name, Longwei searched the room until his eyes fell on the girl in the hospital bed. Seeing her sitting on the bed awake, Longwei took quick strides towards her. Standing in front of her, Longwei pulled Li Hua into his arms.


Being able to see her awake and holding her in his arms, Longwei could finally relax. His wife was out of danger.

Being pulled into his arms, Li Hua let out a yelp as Longwei held her to his chest. Feeling embarrassed, Li Hua wanted to pull away, but found herself finding comfort in his arms.

"Thank you." Longwei sighed as he kissed Li Hua's head.

Looking up, Li Hua stared at Longwei's grey eyes and smiled slightly, before hugging him back.

This action of hers surprised Neng Chao, Neng Fang, and Mei Xing. Longwei was especially surprised the most, finding that his wife hugged him back without any urging, he held her tighter. No one expected her to willingly hug the man back. Afterall, they barely know each other.

"Oh my gawd!" Taking out her phone, Mei Xing quickly started taking photos of the two lovebirds in front of her. This was a great photo meant to be kept.


Looking up, Li Hua saw a disheveled Jian quickly approach her.

Seeing Longwei holding his sister, Jian had a disdain look on his face before smiling at his baby sister while shoving Longwei aside. Grabbing Li Hua, Jian hugged her tightly.

"You silly girl. You know how scared we were when we found out you were in a coma again? We thought you wouldn't wake up again."

Biting her lip, Li Hua looked down. "Sorry Jian."

Seeing his sister's pitiful act, Jian sighed and tousled her hair.

"It's ok. No one blames you. We're all relieved that you woke up. Don't blame yourself kiddo."

Nodding her head, Li Hua hugged Jian tightly. After four years of torment, her brother was the one always at her side to comfort her when she was troubled or scared. Seeing him gave her the relief she needed.

"It's good you woke up sis. Now we can find out whether you want to cancel the engagement or not. Ouch!"

Rubbing his head, Jian looked at his father. "Dad. This is an important issue that needs to be solved now."

Glaring at his son, Neng Chao scolded. "Shut up. It can be dealt with later. Let your sister rest first."

Confused, Li Hua looked at her brother and father. She had no idea what they were talking about, but she knew it had something to do with her.

"Um...we can talk about it. I'm feeling fine."

Grabbing this chance, Longwei held Li Hua's hand and patted her head gently.

"Rest first. It's not important."

Sighing, Li Hua agreed after her father and mother told her to rest.

Here's another chapter for you all. I'll be going through and making grammar and spelling corrections. If anyone wants to offer help that would be great as well.

I've been pretty busy with looking for a new job at the moment, as well as planning to move houses again. The last few days have been very stressful.

I've noticed that a lot of writers use discord and other websites to stay connected with their readers. Let me know if this is something you guys would like me to do as well.

TiffinyMcreators' thoughts