
The Truth

Approaching the Neng's residence, Longwei saw the butler waiting outside for them. Stepping out of the car, Longwei hastily carried the burning girl in to the residence.

"Up the stairs to the left. Second door CEO Li." said the butler as he told Longwei which room to go to.

Following the directions, Longwei carried Li Hua into her room and carefully laid her down. The moment she touched her bed, four servants came in quickly carried her to the bathroom to undress her and wash her up.

While he waited, Longwei looked around Li Hua's room. Her room was huge, with a big bed in the center and white canopies tied at all four posts of the bed. He could see photos of herself hanging around in her room, along with photos of her family. Li Hua's room had a balcony, and if one was to step out into it, they would see a view of beautiful flowers. A grand piano and other musical instruments were put next to the balcony doors.

Walking up to the piano, Longwei was reminded of the beautiful song she had just played last night at the party. As he ran his fingers over the keys, his hand suddenly stopped as he saw a photo of Li Hua laughing as she played the piano with her brother, Jian. Picking up the photo, Longwei couldn't help but stare at the photo. It looked like it was taken when she was 18 or 20 years old. Not only that but anyone who saw the photo would realize how happy she looked in the photo, compared to now.

Putting the photo down, Longwei then noticed multiple of music sheets laying around the grand piano. Bending down, he started to pick them up as he looked at them. Narrowing his eyes, Longwei started to wonder what Li Hua did before her accident. The reports he got on her didn't state any, yet the music sheets in his hands said otherwise. In fact, the scores and lyrics on the sheet looked similar to the songs that were sung by popular artists.

Before he could think further, he heard the bathroom door open. Turning around, Longwei saw a maid come out of the bathroom. As he saw his beautiful wife being carried by the maids, Longwei stepped forward and lifted her out of their arms.

"I'll carry her."

Gently putting her on the bed, Longwei sat down and held her hand. Kissing the back of her hand, Longwei prayed that she would be alright.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Looking up, Longwei saw Li Hua's parents and brother walk in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Neng. I'm sorry, it's my fault she got sick."

"It's ok CEO Li. It's not your fault. Instead thank you for bringing her back home quickly."

Standing up, Longwei moved to the side to let Neng Fang sit next to her daughter. As the family waited inside the room, Grandpa Huang finally came in with another man following behind him.

"Dr. Song. Thank you for coming so quick. Please take a look at Li Hua." Neng Chao said as he helped his wife stand.

"Could everyone please leave the room so I may attend to the patient."

Hearing his words, Neng Chao nodded his head. "Of course."

Walking his wife out if the room, Jian and the maids followed behind.

"Come son. There's nothing you can do here. Let Dr. Song do his job." Grandpa Huang said as he held onto Longwei's shoulder and walked him out.

Once they were outside, the bedroom door was closed, not allowing anyone to see what was being done. Longwei stood outside the door like a statue, not moving.

"It's okay, Dr. Song is the best doctor around here. He'll make sure she is fine." Neng Fang said as she tried to comfort Longwei.

Shaking his head, Longwei turned to face the Neng family.

"No. It's my fault. Earlier we were playing at the beach, and I chased her. When I caught her she started to scream for help as if she was really frighten. In the car she fell asleep and started to talk about not wanting to die."

Hearing his words, Neng Fang covered her mouth as she turned towards Neng Chao's chest and sobbed.

Patting his wife's back, Neng Chao looked at Longwei. "CEO Li, I'm sure you heard about what happened to my daughter 4 years ago."

"Yes, she was in an accident that almost killed her and left her in a coma."

Shaking his head, Neng Chao sighed. "That is true, but it's not the whole truth. It was not an accident that almost killed my daughter. Instead it was an attempt murder. She was left for dead in an alley not far from her school. That day she was returning from the mall when her car was blocked by some men. Her driver tried to save her life, and died in doing so. By the time we got the message from the driver that there was trouble and got to the scene, we were too late. It took us 6 hours before we found Li Hua. She was found laying in her own blood with multiples of stab wounds and bruises on her."

Hearing her husband recount the terrible day, Neng Fang cried harder. Longwei's face turned cold as he heard what Neng Chao said next.

"When we got her to the hospital the doctors did their best, but for 2 years she didn't wake up. When Li Hua did, she was too traumatized by what had happened. We couldn't leave her by herself for a moment. We don't even know who it is that ordered the hit on our daughter, and until we do we had no choice but to send her away. Even now we don't know who did that to her or if they will attack again. Until we find them, Li Hua's safety is our top priority."

Once Neng Chao was done speaking, he sighed and hugged his wife as he consoled her. Just talking about that day was too much for them, but Longwei needed to know what happened in order to understand why Li Hua was the way she is.

Clenching his fists, Longwei stared at Neng Chao as he said, "Do not worry. I'll make sure to keep her safe and not let any harm come to her. I promise you that I will find the person behind the attack and make sure they kneel before Li Hua as they beg for forgiveness."

Suddenly the bedroom door was open and Dr. Wang stepped out. Dr. Wang was a middle-aged man with a kind look on his face. He grew up with Neng Chao and had become a dear member of the Neng family over the past years. Not only that but he was the one who knew Li Hua's condition the best, as he was appointed her main physician.

"Wang, how is she?" Neng Chao asked as he approached his friend.

With a grim look, Dr. Wang patted Neng Chao on the shoulder. "She has a high fever. I will need her admitted to the hospital so I can keep a closer eye on her for the time being. I've already called for an ambulance, and they will be arriving shortly, but for the time being I will do my best to ensure her safety."

Hearing his best friend's words, Neng Chao's face turned grim as he held his crying wife's hand tightly.

"Okay, let's do that then. Thank you."

Soon the ambulance arrived and the paramedics took Li Hua away. Neng Fang rode with her daughter in the ambulance, as the rest of the family followed behind. Neng Chao took his own car with Dr. Wang with him. While Longwei and Jian took Longwei's car together as they followed the ambulance. Grandpa Huang stayed behind to finish some business before following them.