
The Announcement (7)


Hearing the tired voice from the other end of the phone, Longwei smiled. He had had a long day today. After announcing his engagement to Li Hua, his company had been dealing with phone calls nonstop from reporters. Not only that but a bunch of companies have been trying to get a meeting set up with him to discuss partnership after hearing that the Neng's and Li's would soon become in-laws.

Longwei knew that there was a good chance that Li Hua had seen the press conference. He didn't know if her father had talked to her about the engagement yet, but Longwei couldn't help but want to hear her voice and talk to her.

"Are you sleeping?" asked Longwei as he leaned back in his car.


"Did you see the press conference?"


"Are you upset?"

Li Hua hesitated before answering. "No."

Hearing Li Hua's answer, Longwei's mood lighten up. "Really? Why?"

"Because I can still cancel the engagement if I want." Li Hua answered Longwei honestly. There was no need for her to lie about her reason.

When Longwei heard that her answer his mood dampen, causing the driver to shiver in fear, he had forgotten that she could still cancel the engagement if she did not develop feelings for him. Longwei now felt that he shouldn't have allowed Li Hua that loophole.

"I'll come to see you tomorrow," said Longwei after a moment of silence.


"Good night."


Hanging up the phone, Longwei looked out the car window as they drove through the city. Soon he arrived at the Silver condominium. Stepping out of the car, Longwei took the private elevator to the top floor of the building.

After entering the passcode to get in and scanning his eye and fingerprint, Longwei stepped into the luxurious suite. The suite had a total of four rooms, each with a private bathroom, a large kitchen with an island in the middle, a large dining room and living room. One one side of the suite was a study and library room with a bedroom attached to it.

Walking towards the study, Longwei loosened his tie and sat in the desk chair with his legs crossed. Running his hand through his hair, Longwei deeply sighed. Pulling open a drawer from the desk, Longwei took out a small velvet box and opened it. Staring at the item in the box, his eyes grew soft. Closing the box, Longwei put it back in the drawer and locked it. Standing up, Longwei opened the door on the side of the study and entered his bedroom. Taking his jacket off, Longwei began to unbutton his shirt as he walked towards the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Longwei walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Droplets of water ran down his broad chest as he dried his hair with a towel. After changing into a set of pajamas, Longwei headed to bed.


The next day Li Hua woke up and got dressed. Heading downstairs, Li Hua saw her grandfather eating in the dining room. Smiling, Li Hua walked towards him.


Seeing that it was his granddaughter, Grandpa Huang nodded his head. "Come eat Hua'er. Butler Ling, have the kitchen heat up the food again."

"Yes, Old Master."

Soon a simple breakfast was served. As Li Hua ate her meal, Grandfather Huang sat next to her and watched. Nodding his head in approval, Grandfather Huang was happy to see that his granddaughter was finally gaining some weight.

After breakfast, Li Hua and her grandfather took a light walk in the back garden. As she held her grandfather's arm to support him, Li Hua and her grandfather made light talk.

"Hua'er, are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, grandfather. Hua'er is feeling better now. I'm eating more than before, too, so I've gained a lot of weight."

"That's good to hear. Your father and brother have already started their position at the company. You should join them soon."

"I plan to go over today and get to know the company more and get adjusted to the position."

"Good." Grandfather Huang said as he patted Li Hua's hand lightly. "Well, I'm going to get some rest now. You should get ready to head to the company."

"Yes, grandfather."

After walking Grandpa Huang back to the house, Li Hua headed to her room to change clothes. Stepping out of her bedroom, Li Hua wore a vibrant red suit, with her hair tied up in a ponytail, and simple makeup to cover any signs of tiredness on her face.

Getting into the car with an escort of bodyguards behind her, Li Hua soon arrived at the company. As Li Hua stepped out of the car, many company staff stopped to stare at her as she entered the building.