
Second Time

The big day was here. Dressed in a long off-shoulder emerald dress, Li Hua watched as her long, black hair was curled into black elegant waves.

Knock. Knock.

Dressed in a dark blue suit Neng Jian stood outside his sister's bedroom door. His parents had asked him to come up and check to see if Li Hua was ready yet.

"Are you ready? Everyone's here." Jian said as he called out to her from the other side of the door.

"I'll be down soon. Go ahead first."


Once her hair was done, Li Hua sat in her wheelchair as she was pushed down to the party. Nervously, Li Hua patted herself a couple of times as she got closer. Soon she could hear chattering and music getting louder.

Talking to shareholders and other business owners, Jian and his parents were discussing possible partnerships. Suddenly the lights shut off. Guests started to shout to find out what had happen, when suddenly they heard a piano playing.

In the front, a woman as beautiful as a goddess was sitting at the piano as her fingers flew over the keys. She had beautiful black hair that fell like waves down her back. She had a delicate face, small nose, and ruby lips. The woman was wearing a beautiful emerald mermaid dress that emphasized her jade-like skin.

Looking at the woman, Jian and his parents smiled as they watched her play. It's been too long since she last played in public, but hearing her music brought many memories.

Li Hua closed her eyes as she became one with the music. Soon soft words were carried out of her ruby lips as she sanged. The guests were soon lost in her voice which sounded like an angel. Making them forget their worries and sadness.

No one noticed as a man entered the party. Dressed in a 3-piece black suit, Longwei stopped as he watched the beautiful girl on the stage sang. He felt his breath leave him as he watched her play the piano and sang a song that moved his cold heart. At that moment he could only see her and no one else.

Once the song ended, Li Hua opened her eyes and smiled as she slowly stood up and bowed. Looking at her family she slowly made her way down the steps towards them. The shock look on her brother's face and happy tears rolling down her mother's eyes made Li Hua felt happy as she couldn't wait to get to them. Suddenly her legs gave out under her as she stumbled down the stage.

Shouts could be heard as she fell down the steps.

"Hua'er!" shouted her parents and Jian as they rushed to catch her.

Raising her hands to protect herself from the fall, Li Hua closed her eyes tight. Expecting to hit the cold steps, she instead felt warm hands wrapped around her. Looking up, she found herself lost in grey eyes that stared back at her.

"This is the second time I've save you, you know. If you keep getting hurt like this I'll have to tie you to my waist to keep you safe."

Looking at him, Li Hua found herself speechless. Wasn't this the man who saved her last time in Country X? What was he doing here.

Watching her open and close her mouth as her beautiful eyes stared back at him, Longwei felt himself wanting to pinch her cheeks. He felt his heart drop when he saw her falling down. Without thinking he ran to her and caught her in his arms once again. Yet this time he was certain to not let her go like last time.

Amused at her face, he chuckled. "Dear if you wish to keep staring at me I don't mind, but mind you people are staring."

Remembering where she was, Li Hua quickly turned away. Feeling her face flush she cleared her throat.

"Thank you again. You can let me go now."

"Nope, I won't. I'm worried you might fall or get yourself in trouble again."

"What trouble? I don't get myself into trouble." glared Li Hua.

Longwei chuckled as he looked at her angry face. She was so adorable when she was upset. He should keep in mind to make her angry when he could, that way he could always see this cute expression of hers.

A maid eventually brought Li Hua's wheelchair to her. Longwei gently put her down in the chair. Immediately he missed the warmth of her body in his arms. Tempted to hold her again, Longwei held himself back as he stood behind her.

"Hua'er." Neng Fang quickly approached Longwei and Li Hua. "Are you alright? You scared me there."

"I'm fine mom. I'm sorry, I just wanted to surprise you guys today."

"And that you did, brat," said Jian as he glared at his sister. "You could have gotten seriously hurt if you weren't saved in time. Are you sure you're okay?"

Checking his sister, Jian grabbed her arms and face to see if there were any bruises on her body. She had just started to recover, yet she almost got hurt again due to her clumsiness.

Watching his son, Neng Chao shook his head. Turning to look at the man that saved his daughter, he found the man to look familiar.

"Thank you for saving my daughter. May I know your name?" ask Neng Chao as he gave a warm smile to Longwei.

"Hello sir, thank you for inviting me to tonight. My name is Li Longwei. CEO of Imperial."

Shaking his hand Neng Chao smiled. "Ah! You must be Mr. Jing's grandson. Thank you for saving my daughter."

"It's no problem Mr. Neng. I'm sure anyone would jumped in to save a beautiful woman such as your daughter." Longwei said as he smiled and looked at Li Hua.

Li Hua wanted to punch this handsome man in the face for being so shameless in front of her family and guests. Too bad she was in her wheelchair so she couldn't reach him.

Suddenly, a loud voice ranged across the room.

"Old man Huang, where are you?"

Laughing, Li Jing walked through the crowd towards Neng Chao and Neng Fang. As he approached them, Li Jing saw Longwei standing next to a beautiful girl in a wheelchair.

"You're already here my boy." Li Jing said as he walked up to Longwei. "You should of told me you were coming. We could of came together."

"Grandpa." Longwei said as he looked at Li Jing.

Clicking his tongue, Li Jing turned and smiled as he shook Ning Chao's hand.

"Thank you for inviting me and my grandson Mr. Ning."

"Thank you for coming Mr. Jing." said Ning Chao and Jian as they each shook his hand.

Turning his attention to Li Hua, Li Jing smiled.

"This beautiful young woman must be your daughter Mr. Ning."

Nodding his head, Ning Chao smiled. "Yes this is our daughter, Li Hua. She and her brother had just returned home."

"Good. It's good to have you both back home. Finally I can stop hearing that old man Huang complain about missing you two." laughed Li Jing.

"Your grandfather always talked about the both of you, especially his granddaughter, Li Hua. You know he loved to show me photos of you while talking about how talented you are. That old man could go on for hours talking nonstop."

Chuckling, Li Hua smiled as she listened to Li Jing talk. The things he said, she could believe them since she knew her grandpa was the type to brag about her and Jian every chance he could get.

"Old man! What are you spouting about now? I never did that."

Turning around, Ning Huang was seen glaring at Li Jing as he approached the group.

"Stop your nonsense. I am not that shameless to talk about my grandchildren for hours. You kn the other hand always complain about that stoneface grandson of yours that refuse to date any woman."

"Nonsense! When did I ever complain about my grandson?"

Shaking their head, Li Hua, Longwei, and Jian walked away as their parents tried to stop their grandfathers from embarrassing themselves. These grandfathers of theirs only knew how to embarrass themselves. Always arguing every time they met.

"I'm sorry, but CEO Li could I trouble you to keep my sister company for the night?" Jian asked.

"I'd be happy to keep your sister company, and please call me by my name. After all our grandfathers are close friends."

Nodding his head, Jian knelt down as he smiled at Li Hua. "Hua'er, stay with Longwei and try to not get hurt."

"Mm. You go on ahead. I'll be fine brother."

Getting up, Jian left to attend to the guests as his parents were occupied with trying to calm down his and Longwei's grandfathers.

Here's the next chapter for you guys. Sorry for the long wait. I've been really busy with work and trying to finish my finals this week.

What do you guys think so far about the book? Is it okay? Bad? Need some more work?

I write these chapters right before heading to bed, so they are unedited. Once I get my computer put up and have more time to focus on writing, I will release more chapters.

I'll have another chapter up this week for you all.

TiffinyMcreators' thoughts