
Chapter 49

After days of hard work, Neng Li Hua was finally able to relax a bit.

Knock! Knock!

Looking up, Neng Li Hua called out, "Come in."

Walking in with a bouquet of flowers, Zhu Meling handed them to her. "Another one came in today Neng Li Hua."

After a couple days of working together, Neng Li Hua was finally able to have Zhu Meling call her by her name comfortably. Of course this was only allowed when they were alone together, otherwise they kept it professional when other workers were around. Last thing they wanted was for gossip to go around saying that Neng Li Hua was giving special treatment to Zhu Meling.

Frowning, Neng Li Hua picked the card out of the bouquet.

'I'll see you soon dear.'

This was the fourth bouquet of flowers she's received since she started working. An uneasy feeling was rising starting to rise in her chest, but Neng Li Hua refused to let it bother her. She couldn't let something like this distract her when she had so many more important things to focus on. Soon they would be releasing a new product and she needed to focus on making sure things when smoothly.

Seeing her look, Zhu Meling asked worriedly, "Should I tell CEO Neng and President Neng?"

Hearing her words, Neng Li Hua shook her head, "No don't bother them about this. It's a small matter, and right now they need to focus on the new product that we are releasing this week. If they hear about this they'll drop everything and won't bother caring about the new product release anymore. We've put so much effort into this for the last couple of days, so we can't let the workers efforts go in vain. Just leave it there on the table."

Nodding her head, Zhu Meling walked out of Neng Li Hua's office after putting the bouquet of flowers on the coffee table.

Looking at the bouquet on the coffee table, Neng Li Hua thought about calling Li Longwei to see if he had been the one sending her the bouquets recently. Suddenly her phone ringed. Looking at the number flashing on the screen, Neng Li Hua picked up the phone and answered.


A husky voice was heard from the other end of the line, "Where are you?"

Hearing the voice, Neng Li Hua felt her heart skip. She hadn't heard from him for the last few days, since she was so immersed in her new position. Hearing his voice now reminded her of what happened a few days ago. Feeling her face burn, she calmed herself down before answering back.

"I'm at the company. Did you need something?"

"I'll be there soon."


Realizing that he had just hung up on her, Neng Li Hua put her phone down and continued to read the documents on her desk. Soon a knock was heard from her door.

Without looking up Neng Li Hua called out, "Come in."

Not hearing the door open, Neng Li Hua was just about to call out again when she suddenly felt someone grab her from behind. Startled Neng Li Hua felt her heart stop as she turned around swiftly to face the person behind her. Suddenly she felt a hot breath against her neck.

"Hua'er," came a husky voice. "I'm here."

Hearing the voice, Neng Li Hua's whole body trembled. "Why didn't you say anything when you came in? Don't you know better than to sneak up on someone?"

"Mmm...sorry," Li Longwei said as he loosen his hold on Neng Li Hua.

Turning to face him, Neng Li Hua glared at the ruff looking man in front of her. The dark circles under his eyes made him look like a big panda bear. Seeing the stubbles on his chin and the tired look in his eyes, Neng Li Hua guessed that Li Longwei hadn't been able to rest for the last couple of days.

"Why are you here? Don't you have work to do?" asked Neng Li Hua as she frown seeing his appearance.

Pulling her into his arms, Li Longwei held her tightly as he rested his head against her neck and breathed in her scent.

"I missed you," he mumbled as he closed his eyes.