

Walking up to the stage, the lights dimmed down as a spotlight was cast upon Grandpa Huang. Grandpa Huang smiled as he drew the attention of the guests that had stopped talking and had turn their attention to him. "I want to thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate with me. Tonight I celebrate the return of my grandson and granddaughter."

Everyone turned their attention to Li Hua and Jian as both grandchildren smiled as they looked at their grandfather.

No one could deny the beauty these two siblings had when next to each other. Both of them looked like a god and goddess that had come down from heaven.

"Not only tonight the celebration of their homecoming, but I would also like to announce important news to our guests tonight. My son, Ning Chao, will be stepping in as CEO of Ning Corps, my grandson, Ning Jian, will be stepping in as President, and my granddaughter, Ning Li Hua will be stepping in as Vice President. All effective immediately as of tomorrow."

Hearing Ning Huang's announcement, everyone was surprised. No one expected the business tycoon Ning Huang to be stepping down so soon. What surprised everyone more was the fact that he appointed his granddaughter as Vice President when she can't even walked for more than a few seconds.

Grandpa Huang ignored the whispers around him as he didn't care about what people thought about his choice. It is his business and not theirs, so why should he care about the opinions of others.

"I know this is a surprise for many of you, but I am getting old now and wish to spend my days enjoying the time I have left. I hope that my fellow friends and workers will help teach my son and grandchildren the way of the business. I know that they will make Ning Corporation flourish in the near future with the help of our loyal friends and workers. Please raise your glasses as I toast to my grandchildren's return home and my son and grandchildren's position as CEO, President, and Vice President of Ning Corporation."

Raising their glass in toast, everyone drank to celebrate the news. Laughing, Ning Huang gave a few more words before getting off the stage and allowing for the party to resume. Everyone that attended that night could not wait to go home and share the news with their family. Those who didn't attend and weren't invited would have to wait for the news to go public, but by then almost everyone in the business world would know already.

"Congratulations President Jian and Vice President Li Hua." Longwei said as he raised his glass and congratulated them.

"Thank you CEO Li." Jian said as he raised his glass and emptied his glass.

"Thank you CEO Li." Li Hua said as she smiled politely at Longwei. "Sorry but I am still unable to drink at the moment, so once I am able I'll treat you out to dinner."

"I'll hold you to that promise."

Soon the parents and grandfathers came to their table to join them as they all celebrated. Laughter could be heard from their table as they talked about various things. A couple of guests came over to congratulate them throughout the night as well.

Li Hua smiled as she watched and listened to her family talk and laugh. She hasn't felt this happy in a long time. As she talked and laughed with everyone, she didn't notice Longwei watching her.

Longwei watched as the woman next to him laughed at something her brother said. He didn't know how long he had been staring at her, but he couldn't look away. Seeing her smile and laugh made him happy. Without himself knowing, Longwei was smiling as he watched her.

There was something about Li Hua that drew his attention. Maybe it was the way that she didn't seem to care about what people said and thought about her, or maybe it was the fact that she was different from other women.

Turning her head and seeing the man stare foolishly at her, Li Hua raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"CEO Li, maybe you should take a photo, it would last longer than staring."

Hearing her suggestion, Longwei nodded his head. "Yes that's a great idea."

Pulling out his phone Longwei was about to take a photo when Li Hua stopped him.

"I was just joking. You don't have to take a photo."

"But I want to." Longwei said as he pulled out his phone and prepared to take a photo.

"Well I don't want you to."


"I just don't. So please put away your phone."

"Okay." Looking down, Longwei put his phone away.

He was hoping to get a photo of her and use it was his wallpaper on his phone, but since she was unwilling, he wouldn't push for one. Just seeing her and sitting next to her was satisfying enough for him.

Soon the party came to an end. As the family saw the guests out, Longwei stood behind to talk to Li Hua.

"Thank you for inviting me tonight, I had a good time." Longwei said as he turned to face Li Hua.

"Thank you for coming. I'm glad you had a good time tonight. I'm sorry I am not able to be a good host to you and see you out." Li Hua said as she smiled at Longwei.

"It's no problem, I can see myself out Vice President Ning. I hope to hear from you soon about that dinner you promised me."

"Of course."

As Longwei walked out the double doors, Li Hua couldn't help but shake her head. She didn't know why, but for some reason this CEO Li gave her chills that she couldn't shake off. Wasn't he a bit too friendly? They have only met each other twice now, and yet the man had shamelessly acted as if he knew her his whole life. Not only that but he wasn't even shy to show her affection in front of the guests.