
Only u- Waking up

Kylie look around wondering where she is.

She tried moving her hand but felt a hand holding her tightly. She look to see who was handing her hand but saw black hair instead. She tried moving her hand and ended up waking up the boy. The boy stood up and looked at her. Staring deep into each other's eyes , the doctor came in and saw that the girl had woken up. "Hello Mrs Jones, you are finally awake. How are u feeling. And Mr Hyde are you feeling okay too?" They both looked at the doctor and both said "yes , l am feeling good today. Thank u for asking". They gasped and looked at each other and Kylie looked away. "So what happened? Why am l in the hospital?" Asked Kylie confused.

Hi guys, lm Violet

This is my first book so hope u enjoy this novel Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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