
Only One Step at a Time

Adonis had always believed that the world needed him. That was what his mother told him at least. Yet, the vain reality he held onto came crumbling down when death came to him, striving to better the same world. Yet, he found himself in a new world, once again asked to protect it, this time by the god of the world.

Pulasthava450 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 0: Prologue

[Child, were you happy?]

I could not feel anything. Despite everything, I was at peace. Yet, that single sentence, made me mentally wince. Mentally, because I was unaware whether I even possessed a body.

'No,' I answered. Was I ever happy? Yes, yes I was. When I was with my parents, namely my mother, and when I would hang out with my friends. I was happy then. With a more brilliant than average mind, I believed I could easily make it. But reality…it's often disappointing.

[Do you wish to become better?]

I wanted to say no. I had already given up. I would happily stay here, in this blank space forever, happy and at peace. But I knew it would be a lie.

'Yes! YES! I want a new chance!'

[Then please, take care of my people. My world. My life force has already come to an end.My time is already over, but yours…you still have time.]

'Your people?'

[All you have to say is 'I agree to the contract with the

God of Edenas.']

A hard force seemed to strike my mind. I knew the world of Edenas. Despite not being from such a world, I knew it. Through a novel I had read.

'Still, a second chance, huh?'

What not would someone give for a second chance at life. Even if it was to a world doomed to be destroyed.

'Very well, I agree. If it gives me another chance…I agree to the contract with the God of Edenas!'

Was it an illusion? I think I felt the one addressing me smiling.

[Thank you. Thank you, oh one of another world. A word of advice…]

An oppressive feeling began to engulf me, making me fear for myself. Despite not having a body, I felt death breathing down my neck.

[If you dare to betray my trust, or if you fail at your task, you will not have a pleasant rest. My remnant soul, though devoid of consciousness, will drag you to the nether world, and tear your consciousness apart again and again. Then, I wish you luck, both for yourself, and the ones who believed in me.]

I could not say anything, as if my ability to think, talk, adress, was taken away from me. I could feel the space around collapsing against me, until I finally lost consciousness.