
Only My Girl

This is my life. Very flat and empty, until Pelita illuminates my life. Pelita is, "Pelita Nafisa". One of the millions of women with mysterious characteristics, one of the many women who can make my feelings interested in her, and one of hundreds of women on campus, who are not interested in my good looks. I'm Devana Clano, stupid but handsome students and also rich, said the love war will begin soon after this. Pelita, wait for me. I will definitely win your heart, even though you don't love me. I will make you the first, even though you make my last mention. I will make you one, even though I became one of them for you. Wait and then just get it until it arrived. I will keep trying to fight for you until I get your heart. Until that time arrived, I would continue to hope for Goddess of Luck who sided with my side. Whatever happens, I will continue to pay attention to you, until you melt your cold heart. I hope I'm lucky, and hope you love me back.

AurasylaXliniara · Urban
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37 Chs

"Are You Okay?"

—Devana Clano

Only My Girl

Seconds and minutes passed so quickly, until it was not if the lunch time had arrived. Deva is serious enough to learn this time, when no teacher has teached in his class. The reason? Of course because Deva just needs to note what his classified secondsline is written on the board, without bothering the drain of the mind is also good to save power, Deva thought. Yes, it is DEVA. A very hate for study and exemplary activities. Especially with the arrogant properties and likes to have people who poor meat in Deva's body.

Perhaps because he was used to living in a very good at facilitation with no comfort to do everything. Basic Deva, too lunched with existing comfort.

Speaking of 'existing comfort, Deva is now misfortuneing similar things, but in a context that is slightly different from comfort in general. This is not about the less preferenced comfort in his school canteen, not as it is its uncomfortable atmosphere, but this is about Deva's heart discomfort. Somehow the Deva's body was filled with the 'Fire flame 'Vinegar, who was so piercing in his heart.

Deva is fixated in one figure that is 3 meters in front of him, 'Why does it feel so sick? Did I experience hepatitis pain? '. His monologue, when he saw someone he was very recognized to be midwater by the other side.

Really. Deva is very innocent and also stupid. Please remind on Deva if he does not have hepatitis disease, but he has a disease of disease due to jealousy. Please note it to make Deva not be a fool like this now. Either, usually Deva will evaporate his anger without being filarious, but seeing the two men make the Deva reluctant to recover the anger and even to rebuke him he darelessly. As if his heart and mind are not connected into the same goal.

Paying attention to both different people gentlers make Deva inevitably be the center of the attention of the students who passed in the cafeteria. Of course Deva became the center of attention, see Deva. Standing in the middle of the cafeteria without causing the calls of people who told him to pull and even scold those who tried to drop him to sit. It is true that Jefri said in the previous Chapter, 'Naughty and like to make a fuss that bewhwwed himself as the center of attention'.

Forget, forget.

Now we will switch to the Sian perspective.


Sian alone, he is walking while holding a tray containing her food to look for an empty seat in the cafeteria. Whether the already broadcasted Sianan and just think of food or indeed because Sian does not realize if the teenage figure he drag from the class to the cafeteria does not follow his in the back, which is clearly Sian feels very awkward with the existence of his master 'Deva who always disappears without cause.

Sian stopped stepping and thought of the same possibilities repeatedly, "What does Deva follow me?". He mumbled, very slow. Then play the back to seek the existence of Deva who is somewhere.

"I've been able to say." Signs a moment, then re-stepped toward the hustle that happened behind him.

By hasty Sian leaning his tray to someone he did not recognize his name and went on his step toward the middle of the cafeteria.

'Mr. Deva, please not to make a commotion at school, I am not experienced in terms of solving problems like Mr. Lewis.' Inner Sian, still anxiously upset simultaneous. But it did not last long when he had approached the Deva figure who was glued to one object in front of him.

"Hm?", Sian took directing his eyes to the object of Deva seeing,


'O-oh, Miss Vina .. with a man, huh? Yak ~ this will be the most thrilling drama compared to the mission of reservation of Miss Vina yesterday. ' Sian said in his heart, with a little smiled sloping toward Vina who was not aware of the existence of Deva.

Walking near Deva, Sian tapped a little hard dead aunt of Deva to awaken him from the scary downturn.

"Oy! Why do not you follow me earlier, huh?!". Sian's way with a few tips of being made up.

Deva was a little surprised, when Sian was tent his shoulders while calling for a tent between a tofu at the heart. Indeed, his Deal pronouncing mode began to be at the level of 'hiding his hearing, blinding his eyes, and prioritizing lust'. The profit rate is only applied as Sian pats his shoulder only, after his Sian again scolds his makes that the Deva mood gets worse.

Deva wiped his lips, "You sucks, when I do not ask you to keep me like that." His protest, but was even widely awarded from the people who's keeper him 'Sian.

It's annoying, Deva thought.

If only Deva forgot that Sian's status is his guard, maybe a handsome face of Sian will turn very ugly tomorrow morning. Huh? Fortunately yes.

"Stop laughing, the base of the aliens !!".

Not his stop, Sian is even more laughing Deva very quickly when Deva called him 'Alien'. Though the initial intentions of Sian is a scolding Deva and made him cornered, but his real. Without having to scold Deva Sedan already fond and then made Deva as the center of the attention of all people.

Deva's face is flushed as Max and Nana his classmates come to laugh at Deva, "HEY STOP THAT! THERE IS NOTHING FUNNY HERE!!!!!!". Shouted him, that even invited the laughter of all the students who noticed it. Even Vina has realized his existence now.

Deva tried to remain calm, but failed at Vina came to him with a unreadable look of his face. What is Deva wrong see? Vina likes to stab him by very sharpest a second, or is it just Deva's feelings? Hm, I do not know. What is clear now Vina drew himself too sian to the rooftop, whether it is what it is.

Sian just follows Vina steps from behind while covering the mouth using the hand to hold his laughter, 'I feel that Mr. Deva will be exposed to the queen of the migant queen of the sleep... Pfftt!!!'.

Deva? It was certainly his hand's and Vina's hands were incompatible stuff. Rebel? Do not try it, maybe tomorrow Deva will not see the fusion of a cute and innocent Vina again. And ending up with the choice 'obey better than scolded all'.

"Vi .. Na?". Deva asked with a little doubt.

There was no answer from the people who said, Deva also continued his sentence.

"What are you–"

Not yet Deva finished his words, Vina had just cut it, "Shut up." She said, with a tone that is relaxed but so cold.

Quite, Deva sneaked slowly then stared at the Sian who went to mock as well as stumbling down his tongue toward Deva. Deva clenched the hand that did not drag by Vina then directed it to the fore of a word, but not sound.

'Watch out you're f*cking!'. The word Deva is a second and then revamping his face when Vina glanced at the back.


Vina's gaze is really scary, even Deva made a silent a thousand languages will be his gaze. Lucky Deva realizes it, if not? Exactly Sian and Deva that mutxized each other. Until ..

Kriiiet, Bam! ~

They get to Rooftop with Vina which directly throws Deva's hands.

Swooshh ~

The cool breeze blows together with the Vina's gaze that begins to soften, do not forget also with the sluggish smile engraved in the beautiful face of Vina. The smile .. The gaze .. Deva does not want to see it, because Deva is afraid. Afraid when Vina says something bad on Deva, fear if Vina is tired of his attitude that when Deva is uncertainly does it.

Vina's hand decomposard, holds Deva's face and ignored Sian who is among their romantic scenes. Her eyes are flushed, so do it with her nose. The smile looks vibrating, occasionally Deva can see Vina's gembed teeth biting her own lips. What's wrong with this moment? Think Deva and Sian without them realize.

"Vina, you ..

why? Are you okay?". Deva asked very slowly, but still heard by Vina because of the distance between those who are quite close.

And either the drive from where, Deva immediately pulled Vina into his gum. He is getting scared if Vina said something that would hurt her feelings as she was crying, it made his heart so sink.


Deva does not know where the sound comes from, but ..
