
Only My Girl

This is my life. Very flat and empty, until Pelita illuminates my life. Pelita is, "Pelita Nafisa". One of the millions of women with mysterious characteristics, one of the many women who can make my feelings interested in her, and one of hundreds of women on campus, who are not interested in my good looks. I'm Devana Clano, stupid but handsome students and also rich, said the love war will begin soon after this. Pelita, wait for me. I will definitely win your heart, even though you don't love me. I will make you the first, even though you make my last mention. I will make you one, even though I became one of them for you. Wait and then just get it until it arrived. I will keep trying to fight for you until I get your heart. Until that time arrived, I would continue to hope for Goddess of Luck who sided with my side. Whatever happens, I will continue to pay attention to you, until you melt your cold heart. I hope I'm lucky, and hope you love me back.

AurasylaXliniara · Urban
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37 Chs

The devices that Deva mean is a stimulus drug, or the return of the public is a forbidden drug for a male under like Deva.

Deva set his breath after laughing out loud for ten minutes, then throwing a box that wrapped the drug that was to any way.

Deva booked down and up his eyebrows, "How? 'It's' good? Ooh yea... it can be sprinkled over the cake as well, are you two interested in eating it?".

Lewis and Vino were silent, but they looked at Deva with intimidating gazes.

Deva shuts up his eyes with his hands, "Hush Hush! Never mind, I'm sorry, do not look at my face like that, I know I'm handsome but not like this way!". Said Deva.

Vino is clenched his hands, he had not been exhausted by the power of self-owned by Deva.

"Stupid man." Vino mumble.

Lewis justified the location of his glasses who had slumped down, "Excuse me sir, you have to keep the words in this car, because Mr. John will always hear every of our talks in this car." Lewis warned Vino and Deva.

Deva waged his hands, the sign he did not care about the rules and the construction of his family in his family. While Vino, just as his mouth was locked the feet for fear of offensive of Deva's family.

Vino bowed the view because it is awkward, 'Luckily I do not conquer this amateur boy with outrageous, if not ... could be in the morning I have been curtained behind the iron bars.' Inner Vino.

Deva looked at Vino by bored, bored because Vino became a stable man who was afraid of his family's rules.

'Pfft .. This man is so stupid.' Said Deva in his heart.

Now Deva divert views towards Lewis, '..Creepy.' Said Deva in his heart, after seeing the leading germs of Lewis in his direction.

One second, two seconds, even 30 seconds, Lewis continuously looked at Deva with a creepy gaze and in the end Deva decided to look out the window, to eliminate a bit of inexpowering boredom.

Deva holds the window, "Dusk's sky is the sky that brings the wound." He mumbled.

..Talk about the wound, Deva returns his mind to the Vina who is now away from his monitoring. There is a little fire that lit in his heart, maybe because he feels guilty or because he feels losing Vina or can also because he has been shouted to be jealous and fire of anger. Whatever it is, Deva is very tormented with his mood at this time.

Vino who heard the Deva's words were also bowed his views, Vino felt the same thing that Deva felt right now. Yes, Deva is right, 'Dusk's sky is the sky that brings the wounded', the wound that Vino feels right now is about his personal life. That is, the life filled with lies and also a bitter reality, the life filled with revenge and also endless hatred, also meaningless life as a replacement. For Vino, seeing Vina's smile has made his heart calm, but his dear Vino never tells about his personal life to Vina.

Lewis awakened Vino's daydream, "If Master is daydreaming along the way, how do we know your home address?". His question.

Deva massaged his temple, "Lewis ...", his call with a little pinch Lewis's hand, "..Ey you know, he's his brother Vina and now I invite her to home for a personal affairs." Clear Deva by holding emotions that will overflow at any time.

Lewis nodded, "Sorry for my imaginement, sir."

"E-eh? It's okay, Deva didn't say anything about me getting in this car anyway."

Deva is not listening to any conversation between Lewis and Vino today, he's only interested in looking at the twilight sky that's about to turn dark.

Deva lowered the window on her left, then read a slightly heart-rending sentence.

'Farewell,' the quote came from a billboard Deva had accidentally read earlier, that phrase was able to break Deva's spirit to save Vina.

Deva let the afternoon wind sweep over his exhausted face, 'for a moment. I would like a little longer to enjoy this farewell in peace, by uninterrupted.' Said Deva in his heart.


Deva smiled sincerely, "Ah ~ What a tiring day it has been.." Deva then returned to open her eyes to see the darkening sky.

"Hey.." Call Deva to Lewis and Vino without taking his eyes off her.

Lewis and vino were watching deva with wondering, "What's wrong?" Both ask in unison.

".. How does it feel to have a mother? Is that fun?". Asked Deva with a smile that never faded.

Lewis snapped, "I'm doesn't dare to offend you, Sir." Then keep his eyes down.

Deva sighed in surrender, "Yuu overlooked me, Lewis. Never mind.. This time you can offend me however you like, so long as you want to tell me about how it feels to have a mother until you grow up. Vino, you can also offend me, if you have a story or a problem, you can reveal it here now. Just relax, I'll listen to your story properly." Deva said long and wide with eyes full of millions of hope in her.

"Well I'll tell you, but..", Lewis was silent for a moment and then continued his sentence, "..Young master must close the window first, for the sky is getting darker and the temperature is getting cold." Lewis said to Deva.

Deva didn't answer and closed the window right away, "So? How's the taste?". Ask Deva once more.

"Ahem... It's a wonderful taste because I think—".

Deva interrupted Lewis, "Don't be so formal, speak the language you used to use in your house."

Lewis had doubts about Deva's request, "But.."

Deva looked at Lewis with his trusty puppy eyes.

"Hah~ well, where was I?".

Vino answer, "I think...?".

"Ooh yes! I think having a mother is the happiest thing in my life. Because.. Mom is the woman I always make an excuse to come home to. Not to the house, but to the comfort and safety of her Mother's protection. I am so grateful to have felt the safe protection of my Mother when our 'home' comes into a broken ship with no head of the family" Lewis goes for the story, then goes back to saying, "..My Father is a bastard, he marries my Mother for an inheritance his family gave him and my Mother accepts that son of a bitch for a whole love." Lewis said with a subdued voice.

Deva wiped Lewis's shoulders, "Forget it, forget it. If you can't go any further, then Vino will willingly tell us his private story!" Deva said encouragingly.

Vino Firing his lips in frustration, "Why me, you little punk?!!".

Deva just laughed back at the speech of Vino. For Deva, bullying the Vina family was a fun one especially with the 'withering of lips' that he had shown Deva.

Vino with a long sigh, "Hah~ All right!! Let's tell the fairy tales!". Shouts the Vino he receives a small hit from Lewis.

"Ow! What's wrong with this uncle? Even Deva didn't blame my golden voice, why did uncle beat me? Hmph!".

Deva trying to reason with Lewis and Vino, "Hey, there, there. Please continue your story, Vino." Said Deva.

Vino doesn't listen to Deva and comes back to argument with Lewis in ignoring the Vino protests. Deva was able to persuade Vino to come back to his story, but repeatedly Deva persuaded his Vino not to listen.

Deva turned his lazy eyes, "Ohh Lord, why do I have to be among this same-sex romance drama.." Mumbled Deva.

Deva stretched out his finger and then got ready to shout something, "HEY YOU SAME-SEX! I Don't permit you to show off your disgusting relationships here you know!!" He shouted.

Lewis looked at Deva with his mouth like he was going to spit something out, while Vino jerked up for a moment then came back to kindling his anger at Deva.

"Huh?!! Same-sex partners? It can't be happening! Me and old uncle here are mortal enemies starting today." The word Vino by stressing each sentence.

Deva ruffled his hair, "Whatever. I don't give a shit. I'm tired." Then Deva took his eyes off Lewis and Vino.

Lewis smiled but with a sad feelings, he felt so guilty for making deva in a bad mood.

Lewis looked at the Vino, 'Just wait. I will certainly make a great distance between you and young master Deva.' Said Lewis in his heart.

Vino seen by Lewis can only bite his lips to stem the shame of Shouting. Because she bit her lip too long, her cheeks began to turn red, perhaps the blush on her face was also a sign that she was feeling shy.

Lewis came out of his reversions, then he held the lips of Vino with his hand.

"Don't hurt your mouth.." Lewis's whispers were barely audible to the Vino.

Badump~ badump~

'W-what? W-why is my heart beating so fast? Wh-what's going on?'. Ask Vino in his heart.

Vino doesn't follow Lewis' words and bites his lips with less blood. Lewis starts pinching the cheeks of the Vino to make the bite loosened a bit. But it still fails, the more Vino biting his lips is getting stronger.

'This boy is so undisciplined! I have no choice but to... I'm sorry, it's for your own good.' Said Lewis in his heart.

Lewis grabs the back of the Vino head, then propels him to thin the distance between him and the Vino.

Vino tries to revolt, "Le-lewis.." He whispered, but it was too late...


Lewis kisses the lips of the Vino in small drops of blood, then quickly he licks the blood until the Vino grimaces slightly.

Vino slightly nudged Lewis's body, "Sssh... Le-lewis...hhhhh~".

Lewis doesn't care for the call of Vino, he recovers the blood of the Vino in continuous flow.

Unconsciously the Vino closes his eyes, 'What the atmosphere like this?! Why doesn't my body refuse her kisses at all?!' Inner Vino.

Biip! Biip!

A car honked and at that moment Lewis gave his kisses to the Vino. Deva turned his back on Lewis and Vino that was acting out of place.

"You guys.. Anything all right..?" Ask Deva and make Vino indisposed.

Lewis and Vino aren't answering. Lewis calmly looked forward, while Vino covered half the blushing face with his arm.

Deva raised her hand didn't care, then opened the door to get out of the car. "Come on out, don't date in my car." Deva said to warn the Vino.


Every sentence of this chapter is a request of one my friends... I'm sorry if you don't like this chapter so much;(

thanks for waiting ! ♡

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